DMCCB Newsletter #8 December 2017
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Dear Members of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
The highlights of 2017 were the Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry meeting and a one-and-a-half day SCS Fall meeting, both in Bern. We made efforts to improve communication and create networking opportunities, and the feedback we received from you as members of the DMCCB was very positive. Thank you for your encouragements and please continue to let us know what you like and what could be improved – don’t hesitate to contact us, any time.
This is already the last DMCCB newsletter of 2017. We hope that you all had a very inspiring and successful year filled with new encounters and exciting science.
We would like to thank you all for your continued support and wish you a very sincere
We are looking forward to meeting you again in 2018, latest at the DMCCB Basel Symposium on May, 14th. In this regard, we have the latest news just below.
And the winner is….
Novel chemical space and tools for chemical biology, medicinal and agrochemistry
In our previous Newsletter, the DMCCB has asked for your opinion regarding the topic of the next DMCCB Basel Symposium. Thank you very much to all participants in the poll! With 41.5% of the votes, we are happy to announce that the highly interdisciplinary topic mentioned above is the winner of the competition.
The next DMCCB Basel Symposium will take place on May 14th, 2018 at the Pharmacenter in Basel. Save the date!
The DMCCB Board is now fully engaged in the organization of the event. Keep an eye on our website and social media feeds to get all the relevant information on time!
Announcement from the DMCCB
DMCCB travel grants: Starting in 2018 and three times a year, the Division will award a maximum of 3 “DMCCB Travel Grants” of up to 800 CHF each to PhD students and postdocs wishing to attend conferences or workshops (co-) organized or sponsored by the DMCCB, or organized by the EFMC or DMCCB partner societies (LS2, GDCh). A great chance for young fellows to attend exciting medicinal chemistry or chemical biology events. Eligibility criteria and instructions on how to apply are available on our website.
Upcoming Congresses and Symposia
International Symposium on Chemical Biology 2018 – Campus Biotech, Geneva – January 10-12, 2018: This international meeting of the highest scientific caliber will bring together leading scientists to feature the latest advances within the broad field of chemical biology and foster an open and dynamic dialogue. The meeting is organized by the NCCR Chemical Biology. A joint NCCR Chemical Biology /LS2 satellite meeting is organized prior to the event for students and postdocs to enable young scientists to present their work in front of the symposium’s plenary speakers.
1st Alpine Winter Conference on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry – St. Anton, Austria – Jan 28-Feb 1, 2018: This interdisciplinary meeting sponsored by the EFMC will expose attending scientists to cutting edge synthetic and medicinal chemistry as well as latest developments in technologies that foster innovation in drug discovery. The target audience will include medicinal and synthetic chemists and scientists involved in all drug discovery disciplines from both industry and academia as well as graduate/undergraduate students and postdocs. Abstract submission possible for oral communications.
LS2 Annual Meeting 2018 – University of Lausanne – February 10-12, 2018: “Metabolism and signaling in the life sciences”, the Life Science Switzerland (LS2) Annual Meeting 2018 will bring together scientists from all nations and backgrounds to explore the large spectrum of scientific questions covered under the umbrella of Life Sciences. Beyond “classical science sessions”, the scientific program will feature special sessions, including: a transdisciplinary panel on CRISPR/Cas9 – a PIs of tomorrow postdoc contest – careers in the Life Sciences lunch roundtables – a science crowdfunding evening event.
SCT Young Research Fellows Meeting – Orleans, France – March 5-7, 2018: This initiative of the French Medicinal Chemistry Society (SCT) will bring together young European scientists (PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and young academic/industrial researchers) and will give them the opportunity to present and discuss the latest innovations and future trends in medicinal chemistry. The topics presented cover many aspects of research in medicinal chemistry including: research and validation of biological targets, screening, design, optimization and selection of drug candidates, chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, metabolism and toxicity. Registration open until January 8th, 2018.
DMCCB Basel Symposium – Pharmacenter, Basel – May 14, 2018 (afternoon): As announced above, this year’s half-day symposium will cover “Novel chemical space and tools for chemical biology, medicinal and agrochemistry”. The program of this interdisciplinary meeting will include renowned scientists from industry and academia with whom we will explore exciting novel chemical spaces of interest to chemical biologists, medicinal and agrochemists. More details and full program will be available on our website soon.
News and upcoming events from the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC)
Call for Nominations - EFMC 2018 Awards: To acknowledge outstanding achievements in the field of medicinal chemistry, the EFMC is conferring every two years three awards: The Nauta award for pharmacochemistry, the UCB-Ehrlich award for excellence in medicinal chemistry and the Prous Institute – Overton and Meyer award for new technologies in drug discovery. The 2018 awards will be conferred on the occasion of the XXV EFMC "International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry" (EFMC-ISMC) to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia in September 2018. Deadline for nominations: January 31st, 2018.
Call for Nominations - EFMC Prize for Young Medicinal Chemist in Industry and Academia: Every year, the EFMC recognizes outstanding young medicinal chemists (≤ 12 years after PhD) working in industry or academia within Europe. The awardees of the prestigious EFMC Prizes for Young Medicinal Chemists in Industry and academia 2018 will have the chance to give a presentation at the XXV EFMC "International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry" (EFMC-ISMC) to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia in September 2018. Two nominees will be identified and acknowledged in each category. Deadline for nominations: January 31st, 2018.
XXV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry – Ljubljana, Slovenia – Sept 2-6, 2018: The biennial EFMC-ISMC is a key symposium in the field of medicinal chemistry and attracts around 1200 participants from industry and academia. The symposium is divided in three streams and covers advances in drug discovery in multiple therapeutic areas, chemical biology and drug-discovery related technologies. The program will be completed by a number of plenary lectures, first time disclosures, and recent highlights in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Early bird registration until March 25th, 2018.
Did you know…
As a DMCCB member you can benefit from multiple advantages including discounted rates for events organized by the DMCCB and for the Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry, as well as at events of our partner societies such as Life Science Switzerland (LS2) and GDCh. As member of the DMCCB, you will also benefit from all advantages offered by the EFMC. Member benefits are now listed on our website, so you can check your advantages at any time!