Electrochemistry in Corrosion Research Workshop
Date: 7-9 November 2017 (2 days)
Venue: Zofingen, Switzerland
Workshop Content: Theory 30 %; Practical and trouble shooting (70%)
Course description
This course introduces the basic principles of electrochemistry, focusing on corrosion research. It covers the basics of corrosion testing and monitoring techniques, such as linear polarization, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for routine applications such as rapid screening of corrosion inhibitors, materials selection, failure analysis, corrosion rate measurement, life prediction, evaluation of paints, coatings, electroplating, determination of resistance to local corrosion such as pitting and crevice corrosion and studies of passivating system.
Dr. Teressa Nathan Walleser, Sales Advisor Electrochemistry
Mobile: +41 79 790 07 20
*Space is limited - please register early. The number of participants is limited to 15.
CHF 900.- per person, Special rate for students: CHF 450.-
The Workshop includes seminar materials, USB Stick, Lunches and one welcoming Dinner
Collaborators & Trainers
- Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Empa, Dübendorf
- Dr. Laetitia Philippe, Empa, Thun
- Dr. Stefano Mischler, EPFL, Lausanne
- Mr. Fabio Cova Caiazzo, EPFL, Lausanne
with support of Metrohm Autolab B.V., The Netherlands.
David Spichiger, SCS
XIXth EuroFoodChem Conference, Oct 4-6, 2017, Budapest
XIXth EuroFoodChem Conference
October 4-6, 2017, Budapest, Hungary
A confernce organized by the Division of Food Chemistry of EuCheMS
The topics of the XIXth EuroFoodChem Conference will reflect the Central Role of Food Chemistry within the Food Science. Specifically: Chemical reactions and interactions of food components; Chemical changes in food under processing and storage; Bioactive constituents and micronutrients; Food flavour, pigments and additives; Functional foods and ingredients; Novel foods and nanomaterials; Food adulteration, authenticity and traceability; Food composition, quality and safety; Novel methods for food chemistry; Food chemistry in bio-economy.
- Food composition, quality and safety
- Food chemistry in bio-economy
- Chemical reactions and interactions of food components
- Chemical changes in food under processing and storage
- Bioactive constituents and micronutrients
- Food flavour, pigments and additives
- Functional foods and ingredients
- Novel foods and nanomaterials
- Food adulteration, authenticity and traceability
- Novel methods for food chemistry
More information:
Swiss Delegate in the EuCheMS Division of Food Chemistry:
Thomas Gude,
David Spichiger, SCS
Nominations for EuCheMS Division of Analytical Chemistry Awards
The Robert-Kellner-Lecture, sponsored by Springer Verlag, was established by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (DAC-EuCheMS) in 2003 in memory of the efforts and achievements of the late Robert Kellner from Vienna University of Technology towards the consolidation of analytical chemistry in Europe. The awardee shall be a European individual who has made substantial recent contributions (in the last five years) to the advancement of analytical chemistry research or education. The lecture shall be delivered as a prominent plenary lecture at the Euroanalysis conference 2017.
The DAC-EuCheMS Award (also sponsored by Springer Verlag) honours sustained contributions to analytical chemistry in Europe. The awardee shall be a distinguished European individual who has demonstrated significant and sustained achievements in analytical chemistry research or
education throughout his or her career. The awardee is expected to deliver a lecture at the Euroanalysis conference 2017.
Candidates for these awards may be proposed by one of the European Chemical Societies, other scientific bodies or individual scientists (self-nomination excluded). Details can also be found in the DAC Procedures and Practices on the DAC-EuCheMS website (www.euchems.eu/divisions/analyticalchemistry). The nomination must include a justification letter describing the achievements and the candidate‘s curriculum vitae and address. It must reach the secretary of DAC-EuCheMS (wolfgang.buchberger@ jku.at) before 31 October 2016.
Source: EuCheMS Newsletter, September 2016
David Spichiger, SCS; 15.08.16
Save the dates for the Fresenius Lectures 2016/17
The Fresenius-Lectures are lecture series that were implemented in 2011 during the 'International Year of Chemistry'. After the five, very successful lectures in 2011 the GDCh decided to continue the program and to promote modern aspects of analytical chemistry at Universities with at least one lecture per year. The lectures take place in the german speaking part of Europe and include events in Germany, Austira and Switzerland. The lecturers are nominated by the 'Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie' of the GDCh.
SCS, ETH and the DAS are proud to announce two Fresenius-Lectures as follows:
Prof. Frank-Michael Matysik, University of Regensburg
27. Oktober 2016, 16.15h, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg
«Electrochemistry – the flexible tool box for the construction of hyphenated instrumental analytical systems»
Prof. Ralf Zimmermann, Universität Rostock and Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
12. Januar 2017, 16.15h, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg
«Anthropogenic aerosols and dusts: Chemical composition, physical properties and biological effects»
David Spichiger, SCS
HPLC 2017 Prague, June 18-22. Save the date!
Whether you visit HPLC 2016 San Francisco or not, our offers for students and young scientists may be interesting for you:
- The lowest registration in the last decade: student´s registration fee is only 240 Euro, a student discount package (registration fee and two short courses) costs 360 Euro with a selection from 8 different short courses.
- Young speakers´ session (YOU): for the first time, one of four parallel program tracks will be devoted solely to young speakers and tutorial lectures with 60+ oral presentations of young scientists.
- Student´s travel grants: various organizations will offer support for students and young post-docs to encourage their active participation at HPLC 2017 Prague. For their preliminary list, please check our website.
Chairmen of HPLC 2017 Prague
David Spichiger, SCS
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