Swiss Association of Computational Chemistry (SACC) Spring Meeting 2016
SACC Spring Meeting 2016
Friday, 5. February 2016
Universität Bern, Departement für Chemie und Biochemie
Lectures and Welcome at Hörsaal EG16 (ground floor)
Postersession in front of “Grosser Hörsaal” UG1
DCB University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern
10.00 | Welcome/Coffee | |
10.30 |
Horst Köppel, Heidelberg, |
11.00 |
Carmen Herrmann, Hamburg, |
11.30 |
Peter Deglmann, BASF Ludwigshafen, |
12.00 |
General Assembly SACC |
12.15 | Poster Session with Sandwich Lunch (UG1) | |
13.30 |
Sereina Riniker, ETH Zurich, |
14.00 |
Michele Ceriotti, EPFL |
14.30 |
Ullrich Aschauer, Bern |
15.00 | Closing Remark |
Please register via the onlin form:
Prof. Jürg Hutter
President SACC
University of Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 635 44 91
David Spichiger, SCS
SACC Spring Meeting 2014
Spring Meeting 2014 of the Swiss Association of Computational Chemistry on February 13, 2014 at the University of Basel.
"Chemical Reactivity and Dynamics"
More information:
Sarah Schmitz, SCS
Newsletter: Centre of Competence in Chemical Ecology (C3E)
Extract from the editorial:
University of Neuchâtel: A small university with an international presence
University rankings are usually dismissed until your own university is ranked high. This is suddenly the case for the University of Neuchâtel. Our tiny university was so far ignored, but recently it was picked up by Times Higher Education and we found ourselves at the respectable 11th position among small universities with fewer than 5000 students. More interesting, however, was the ranking in “international outlook”, which listed us number 37 among all universities, right behind the University of Cambridge.
Ted Turlings, Felix Kessler, Stephan von Reuss
C3E Newsletters
University of Neuchâtel, Centre of Competence in Chemical Ecology (C3E)
The Centre of Competence in Chemical Ecology (C3E) was created as a follow-up of the National Centre of Competence in Research Plant Survival (2001-2013), in which research in chemical ecology played a dominant role. Chemical ecology is a highly interdisciplinary field that concerns chemically mediated interactions. It involves, among others, chemists that identify and synthesize bioactive substances, physiologists that study the production and perception of these chemicals in plants and animals, but also ecologists that may study the impact of the chemically mediated interactions at the individual or ecosystem level. Chemical ecology is also all-inclusive at the organismal level and relates to all taxa, ranging from bacteria to humans, and therefore is of great importance to all of biology. Most importantly, the research has great potential for application in the context of food security, ecosystem management, as well as in human and animal healthcare.
At present, C3E comprises seven research groups at the Faculty of Science of UniNE. It is also closely associated with the simultaneously created Neuchâtel Platform for Analytical Chemistry (NPAC), which provides analytical services to research institutions and industries worldwide. Together with partners at other Swiss universities we strive to conduct internationally recognized research and provide education in chemical ecology at the highest possible level.
16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2017)
16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2017)June 18-22, 2017
University of Oslo (UiO), Norway
We are pleased to announce that electronic registration and abstract submission for ICCE 2017 are now open.
This year’s ICCE 2017 will be held at the Blindern Campus of the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. The Local Organizing Committee is keen to provide an exceptional atmosphere for learning, networking and sharing informastion with fellow scientists in the all fields of chemical environmental research and regulation.
The conference is designed to provide interdisciplinary insights and solutions for challenges faced by our societies regarding sustainability and environmental compliance. We will do our best to provide a memorable social environment for all participants.
Here is a preview of topics expected at this year’s conference:
- Perfluorinated surfactants (PFAS)
- Soil pollution
- Chemistry in water treatment
- Arctic environmental pollution
- Atmospheric aerosol
- Sustainable concepts in environmental chemistry
- Radioecology
- Passive sampling for environmental monitoring
- Natural organic materials
- Metabolomics and environmental stressors
- Mass spectrometry in food and environmental analysis
- Water reuse
- Nano-size materials
- Challenges in analytical chemistry: identification of new pollutants, metabolites and transformation products
- Modelling in environmental chemistry
- E-waste as pollution source
- Bioactive compounds
- Advancements in modern analytical chemistry
- University education in environmental chemistry
- Marine toxicology and chemistry
In addition, 8 satellite events will be associated with the conference for in-depth discussions, seminars and workshops on dedicated and highly relevant topics (Must be registered separately) See HERE
Please visit for further information
Keep up to date on the latest conference news via LinkedIn and Twitter using #ICCE2017
Email for all enquiries.
We hope to see you in Oslo during midsummer this year!
David Spichiger, SCS
SCG-FH Awards winners: 'Chemistry & Environment'
Justine Horner and Dr. Ennio Vanoli, EIA Fribourg, Prof. Patrick Shahgaldian, FHNW and Herr Christoph Gasser, FHNW were honored with the SCG-FH Award for their project in the field of 'Chemistry & Environment'.
Picture: Prof. Patrick Shahgaldian, FHNW takes
the award and the congratulations from
David Spichiger, Executive Director of the SCS.
The SCG-FH Awards are given for innovative joint-projects between Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) and their industrial partners. The award ceremony and the following lectures were held at the ILMAC Forum in Basel as part of the fair's forum program.
Winners of the SCS-FH Award in the category 'Chemistry & Environment'
- Justine Horner , Dr. Ennio Vanoli, EIA Fribourg
«Green Synthesis of mono and disubstituted Pyridine via Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution» - Prof. Patrick Shahgaldian, FHNW
«A synthetic nanomaterial for virus recognition produced by surface imprinting» - Herr Christoph Gasser, FHNW
«Nanobiocatalytic depolymerization of lignin for the production of platform phenolic chemicals»
On Wednesday, 25.09.13 the winners of the categories 'Molecules for Life Sciences' and on Thursday, 26.09.13 the winners of the category 'Analytics in the Life Sciences' were honored. All project are also shown at the shared stand of the SCG and the FH as part of the project exhibition.
SCS/FH Stand: Hall 1.1, Stand C84
from left:
Fabrice Galou, Ennio Vanoli, David Spichiger, Patrick Shagaldian, Christoph Gasser
David Spichiger, SCS
- ILMAC 2022: Tickets now available! - Don't miss this opportunity and save your free ticket with the SCS PrioCode
- ILMAC 2022: Networking and Knowledge Sharing within the Chemical and Life Science Community
- SCS Seminar on Flow Chemistry 2022: Registration is open
- Two new online programs: Let's Keep the Chemistry flowing
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