The SCS Fall Meeting 2026, one of the largest annual research conferences held in Switzerland, offers a unique opportunity for all members of the community to share the results of their research initiatives and to connect with each other.
For generations of young chemists educated in Switzerland, the Fall Meeting is a great platform to present their research –often for the first time ever at a major conference- and to be inspired by the people one gets to meet.
The Scientific Program offers Award Lectures presented by leaders in their respective fields, as well as invited and contributed lectures in nine thematic sessions covering all of chemistry.
Program Highlights:
- Plenary sessions with lectures of SCS prize winners 2024
- Poster Session during the Beer & Brezel Event and the lunch breaks
- Nine thematic parallel sessions with keynote lectures and 15min PhD presentations
- Best oral and best poster presentation award ceremony
Topics of the parallel sessions are
- Analytical Sciences
- Catalysis Science & Engineering
- Computational Chemistry
- Chemistry and the Environment
- Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces