Chemische Industrie investiert mehr denn je in Forschung
Die private Schweizer Wirtschaft wendete 2008 um 12 Mia. Franken für Forschung und Entwicklung auf. Chemie und Pharma machten davon nahezu die Hälfte (44%) aus.Read more: Chemische Industrie investiert mehr denn je in Forschung
Peter Kündig is the New SCS President
The SCS Presidency passed from Georg Frater to Peter Kündig at the Society's Spring Meeting in Bern. Duilio Arigoni and Albert Eschenmoser were awarded SCS Honorary Membership.CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: SCNAT/SCS Chemistry Travel Award
The Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and the "Platform Chemistry" of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) announce the creation of the "2010 SCNAT/SCS Chemistry Travel Award".Read more: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: SCNAT/SCS Chemistry Travel Award
Swiss Researchers Grab 29 Out of 236 ERC Grants
Five grants will go to chemistsNEWS RELEASE: Lonza Team Receives 2010 Sandmeyer Prize for Microreactor Technology
Basel, Switzerland, 21 January 2010 – The Swiss Chemical Society (SCG) has decided to award the 2010 Sandmeyer Prize for industrial chemistry to a team of four from Lonza.Read more: NEWS RELEASE: Lonza Team Receives 2010 Sandmeyer Prize for Microreactor Technology
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