New CHIMIA website incl. the article archive that goes back to 1990
In 2020, CHIMIA became a platinum Open Access journal. By doing so the Swiss Chemical Society, as the publisher of CHIMIA, and the CHIMIA Editorial Board stated their support to the growing movement across Europe towards Open Access and Open Science.
In a further move to establish CHIMIA as a modern, accessible journal both in print and online, the website has been redesigned to provide all CHIMIA offerings from submission to pdfs of published articles, based on the OJS system. The previous partnership with as content host has been discontinued and no CHIMIA articles will be available anymore as of March 2022. You will find direct free access to all past content going back to 1990 and a link for online manuscript submission on the new website
Pdfs of the full issues are also available to SCS members. Simply login to your member account and download issues going back to 2016.
The huge task of programming and migration of over 30 years of digital content was undertaken by Editorial Board member Martin Brändle, to whom we are very grateful.
Gillian Harvey, CHIMIA / David Spichiger, SCS
Invitation to the SCS General Assembly 2022: University of Geneva, April 22, 2022
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to join the 32nd General Assembly.
SCS General Assembly 2022
April 22, 2022, 13.30–14.00h (Lunch break of the SCS Spring Meeting 2022).
University of Geneva, Science II, 30 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, Geneva
Agenda GA 2022 (providional)
- Welcome and approval of the agenda
- Election of the vote counters
- Minutes of the 31st General Assembly from April 15, 2021 (published in CHIMIA 5/2021, A459)
- Annual report 2021 (published in CHIMIA 1-2/2022)
- Financial statement 2021 incl. audit report (a summary of the financial statement 2021 and the asset allocation per network and funds is available for members on the website after the formal audit (login required)
- Discharge the Board
- Elections for the ExB and the BoD
Election of the auditors - Membership fees 2023
- News and strategic projects
- Outlook 2022/2023
- Varia
Motions to the assembly can be submitted until April 1, 2022 to .
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Prof. Christian Bochet, President
David Spichiger, Executive Director
David Spichiger, SCS
Virtual CHIMIA Issue: ‘A Perspective on Chemistry and Society’
During 2021, to celebrate 75 years of publishing CHIMIA, a special column was created called ‘A Perspective on Chemistry and Society’. To celebrate this milestone, throughout the year, we published short opinion pieces by invited authors on wide-ranging topics including science, industry, the environment, education, society, and politics. We asked the authors to look forward rather than back and address current and future prospects for chemistry and society.
We were very pleased to publish 22 interesting articles and we would like to thank all the authors who generously and enthusiastically contributed their insightful thoughts and took the time to write these articles. The articles have been collected into a special, open access, virtual issue, which is available on the CHIMIA website or as download via the following link:
Gillian Harvey, CHIMIA
Welcome Message 2022 from the New SCS President: Prof. Christian Bochet
Dear members of the SCS,
It is a great honor for me to be able to wish all of you a very happy and fruitful year 2022. Once again, it will be a year full of challenges, but also full of hopes. After nearly two years of pandemic, let’s use what we have learned from it to be stronger, more efficient and, above all, happier.
First, for both industry and academia, it has been amazing to see how fast we all could adapt our way of working to resume our professional activities past the first shock. There are times where too much retrograde or forward thinking is not the best way to go, as it may lead to either nostalgia or exaggerate optimism (or pessimism!). Focusing on immediate actions to allow the proper functioning of our institution, company and even civilization was necessary, and we all succeeded in doing that at our own individual and humble scale.
Second, it has also been amazing how fast science could provide valuable data to properly respond to the situation, ranging from developing vaccines and treatments to modeling aerosol dispersion and filtering capacity of materials, without forgetting high-throughput testing and multiple other, less visible but nevertheless important, aspects.
Third, sorting facts from myths, identifying syllogisms and sophisms and admitting that acquiring knowledge doesn’t necessarily take the straightest path are our collective responsibility, as scientists. We may have underestimated how important it is to communicate to people from other horizons what we do, and it is precisely in turbulent times that rigorous thinking is of the highest importance.
Finally, we may have taken for granted that interaction with friends, colleagues or random individuals is easy and can be replaced by chat messages and video meetings. After multiple events that had to go online, the Swiss Science Night was definitely a huge success, and the pure joy of seeing each other in person was a live proof of the necessity of direct human contacts.
I am deeply grateful to my predecessors, who years after years built the SCS into what it is now: a vibrant society, able to cross through the last two years with a remarkable resilience and playing its role as the hub linking chemists of Switzerland. In fact, despite all the difficulties, it was able not only to run, but also to expand its activities in numerous directions while maintaining healthy finances. I already look forward to report on our new activities at the next General Assembly (save the date: April 22nd, 2022 !), and in the meantime I wish you all the best and I hope to have the pleasure of meeting many of you at all possible occasions.
Prof. Christian Bochet, SCS President 2022
University of Fribourg
Christian Bochet, SCS
Fribourg, January 14, 2022
Overview of the SCS Scientific Events 2022
European Young Chemists Meeting 2022 (EyCheM22)
Jan 19-21, 2022, Online Conference (Uni Fribourg)
DMCCB Basel Symposium 2022
«Intrinsically Disordered Proteins as Drug Targets»
Jan 31, 2022, Online Conference (Uni Basel)
SCS Spring Meeting 2022
«Biosupramolecular Chemistry»
Apr 22, 2022, University of Geneva
Section Chemistry and the Environment (SCE) Young Scientist Event 2022
May 3, 2022, Syngenta Research Center, Stein (AG)
SCS Bürgenstock Conference 2022
May 1-5, 2022, Hotel Waldstätterhof, Brunnen
CHanalysis 2022
May 19-20, 2022, Dorint Blüemlisalp, Beatenberg
Swiss Photochemistry Symposium 2022
Jun 17, 2022, HEIA Fribourg
SCS Seminar on Flow Chemistry 2022
Jun 27-29, 2022, Villars-sur-Glâne
Swiss Catalysis Symposium 2022 (SwissCat)
Jun 30, 2022, University of Bern
Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2022
Aug 25-26, 2022, University of Basel
SCS Fall Meeting 2022
Sep 8, 2022, Irchel Campus, University of Zürich
SCS Summer School on Chemical Biology 2022
Sep 11-15, 2022, Les Diablerets
Swiss Chemistry Science Night 2022
Sep 16, 2022, Casino Bern
ILMAC Lausanne 2022
Sep 28-29, 2022, Beaulieu, Lausanne
14th Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry 2022
Oct 9-14, 2022, Alpine Classic Hotel, Leysin
SCS Seminar on Intellectual Property 2022
Advanced course with focus on industry
Nov 7-8, 2022, Seminarzentrum Schloss Gerzensee
➤ More events will be announced as soon as dates and locations are confirmed
Event Series 2022
- Casale Mini-Symposia
- SCS Lectureships
- Corporate Insights by youngSCS
- SWC Mentoring Program
David Spichiger, SCS
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