Prof. Hopfgartner assigned as new ABC Editor
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC) welcomes four new members in the team of Editors: Hua Cui, Emily Hilder, Gérard Hopfgartner and Adam Woolley!
Gérard Hopfgartner: Professor for Analytical Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry at the University of Geneva, Switzerland;
His research interests focus on the application and development of novel hyphenated mass spectrometry approaches in the field of life sciences.
Hua Cui: Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China;
Main research interests: analytical chemiluminescence and electro-chemiluminescence, and their applications in interdisciplinary fields.
Emily Hilder: Director of the Future Industries Institute at the University of South Australia;
Her research focuses on the design and application of new polymeric materials in all areas of analytical science, in particular separation science.
Adam T. Woolley: Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Brigham Young University in Utah, USA;
Overarching theme of his research is the interrelationship between biological molecules and miniaturization.
With their expertise and enthusiasm, we are positive that they will contribute to the growing success of the journal.
Click here to find out more about the four new Editors!
Yours sincerely,
Nicola Oberbeckmann-Winter
Managing Editor
About the journal
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry publishes:
- Outstanding research results from all areas of analytical and bioanalytical science;
- Popular columns on career development and the teaching of analytical science;
- Challenging bimonthly puzzle.
David Spichiger, SCS
GDCh awards Renato Zenobi, ETHZ, the Fresenius Prize 2015
Professor Renato Zenobi, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has been awarded the Fresenius Prize by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCH, German Chemical Society).
The award recognizes achievements in developing and promoting analytical chemistry. It was presented at the GDCh Wissenschaftsforum 2015 in Dresden, Germany, on September 1, 2015.
Professor Zenobi is honored for his contributions to nanoscale analytics and to combining microscopic and spectroscopic methods with mass spectrometry. His research interests include laser-based analytical chemistry, electrospray and laser-assisted mass spectrometry, ambient mass spectrometry, and near-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy.
Read the full article on
Website of the Zenobi Group, ETH Zürich
Der Fresenius-Preis wurde im Jahr 1961 von der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker auf Anregung ihrer Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie gestiftet. Er erinnert an den Geheimen Hofrat Carl Remigius Fresenius (1818–1897), der durch seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, seine Lehrbücher und durch das von ihm gegründete Laboratorium als Mitbegründer der Analytischen Chemie in Deutschland gilt. Er wird in unregelmäßigen Abständen an Wissenschaftler verliehen, die sich „besondere Verdienste um die wissenschaftliche Entwicklung und um die Förderung der Analytischen Chemie erworben haben“. Der Preisträger erhält eine Goldmedaille, eine Urkunde und einen Geldbetrag.
Author: ChemViews
Published Date: 01 September 2015
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck Award 2015 given to Prof. Petra S. Dittrich, ETH Zurich
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, in the promotion of analytical science, has, since 1988, donated the HEINRICHEMANUEL-MERCK AWARD FOR ANALYTICAL SCIENCE – worth Euro 15,000.
The prize was donated to mark the centenary of the first standardization of analytical methods brought about by Merck chemist Dr. Karl Krauch in his book “The Testing of the Purity of Chemical Reagents”. The award bears the name of Heinrich Emanuel Merck, who defined the company’s commitment to quality by the claim “I shall always guarantee the purity of my preparations”.
The award is intended for chemists up to the age of 45, working in particular on developing new analytical methods and their applications in areas of human interest. Their work should be directed towards the improvement of our conditions of life, providing solutions to analytical problems in the areas of life sciences, material sciences or environment.
The prize will be awarded for the 12th time at a special award ceremony at the EuroAnalysis2015 Conference in Bordeaux, France, September 6 -10, 2015. to:
Prof. Dr. Petra S. Dittrich
"Small chambers for high sensitivity analyses: New perspectives for single cell proteomics and metabolomics"
Petra Dittrich is Associate Professor for Bioanalytics at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) since 2014. Her research in the field of lab-on-chip-technologies focuses on the miniaturization of high-sensitivity devices for chemical and biological analyses, and microfluidic-aided organization of materials.
Born in 1974 in Lingen/Ems(Germany), she studied chemistry at Bielefeld University (Germany) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) from 1993 to 1999. She earned her PhD degree at the Max Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (MPI Göttingen, Germany) in 2003 for her thesis on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in microfluidic channels. After another year as postdoctoral fellow at the MPI Göttingen, she had a postdoctoral appointment at the Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS Dortmund, Germany) (2004-2008). For research stays, she was at the Cornell University (2002) and the University of Tokyo (2005). In 2008, she became Assistant Professor at the Organic Chemistry Laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zurich).
Petra Dittrich was fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the German Exchange Organization DAAD and the Christiane Nüsslein-Vollhard-foundation. Her PhD was was awarded by the Westfälisch-Lippische Universitätsgesellschaft. In 2008 she received the Starting Grant from the European Research Commission (ERC) and in 2010, the Analytica Forschungspreis of the German Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), donated by Roche Diagnostics GmbH.
Some indication of the recognition the prize has meanwhile achieved in the world of chemical analysisis documented, apart from the excellent qualifications of the jury itself, by the list of previous award winners:
2012 - Prof. A. R. Wheeler, Canada
2010 - Profa. L. Torsi, Italy
2007 - Dr. A. Makarov, Germany; Prof. S. Nie, USA
2004 - Prof. Y. Baba, Japan
2002 - Prof. J. V. Sweedler, USA
2000 - Prof. N. Dovichi, Canada
1998 - Prof. R. Zenobi, Switzerland
1996 - Prof. D.J. Harrison, Canada; Prof. A. Manz, Great Britain
1993 - Prof. A. Amirav, Israel
1990 - Dr. B. Bidlingmeyer, USA; Prof. R. Niessner, Germany
1988 - Prof. M. Hiraide, Japan; Prof. O.S. Wolfbeis, Austria
Detlef Günther awarded the Simon-Widmer Award 2015
We are pleased to announce that the Simon-Widmer Award 2015 of the Division Analytical Sciences was attributed to Prof. Detlef Günther from the ETH in Zürich.
The award was given on the occsion of the HPLC 2015 in Geneva and Prof. Günther held a plenary lecture on June 23, 2015.
Simon-Widmer Award
The Simon-Widmer award is in memory of Prof. Willy Simon and Prof. Michael Widmer and honors distinguished scientists for their contribution to analytical science and the education of analytical scientists. The award is sponsored by the Division Analytical Sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society.
Past Winners
- 2000: Csaba Horvath
- 2002: Ruedi Aebersold
- 2004: Barry Karger
- 2006: Renato Zenobi
- 2009: Rolf Fuhr
David Spichiger, SCS
Weiterbildung Analytik 2015
Der Katalog 2015 für Aus- und Weiterbildungen in Analytischer Chemie ist online
Unter dem Menüpunkt 'Kurse' finden Sie unsere neuen Angebote für 2015 in
- Trenntechnik
- Spektroskopie
- Analytische Anwendungen
- Methoden der Life Sciences
- Qualitätssicherung und Informationsbeschaffung
1 Kurstag:
CHF 510.00 für Einzelmitgliedschaft bei CCCTA, FLB, GDCh, GÖCH, SASP, SCG, SCV, SGLUC, SGMS, SVC
CHF 630.00 für Nichtmitglieder
CHF 260.00 für Studierende/RAV/AHV
2 Kurstage:
CHF 940.00 für Einzelmitgliedschaft bei CCCTA, FLB, GDCh, GÖCH, SASP, SCG, SCV, SGLUC, SGMS, SVC
CHF 1130.00 für Nichtmitglieder
CHF 470.00 für Studierende/RAV/AHV
Anmeldung online (oder via Link in der Kursbeschreibung)
David Spichiger, SCS
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