CHanalysis 2018, Beatenberg, April 12-13, 2018: registration is open
The Division Analytical Sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCG/DAS) is organizing CHanalysis, a meeting of Swiss analytical scientists. We cordially invite you to participate in the next meeting in the Dorint Hotel in Beatenberg on 12–13 April 2018.
The goal is to stimulate a stronger cooperation among persons working in different areas of analytical sciences. Scientists from applied and fundamental research, from industry, education, and regulation are welcome.
Invited Speakers
Prof. Enrico Martionoia, University of Zurich
«Heavy metals and plants: how plants can be used in cleaning up soils and producing safe food»
Prof. Eric Bakker, University of Geneva
«Closed bipolar membrane electrodes to translate electrochemistry into colour»
Prof. Bodo Hattendorf, ETH Zurich
«Laser ablation under pressure for mass spectrometry-based element imaging without an ICP»
Prof. Renato Zenobi, ETH Zurich
Visit the website to see the full program:
Important Dates
- Submission of abstracts: by March 2, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2018
- Registration: until March 23, 2018
- Meeting: April 12–13, 2018
More information
Flyer CHanalysis (pdf file)
David Spichiger, SCS
Ausschreibung des Peter B. Czedik-Eysenberg-Preis 2018
Peter B. Czedik-Eysenberg-Preis 2018 der GÖCH - Arbeitsgruppe Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Gebrauchsgegenstände
Angesprochener Personenkreis
Der Preis, der alle 2 Jahre vergeben wird, ist offen für junge Wissenschaftler bis zum vollendeten 40. Lebensjahr, die sich mit der Chemie von Lebensmitteln, Kosmetika und/oder Gebrauchsgegenständen in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit beschäftigen.
Für die Preisvergabe kommen wissenschaftliche Publikationen in Betracht, die die Einreichenden selbständig verfasst haben und die in den letzten zwei Jahren bereits veröffentlicht, bzw. zur Veröffentlichung angenommen wurden.
Dotierung des Preises
€ 1000,-. Das Preisgeld kann auf höchstens zwei Preisträger aufgeteilt werden.
Die Auswahl der den Preis erhaltenden Person erfolgt durch die statutengemäß gewählten Mitglieder des Ausschusses der GÖCH - Arbeitsgruppe „Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Gebrauchsgegenstände“ unter Vorsitz des Arbeitsgruppen-Obmannes.
Die Beschlussfassung erfolgt mit Mehrheit.
Die Preisvergabe erfolgt während der Lebensmittelchemikertage 2018 in festlichem Rahmen durch Vertreter der Arbeitsgruppe Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Gebrauchsgegenstände und der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker. Die Preisträgerin bzw. der Preisträger wird eingeladen, bei dieser Gelegenheit einen Kurzvortrag aus dem Arbeitsbereich zu halten.
Die Publikation und ein kurzer Lebenslauf müssen ausschließlich auf elektronischem Wege an mit Kennwort „P.B. Czedik-Eysenberg-Preis 2018“ eingereicht werden. Die Deadline für die Einreichung ist der 31. Jänner 2018.
David Spichiger, SCS
Einladung zur APPLICA 2017
Die APPLICA ist ein praxisorientiertes Fachseminar, welches sich an Anwender moderner Trenntechniken wendet. Sie findet nun bereits zum 8. Mal statt. Im Fokus der diesjährigen APPLICA stehen analytische Anwendungen im Bereich von polaren Kleinmolekülen bis hin zu komplexen Biopolymeren. Dabei stellen wir uns die Frage, ob dabei die Umkehrphase immer die optimale Wahl ist.
Referate von renommierten Fachleuten aus Forschung und Lehre helfen Ihnen dabei diese Fragen optimal zu beantworten.
Das Seminar wird von einer Ausstellung namhafter Firmen begleitet. Sie können die Gelegenheit nutzen, im direkten Gespräch neue Lösungsansätze für Ihre analytischen Fragestellungen zu finden sowie neue Geräte oder technische Möglichkeiten kennen zu lernen.
Die Ausstellung wird mit Workshops ergänzt. Diese Kurzpräsentationen informieren Sie über neue Entwicklungen und Trends. Die Pausen sowie das Mittagessen finden ebenfalls im Ausstellungsraum statt und intensivieren den Kontakt unter Fachleuten.
Die APPLICA wird von der Division Analytische Chemie (DAC) der Schweiz. Chemischen Gesellschaft 5SCG), der InfoMac und der Sekulab GmbH organisiert. Sie findet am 7. September 2017 im Kongresszentrum Oekolampad in Basel statt und ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder per Auto gut erreichbar.
Wir laden Sie ein an der diesjährigen APPLICA teilzunehmen und würden uns freuen, Sie am Seminar begrüssen zu können.
Der Organisationsausschuss
DAC/SCG, InfoMac und Sekulab
Aktuelle Informationen und Anmeldeformulare finden Sie im Internet auf
Roland Looser, DAS
Winners 2017 of the DAS Travel Award
Zdenka Jarolimova, Nadezda Pankratova and Dajing Yuan (from left to right)
Conference report for DAS travel award. Summary of the conference highlights
Participants supported by DAS travel award: Zdenka Jarolimova, Dajing Yuan, Nadezda Pankratova, all University of Geneva
Conference: Mátrafüred 2017, Conference on Electrochemical Sensors
The Conference "Mátrafüred 2017" on Electrochemical Sensors is a continuation of the symposium series on ion-selective sensors and bioelectroanalysis organized regularly since 1972. The conference is organized every three years and we greatly appreciate the opportunity to have been part of it, for two of us it was the second time during our PhD research. It was a great opportunity, when having been working in the field of electrochemistry for three years or more, to meet the big scientists whose publications served as a bases of our scientific research.
This amazing event brought together scientists working in the fields of electrochemical sensors as well as optical sensors with special emphasis on interfacial phenomena, molecular recognition, bioanalysis, miniaturization and portability. It is one of those family-like conferences where people are eager to share knowledge and present the young scientists to the rest of the scientific community.
Unlike in some other conferences, where the topics are sometimes being too diverse and at times too far from the field of interest, this event is mainly focused on the field of electrochemistry. It allowed us to be more easily integrated into the discussions, to get some inspiration from the given talks and presentations and new ideas for our future work.
The scientific program included invited lecturers talking about various type of sensing based on molecularly imprinted polymers, aptamers, Clark-type sensors, silica films, polymeric films, electrochemiluminescent compounds, dyes, nanoporous composites. Different new types of solid contact materials were suggested for ion-selective electrodes. The results of important theoretical and practical studies of polymer-based electrochemical sensors were presented, such as synchrotron radiation-X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, near edge x-ray absorption fine structure studies, Raman spectroscopy, potentiometric scanning electrochemical microscopy and others.
Many talks were dedicated to very practice-oriented research solutions for biomedical applications. Portable and disposable designs of sensors were suggested for performing measurements of analytes in environmental samples, biological fluids (blood, sweat, urine, saliva, and tears) and food products (milk), as well as new tools for diagnostics, e.g. non-invasive methods. New advances in microfluidic system design were widely represented in the poster session.
Recent achievements in theoretical approaches to the description of various electrochemical systems were highlighted in the talks as well as in the poster sessions. The poster sessions were held in in the evenings and gave a rare opportunity to share the results of our work with very well-known scientists from our field as well as young researchers from many different countries. We would like to acknowledge the special attention given by the organizers to the poster sessions and high interest of the participant of this family-like event in the research of young scientists. The two hours of poster session every evening (we participated in the one the very first day) provided sufficient time for interesting discussions and allowed for getting valuable advices from specialists in the field. Moreover, the joined meals as well as multiple coffee breaks between the talks gave us the opportunity to get to talk to lecturers and presenters in a more informal atmosphere.
We highly appreciate the given opportunity and thank the DAS board for supporting our participation in this outstanding event!
Zdenka Jarolimova, Dajing Yuan, Nadezda Pankratova
Dr. Veronika Ruth Meyer, EMPA, receives IUPAC 2017 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Award
To celebrate International Women′s Day on March 8, 2017, IUPAC announced the awardees of the IUPAC 2017 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering:
- Prof. Misako Aida, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Prof. Lifeng Chi, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
- Prof. M. Concepción Gimeno, Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (ISQCH), CSIC-University of Zaragoza, Spain
- Dr Jaqueline Kiplinger, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
- Prof. Zafra Lerman, Malta Conferences Foundation, Evanston, IL, United States
- Prof. Thisbe K. Lindhorst, Universität Kiel, Germany
- Prof. Ekaterina Lokteva, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
- Prof. Yvonne Mascarenhas, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil
- Dr Veronika Ruth Meyer, Empa St. Gallen (retired), Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland
- Prof. Ingrid Montes-González, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Prof. Frances Separovic, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Prof. Jihong Yu, Jilin University, China
The awards program, initiated as part of the 2011 International Year of Chemistry celebrations, was created to acknowledge and promote the work of women chemists/chemical engineers worldwide. These 12 awardees have been selected based on excellence in basic or applied research, distinguished accomplishments in teaching or education, or demonstrated leadership or managerial excellence in the chemical sciences. The Awards Committee has been particularly interested in nominees with a history of leadership and/or community service during their careers.
An award ceremony will take place during the IUPAC World Chemistry Congress in São Paulo, Brazil, coinciding with the special symposium on Women in Chemistry and reception in honor of the recipients. See for details.
Professor Vanderlan da S. Bolzani, co-chair of the special symposium, remarked: “We are especially pleased with this year’s awardees and eager to recognize their contribution in a special session organized for the 2017 IUPAC Congress. Each year since 2011, the award has gained more attention in the community. During this year’s Congress and with the help of IUPAC leadership, we plan to continue this trend. My hope is to make every day International Women’s Day!”.
A list of recipients of the award since its inception in 2011 may be found HERE
SCS congratulates Veronika R. Meyer for this prestigeous award
Following an apprenticeship as laboratory assistant, Veronika R. Meyer studied chemistry at the University of Applied Sciences in Burgdorf, Switzerland. From 1976 to 1998 she studied and worked at University of Bern, where she completed in 1989 her PhD thesis in chemistry. Afterwards she spent postdoctoral stays at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and at the University of Delaware, USA. In 1996 she submitted her habilitation at the University of Bern, where she was teaching various topics of analytical chemistry in particular on High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). From 1998 to 2015 she worked at Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research in St. Gallen.
Veronika R. Meyer is author of numerous papers in international journals resulting in a Hirsch factor of 18 as listed by Web of Science. Her papers are primarily dealing with various aspects of practical applications of HPLC and with issues of quality assurance and control of analytical methods. However, much more relevant are her textbooks for HPLC practitioners that she authored in English 2 and German language. These single author volumes must be considered as standard texts for scientists involved with practical applications of HPLC.
About IUPAC: IUPAC was formed in 1919 by chemists from industry and academia. Since then, the Union has succeeded in fostering worldwide communications in the chemical sciences and in uniting academic, industrial and public sector chemistry in a common language. IUPAC is recognized as the world authority on chemical nomenclature, terminology, standardized methods for measurement, atomic weights and many other critically evaluated data. In more recent years, IUPAC has been pro-active in establishing a wide range of conferences and projects designed to promote and stimulate modern developments in chemistry, and also to assist in aspects of chemical education and the public understanding of chemistry. More information about IUPAC and its activities is available at |
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