Reto Battaglia receives EuCheMS Award for Service
The Board of the Swiss Chemical Society congratulates its Member Dr. Reto Battaglia for the EuCheMS Award for Service.Read more: Reto Battaglia receives EuCheMS Award for Service
Ausgezeichnete Nachwuchwissenschafter
Die Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft verleiht am 13. Oktober 2005 an der ETH Lausanne zwei renommierte Wissenschaftspreise.Scientific Council of the European Research Council announced
Today the European Commission is announcing the names of the 22 eminent men and women who will be the founding members of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC), a funding organisation for frontier research proposed by the EuropeaRead more: Scientific Council of the European Research Council announced
Neues Chemikalienrecht am 1. August 2005 in Kraft
Weitgehende Harmonisierung mit EU-VorschriftenRead more: Neues Chemikalienrecht am 1. August 2005 in Kraft
EuCheMS Opposes FP7 Budget Reduction
Cuts to Research Framework Programme 7 proposed by the Luxembourg Presidency will seriously inhibit research and innovation in Europe.Page 226 of 295