NoNoMeCat Symposium 2019, at Syngenta, Stein, June 14, 2019

NoNoMeCat Symposium 2019
June 14, 2019, 08.30-17.00h
Syngenta Crop Protection AG,
Research Center, Stein (AG), Switzerland
- Prof. Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, GER
- Prof. Deborah Kays, University of Nottingham
- Prof. Miquel Costas, University of Girona
- Prof. Jeremy Harvey, University of Leuven
- Prof. Bert Klein Gebbink, Utrecht University
- Dr. Tomas Smejkal, Syngenta Crop Protection AG
- Dr. Stephan Bachmann, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
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Deadline for abstract submission is May 15, 2019
Deadline for registration is May 30, 2019
Non-Noble Metal Catalysis (NoNoMeCat)
NoNoMeCat is a 4-year Marie Sklodowska-Curie Initial Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project starting on January 1st 2015. The NoNoMeCat project brings together an academic/industrial consortium with complementary skills consisting of 9 partners and 5 partner organisations, from 7 countries. NoNoMeCat will enrol 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) who will receive structured training in experimental and theoretical aspects of non-noble metal chemistry as well as transferable skills such as research integrity, scientific communication and public outreach. Tight integration of non-academic partners will expose all ESRs to aspects of both fundamental interdisciplinary research and industrial application, paving the way for long-standing intersectorial collaborations.
Transition metal catalysts are formidable tools towards greener chemistry, allowing for low-waste, energy-efficient, and selective reactions. However, the noble metals (Ru, Os, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt) that are currently most common in homogeneous catalysts suffer from high toxicity and environmental impact in addition to their scarcity and ensuing high cost. First-row metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are emerging as environmentally benign alternatives, but to this day rarely equal the performance of their noble counterparts. The NoNoMeCat network aims at providing excellent and structured interdisciplinary training to a generation of young researchers in the field of Non-Noble Metal homogeneous Catalysis who will push the boundaries of the field in terms of:
- catalyst stability
- selectivity
- mechanistic understanding
- scalability
These challenges are addressed in three areas of high fundamental and practical significance: the oxidation of hydrocarbons, the formation of new C-X bonds (C-C, C-N) bonds through cross-coupling reactions, and clean energy production.
NoNoMeCat Symposium 2019, at Syngenta, Stein, June 14, 2019
The NoNoMeCat Network, the Swiss Catalysis Community (SwissCat) and SusChem Switzerland invites industrial and academic scientists to join the NoNoMeCat Symposium 2019 that is organized on the occasion of the 4th NoNoMeCat annual meeting. The program includes seven expert talks in the field of non-noble metal catalysis including Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and also provides a platform for younger scientists to present their research as poster presentation.
NoNoMeCat Symposium 2019
June 14, 2019, 08.30-17.00h
Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Research Center, Stein (AG), Switzerland
- Prof. Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, GER
- Prof. Deborah Kays, University of Nottingham
- Prof. Miquel Costas, University of Girona
- Prof. Jeremy Harvey, University of Leuven
- Prof. Bert Klein Gebbink, Utrecht University
- Dr. Tomas Smejkal, Syngenta Crop Protection AG
- Dr. Stephan Bachmann, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
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Download Flyer: NoNoMeCat 2019, Flyer
Non-Noble Metal Catalysis (NoNoMeCat)
NoNoMeCat is a 4-year Marie Sklodowska-Curie Initial Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project starting on January 1st 2015. The NoNoMeCat project brings together an academic/industrial consortium with complementary skills consisting of 9 partners and 5 partner organisations, from 7 countries. NoNoMeCat will enrol 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) who will receive structured training in experimental and theoretical aspects of non-noble metal chemistry as well as transferable skills such as research integrity, scientific communication and public outreach. Tight integration of non-academic partners will expose all ESRs to aspects of both fundamental interdisciplinary research and industrial application, paving the way for long-standing intersectorial collaborations.
Transition metal catalysts are formidable tools towards greener chemistry, allowing for low-waste, energy-efficient, and selective reactions. However, the noble metals (Ru, Os, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt) that are currently most common in homogeneous catalysts suffer from high toxicity and environmental impact in addition to their scarcity and ensuing high cost. First-row metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are emerging as environmentally benign alternatives, but to this day rarely equal the performance of their noble counterparts. The NoNoMeCat network aims at providing excellent and structured interdisciplinary training to a generation of young researchers in the field of Non-Noble Metal homogeneous Catalysis who will push the boundaries of the field in terms of:
- catalyst stability
- selectivity
- mechanistic understanding
- scalability
These challenges are addressed in three areas of high fundamental and practical significance: the oxidation of hydrocarbons, the formation of new C-X bonds (C-C, C-N) bonds through cross-coupling reactions, and clean energy production.
SCS Seminar 2018/1: Catalysis Across Scales
Wed, 13. - Fri 15. June 2018,
City Hotel Oberland, Interlaken, Switzerland
The SCS Seminar series addresses topics of relevance in industrial R&D that are usually not covered in the academic curricula. The focus is on problem solving, actively involving the participants. The goal of the seminar series is to establish a link between academic and industrial research.
Catalysis Across Scales will embrace heterogeneous, homogeneous, and bio- catalysis and cover all stages of catalyst development from active site design to industrial process implementation. See Program for more details.
The body of instructors comprises thirteen experts, six of them from industry.
The participants will be actively involved in the program. Each lecture will be followed by an extensive discussion moderated by the session chairperson. Questions may be posted electronically during the lectures. In addition, teams of students working on practical challenges in catalysis, coached by the instructors, will be formed. The outcome of the work will be shared in short presentations.
This SCS seminar marks an excellent opportunity for scientists interested in catalysis to broaden their knowledge, to connect with experts in this field, to establish a network within the Swiss catalysis community, and to have a better understanding of industrial catalysis.
SCS members
Students, PhD, Postdocs
CHF 500
CHF 600
Other participants
CHF 1'000
CHF 1'200
The registration fee entitles to the admission to the school and covers full board accommodation at the event location.
Due to the generous support of our sponsors, early bird conditions can be offered to all participants.
- 13.05.2018 Deadline for registration
- 13.06.2018 Start of the SCS seminar 2018/1
Please find more information on the Seminar's website
We hope to see you in Interlaken. Best,
Prof. Javier Pérez-Ramírez, ETH Zurich
Prof. Christophe Copéret, ETH Zurich
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, SCS Foundation
SCS Seminar SeriesThe SCS Seminar series targets PhD students, Postdocs as well as junior scientists from industry, and will be led by senior scientists and designated experts. Active participation is key for all attendees. A good mix between
will guarantee a maximum of impact. Each participant brings along a specific challenge out of his daily lab work and will present a poster of the current work. |
David Spichiger, SCS
«Recyclable Catalysis», a new journal will be launched
Versita is starting up a new range of journals covering topics that have emerged in the recent years. One of such topics is Recyclable Catalysis, so we would like to launch a journal covering this emerging field.Read more: «Recyclable Catalysis», a new journal will be launched
Online-Kurs "NMR-Spektroskopie", 07.10.2021- 14.10.2021
Letzte Plätze im SCS Academy Kurs "NMR-Spektroskopie"
07.10.2021 14:00 - 14.10.2021 18:00
Online Kurs
Raimund Brauner, Brauner Scientific, Laufenburg (D)
Sie sind in der Lage, selbständig NMR Spektren zu interpretieren. Sie können entscheiden ob ein Spektrum zur Struktur passt. Sie sind in der Lage, Informationen aus ihren Spektren zu bewerten und miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. Sie können praktisch alle Protonensignale zuordnen.
Chemiker und Laboranten. Das Lerntempo und Niveau wird vom Kursleiter an die Teilnehmer angepasst.
Interpretation von NMR-Spektren,
• Chemische Verschiebung
• Integrale
• Peak-Multiziplizität
• Kopplungskonstanten
• kombinierte aussagekraft dieser Spektren
Durchführung / Arbeitsweise:
Ausführliche Besprechung konkreter Fallbeispiele. Die Gruppe löst die Fragestellungen gemeinsam.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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