SCS Lectureship Awards

The SCS Lectureship is awarded to world-class distinguished scientists, and it is organized under the patronage of the Swiss Chemical Society. Over a week, the lecturer gives five presentations and discusses with colleagues at four to five different Swiss research institutions. The selection of the lecturers follows a bottom-up approach where PIs from all Swiss research institutions can propose candidates. The program covers all areas of chemistry. The choice among the proposed lectureships is made by the board of the Division of Fundamental Research (DFR) of the SCS.

SCS Lectureship Tours

Approved Tours 2025

Prof. Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISR
Research interests: physical organic chemistry that combines experimental, computational, and statistical strategies to identify design principles behind molecular functionality, reactivity, and selectivity

  • Mon, April 7: University of Zurich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric, Prof. Karl Gademann and ETHZ co-host, Prof. Helma Wennemers)
  • Tue, April 8, University of Basel (host: Prof. Konrad Tiefenbacher)
  • Wed, April 9, University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
  • Thu, April 10, University of Fribourg (host: Prof. Christian Bochet)
  • Fri, April 11, EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Philippe Schwaller)
  • Mon, April 14, University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jérôme Lacour)

Tour organizer: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva

Prof. Tehshik Yoon, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Research interests: use of photochemistry to assemble otherwise unaccessible structures with precise stereocontrol
Tour dates: May 19-23, 2025

  • Mon, May 19: University of Zürich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric)
  • Tue, May 20: University of Basel (host: Prof. Olivier Baudoin)
  • Wed, May 21: University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
  • Thu, May 22: EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Jieping Zhu)
  • Fri, May 23: University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jerome Lacour)

Tour organizer: Prof. Olivier Baudoin, University of Basel

Prof. Yamuna Krishnan, University of Chicago, USA
Research interests: quantitative chemical imaging in living systems
Tour dates: September 8-16, 2025

  • Mon, Sep 8: University of Geneva (host: Prof. Sascha Hoogendoorn)
  • Tue, Sep 9: EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Beat Fierz)
  • Wed, Sep 10: University of Fribourg (host: Prof. Ali Coskun)
  • Thu, Sep 11: University of Bern (host: Prof. Francesca Paradisi
  • Fri, Sep 12: University of Basel (host: Prof. Dennis Gillingham)
  • Mon, Sep 14: Universitz of Zürich (host: Prof. Alexandria Deliz Liang) 
  • Tue, Sep 15: ETH Zurich (host: Prof. Kathrin Lang)

Tour organizer: Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne

Prof. Laura Kiessling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Research interests: chemical biology to elucidate the biological roles of carbohydrates, with a focus on learning new mechanistic concepts
Tour organizer: Prof. Nina Hartrampf, University of Zürich

Program Director
Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne

Site Coordinators
University of Basel: Prof. Stefan Willitsch
University of Bern: Prof. Philippe Renaud
University of Fribourg: Prof. Fabio Zobi
University of Geneva: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger 
Univesity of Neuchâtel: Prof. Bruno Therrien 
University of Zurich: Prof. Cristina Nevado
EPFL Lausanne: Prof. Sandrine Gerber
ETH Zurich: Prof. Frédéric Merkt, Prof. Bill Morandi
Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Dr. Sarah Sulzer
Novartis Pharma AG: Dr. Fabrice Gallou
F. Hofmann-La Roche AG: Dr. Stefan Bachmann 
BASF Schweiz AG: Dr. Olivier Enger
The SCS Lectureship Program is supported by: