SCS Academy: The new platform for continuous education in chemistry
The Swiss Chemical Society transformed it's former analytical sciences education organization (DAS courses) into the SCS Academy and expanded the fields of education topics to all domains that are relevant for chemical and pharmaceutical scientists and lab technicians.
Current Offers / Course Catalogue
Visit the SCS Academy website for current offerings:
In addition to the established courses in analytical sciences (spectroscopy, separation techniques, quality assurance and information management), we now offer new courses in the fields of laboratory basics and environmental sciences.
From beginners to experts, all level of users are within our target group. We offer our courses in collaboration with industrial partners to ensure the relevance of application.
Missing offering?
Please contact Esther Wolff, Manager of the SCS Academy, if you...
a) like to implement your own course in your field of expertise and you think there is a need among our community members. We implement courses from 6 participants and organize the administrative work for you or
b) miss an offer on the market and think that the SCS could fill the gap.
We will evaluate the situation and help finding a solution.
In Company Trainings
In collaboration with you we organize or develop InCompany trainings and courses according to your ideas and needs. Benefit from the fact that we can...
- design contents to company-specific requirements and wishes
- specifically address questions and problems in your field of application treat
- carry out practical exercises on your equipment
- conduct training sessions in French or English, if necessary
Experts are at your disposal for a personal need's assessment.
Esther Wolff, Manager SCS Academy
+41 (0)77 501 84 33
David Spichiger, SCS
"Future of Chemical Education"2021: Registration open
Within the framework of the Spring Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society the Division of Chemical Education organises a symposium for those involved in teaching chemistry at different levels such as Sek I, Sek II, Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) and Universities. The major objective of this symposium are the challenges related to teaching chemistry in the first year of the studies at the university.
Professors and teachers from all Swiss universities and also external speakers will share their view, experience, strategies and solutions gained and developed while dealing with the chemistry courses for a large body of students, who just recently left the high schools and commenced their studies at the university.
The event will provide ideas and best practice in theoretical, practical and experimental chemical education and targets qualified teachers from secondary school on upwards and will take place as an online symposium.
Register here. (Deadline for Registration is April 2nd, 2021)
Flyer "Future of Chemical Education"
We are looking forward to an exciting event and hope to initialize a successful initiative to promote chemical education on all teaching levels.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
"Future of Chemical Education": Symposium and Workshops
Given its increasing importance, the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) decided to extend its activities into the area of chemical education. The new Division of Chemical Education (DCE), which now is in the process of being established, shall support the interaction of educators and teachers of chemistry at all levels. The possibility to interact with scientists of the other SCS divisions will create bridges between research and education. To launch this process, the symposium “Future of Chemical Education”, which is part of the next SCS Fall Meeting, will be held at University of Zürich on September 15, 2016.
The event will provide ideas and best practice in theoretical, practical and experimental chemical education and targets qualified teachers from secondary school on upwards.
Flyer "Future of Chemical Education" (Deutsch)
Flyer "Future of Chemical Education" (English)
We are looking forward to an exiting event and hope to initialize a successful initiative to promote chemical education on all teaching levels.
Best regards,
Prof. Antonio Togni, ETHZ
Prof. Roger Alberto, UniZH
Dr. Amadeus Bärtsch, ETHZ
Dr. Klemens Koch, VSN
Dr. Markus T. Müller, ETHZ and Kantonsschule Frauenfeld
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, SCS and ETHZ
David Spichiger, SCS
Science Magazine Awards Science Education Websites
"Science" awarded 12 websites that best promote science education. Each month this year, Science will publish an essay by the creators of a winning website that describes their online source.Read more: Science Magazine Awards Science Education Websites
NAS Publishes Report on High School Chemistry Education in the USA
Free report in brief and full report are available.Read more: NAS Publishes Report on High School Chemistry Education in the USA
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