SCS Lectureship Awards
SCS Lectureship Tours
Approved Tours 2025
Prof. Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISR
Research interests: physical organic chemistry that combines experimental, computational, and statistical strategies to identify design principles behind molecular functionality, reactivity, and selectivity
- Mon, April 7: University of Zurich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric, Prof. Karl Gademann and ETHZ co-host, Prof. Helma Wennemers)
- Tue, April 8, University of Basel (host: Prof. Konrad Tiefenbacher)
- Wed, April 9, University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
- Thu, April 10, University of Fribourg (host: Prof. Christian Bochet)
- Fri, April 11, EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Philippe Schwaller)
- Mon, April 14, University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jérôme Lacour)
Tour organizer: Prof. Jérôme Lacour, University of Geneva
Prof. Tehshik Yoon, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Research interests: use of photochemistry to assemble otherwise unaccessible structures with precise stereocontrol
Tour dates: May 19-23, 2025
- Mon, May 19: University of Zürich (host: Prof. Ilija Coric)
- Tue, May 20: University of Basel (host: Prof. Olivier Baudoin)
- Wed, May 21: University of Bern (host: Prof. Dmitry Katayev)
- Thu, May 22: EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Jieping Zhu)
- Fri, May 23: University of Geneva (host: Prof. Jerome Lacour)
Tour organizer: Prof. Olivier Baudoin, University of Basel
Prof. Yamuna Krishnan, University of Chicago, USA
Research interests: quantitative chemical imaging in living systems
Tour dates: September 8-16, 2025
- Mon, Sep 8: University of Geneva (host: Prof. Sascha Hoogendoorn)
- Tue, Sep 9: EPFL Lausanne (host: Prof. Beat Fierz)
- Wed, Sep 10: University of Fribourg (host: Prof. Ali Coskun)
- Thu, Sep 11: University of Bern (host: Prof. Francesca Paradisi
- Fri, Sep 12: University of Basel (host: Prof. Dennis Gillingham)
- Mon, Sep 14: Universitz of Zürich (host: Prof. Alexandria Deliz Liang)
- Tue, Sep 15: ETH Zurich (host: Prof. Kathrin Lang)
Tour organizer: Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne
Prof. Laura Kiessling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Research interests: chemical biology to elucidate the biological roles of carbohydrates, with a focus on learning new mechanistic concepts
Tour organizer: Prof. Nina Hartrampf, University of Zürich
Program Director
Prof. Beat Fierz, EPFL Lausanne
Site Coordinators
University of Basel: Prof. Stefan Willitsch
University of Bern: Prof. Philippe Renaud
University of Fribourg: Prof. Fabio Zobi
University of Geneva: Prof. Nicolas Winssinger
Univesity of Neuchâtel: Prof. Bruno Therrien
University of Zurich: Prof. Cristina Nevado
EPFL Lausanne: Prof. Sandrine Gerber
ETH Zurich: Prof. Frédéric Merkt, Prof. Bill Morandi
Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Dr. Sarah Sulzer
Novartis Pharma AG: Dr. Fabrice Gallou
F. Hofmann-La Roche AG: Dr. Stefan Bachmann
BASF Schweiz AG: Dr. Olivier Enger