Prof. Eric Bakker receives the Simon Widmer Award 2019
On the occasion of the 5th CHanalysis in Beatenberg, April 11-12, 2019, Prof Eric Bakker received the Simon Widmer Award 2019 for his pioneering work in ionselective electrochemical and optical sensors. Eric established himself as one of the leading electroanalytical chemists in the world and he is a very deserving recipient of this distin-guished award.
Picture: Prize winner Eric Bakker (right) receives the award from Marc Suter, President of the SCS Division of Analytical Sciences.
Eric obtained his PhD in 1993 under the supervision of Professor Wilhelm Simon at ETH Zürich. Following a postdoctoral stay at the University of Michigan, he then joined the faculty at Auburn University, Alabama, USA, as an Assistant Professor in 1995 and was later promoted to Full Professor in 2003. In 2005–2008, he was a Professor at Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, and moved then to Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Since 2010, he is Professor at the University of Geneva, where he also served as Director of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry.
David Spichiger, SCS
Catalog for the 2019 DAS Education Courses
The Division of Analytical Sciences (DAS) of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) offers a wide range of further education courses in the fields of analytical sciences such as special techniques, methods of life sciences, quality assurance, spectroscopy and separation technology.
From beginners to experts, all level of users are within our target group. We offer our courses in collaboration with industrial partners to ensure the relevance of application.
Weiterbildung SCG/DAS
c/o Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Tel.: +41 -58 765 52 00
Fax: +41 -58 765 58 01
David Spichiger, SCS
Anton Paar Forschungspreis für Instrumentelle Analytik & Charakterisierung
Sie beschäftigen sich mit Charakterisierung und instrumenteller Analytik und haben ein außergewöhnliches, spannendes Projekt entwickelt oder eine geniale Idee zu Papier gebracht? Dann bewerben Sie sich um den mit 20.000 Euro dotierten Anton Paar Forschungspreis für instrumentelle Analytik & Charakterisierung.
Anton Paar, der österreichische Spezialist für Analyselösungen und Messgeräte, schreibt den ersten “Anton Paar Forschungspreis für instrumentelle Analytik & Charakterisierung” aus. Mögliche Einreichungen umfassen neue Methoden und/oder Anwendungen der instrumentellen chemischen Analyse oder der physikalischen Charakterisierung von Materialien und dürfen nicht älter als zwei Jahre sein. Darüber hinaus sollen die eingereichten Projekte idealerweise als Produkt oder Anwendung realisierbar sein.
Offen für alle
Diese Ausschreibung ist offen für alle, die sich für chemische Analyse oder physikalische Charakterisierung interessieren. Der Schwerpunkt soll auf neuen Methoden oder Anwendungen liegen. Zur Einreichung sind auch Projekte zugelassen, die nicht publiziert sind, solange sie unseren Vorgaben entsprechen.
20.000 Euro Preisgeld
Der Anton Paar Forschungspreis ist mit 20.000 Euro dotiert und wird von Anton Paar finanziert. Die Preisträger werden von einer Jury bewertet und ausgewählt, die aus renommierten, universitären Forschern und Spezialisten von Anton Paar besteht. Bei der Beurteilung geht es primär darum, ob die Einreichung letztendlich das Potenzial hat, als neues Produkt oder neue Methode umgesetzt zu werden oder zu einer neuen oder verbesserten Messtechnik oder Messmethodik zu führen. Der Preis wird im November 2018 in der Zentrale von Anton Paar in Graz oder einer internationalen Unternehmenstochter verliehen.
Bitte benutzen Sie das Formular auf der Webseite (, um Ihr Projekt einzureichen und die erforderlichen Dokumente hochzuladen.
Alle Einreichungen müssen folgende Information beinhalten:
- Titel der Einreichung (max. 50 Zeichen)
- Zusammenfassung (max. 250 Zeichen)
- Die volle Einreichung als Anhang (max. 4 Seiten, 11 pt., inklusive einer Einschätzung, warum die Einreichung passend ist)
- Einen Lebenslauf von jeder/jedem Autor/-in
- Eine Publikationsliste bzw. Liste an Patenteinreichungen (sofern zutreffend)
Die Bewerbungen müssen bis spätestens 30. September 2018 um 23:59 Uhr eingereicht werden. Später eintreffende Anträge werden nicht berücksichtigt. Alle Bewerbungen werden auf dieser Website veröffentlicht (Titel der Bewerbung, Vor- und Zunamen der Einreichenden und zugehörige Organisation sofern zutreffend). Der Anton Paar Forschungspreis für instrumentelle Analytik und Charakterisierung ist offen für alle, die in diesen Feldern aktiv sind.
David Spichiger, SCS
32nd International Symposium on Chromatography ISC 2018
The International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC) represents a traditional congress series of major European Chemical Societies. It is one of the premier meetings for discussion of all modes of chromatography and separation sciences with a broad coverage of techniques and applications.
Through a harmonious combination of oral and poster presentations, round tables, tutorials, short courses, vendor lectures and seminars, and an international exhibition on Instrumentation and Services, ISC 2018 will provide you with the advances, fundamentals, challenges, trends and applications of separation techniques, chromatography and mass spectrometry in the widest range of topics.
As the Symposium will take place in Cannes-Mandelieu, Côte d’Azur, a fabulous setting in the French Riviera, we hope that the charm and sweetness of the region in September will be conducive to give the ISC 2018 meeting a special flavor.
ISC 2018 Symposium Themes
- Fundamentals
- New technologies and instrumentations for GC, LC and SFC
- Stationary phases for GC, LC and SFC
- Electrodriven techniques
- Multidimensional techniques
- Mass spectrometry and applications
- Hyphenated techniques and applications
- Miniaturized and on-chip techniques
- Sample preparation
- Trace analysis
- Pharmacy and cosmetics
- Clinical, biomedical and toxicological analysis
- Environment
- Omics
- Food, natural products
- Biologics, biopharmaceuticals
- Flavors and perfumes
- Chemometrics, quality by design, modelling
- Emerging techniques
- Process chromatography
Important Dates
- Online registration - Abstract Submission: August 30, 2017
- Abstract deadline: March 30, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2018
- Deadline for reduced fees: June 23, 2018
- Short Courses: September 23, 2018
- Symposium: September 24-27, 2018
David Spichiger, SCS
Conference report for the DAS travel award: HPLC 2017
HPLC 2017 Prague Symposium, 45th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques
Participants supported by the DAS travel award: Sophie Bravo-Veyrat1, Laura Akbal1, Michel Raetz1, David Ruskic1 and Fabio Stephan2 (1University of Geneva and 2HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
The conference "HPLC 2017" is famous for being the world leading forum for the information exchange among researchers working with separations in liquid phases and supercritical fluids. The conference is organized annually around the globe, and this year it took place in Prague from 18 to 22 June. It was an amazing opportunity to develop our professional network. 1354 participants from 54 countries attended the conference, providing a diverse international professional environment. We had the chance to meet very interesting scientists, and sometimes to put a face on a well-known name.
The conference program covered all aspects of fundamental and experimental approaches, novel instrumentation, column technologies and cutting-edge applications and instrumentation. One of the main goals of this symposium was to facilitate the active participation of young researchers. Thus, four of us got the opportunity to give a talk and/or present a poster. Some of us also followed the short courses given by experts in their field.
Even though we came from different research fields, all of us found intriguing topics from the more than 200 lectures and 600 posters presented. We all had great discussions and found answers to our questions, or potential new research directions. Our talks and poster created discussions and gave the opportunity to receive important inputs from different perspectives. We had the pleasure to see that our work was of interest for other scientists. During the conference, we dedicated all of our time to meet new people.
Another important and interesting part of the conference was the possibility to meet leading vendors presenting their latest technical innovations, a good occasion to update our knowledge on state-of-the-art technologies. Tutorials, given by top experts at the beginning of each session, allowed us to get an insight into new methods, instrumentation and techniques, and sometimes about a slightly different field, which is important for our scientific culture. Recent achievements in method development and the coupling of various techniques with mass spectrometry were highlighted in the talks as well as in the poster sessions.
We want to thank the DAS board for supporting our participation at the HPLC 2017 Prague Symposium as it was a great experience for all of us!
David Spichiger, SCS
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