Invitation to the virtual SCS General Assembly 2021
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to join the 31st General Assembly.
Due to the uncertainty that comes along with the Covid-19 pandemic, we will again organize the assembly as a virtual event via video conference.
SCS General Assembly 2021
April 15, 2021, 13.15–14.00h (Lunch break of the SCS Spring Meeting 2021).
Join the assembly via Zoom:
Agenda GA 2021
- Welcome and approval of the agenda
- Accepting online vote counting
- Minutes of the 30th General Assembly from June 24, 2020 (published in CHIMIA 7-8/2020, A635)
- Annual report 2020 (published in CHIMIA 1-2/2021)
- Financial statement 2020 incl. audit report (access for members only)
Summary of the financial statement 2021 and asset allocation per network and funds (access for members only) - Discharge the Board
- Elections as member of the Executive Board (ExB):
- Christian Bochet as new President as of 2022
- Yves Auberson as new Vice President as of 2022 and as member of the ExB as of May 2021
Short biographies of Ch. Bochet and Y. Auberson - Elections as member of the Board of Directors as of May2021:
- Leslie Fendt, Roche
- Maud Reiter, Firmenich
- Corinne Jud, Agroscope
Short biographies of M. Reiter, L. Fendt and C. Jud - News and strategic projects
- Outlook 2021/2022
- Varia
David Spichiger, SCS
published: 27.02.2021, updated: 13.04.2021
Chemistry Europe open data special collection now online!
The sharing of data will enable researchers to do better science. Open science advocates for access to high-quality shared data, reproducibility, the provision of negative as well as positive results, and clear licensing that describes how data may be used. Improvements in technical infrastructure and software have the potential to make collaboration more effective, ultimately accelerating science and making it more impactful. However, the advances in areas like machine learning and artificial intelligence can only be fully exploited if researchers have access to the high-quality data that the scientific community generates. (Based on Matthew Todd’s statement on The Importance of Open Science at Chemistry Europe)
Committed to promote open access and open data, Chemistry Europe presents this Special Collection that compiles a selection of works on these topics, published across our portfolio. A recording to the Virtual Symposium organized by ChemistryOpen, "Open Data and Open-Source Research", is also available. Read more
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Info Session: "A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspect"
On the 21st April 2021 the European Commission will organise an open information session on “A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects”.
This webinar is a continuation of the session on “How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe”, held on the 24th March 2021. It provides additional details on the preparation of a proposal for Horizon Europe, like open science, gender dimension or dissemination, exploitation and communication aspects.
This second Horizon Europe webinar will take place via YouTube only, from 10.00am CEST.
Registration and agenda are available via the following website.
ChemistryViews: Your opinion is asked!
As members of our society and of Chemistry Europe, we all share responsibility for setting the future of Chemistry Europe. ChemistryViews, its online magazine is a key part of our global future.
Please follow this link to complete this survey about the future of ChemistryViews and help strengthen our chemistry community in Europe: Click here to take the survey
The survey will be open until March 31.
David Spichiger, SCS
Update your SCS membership profile
By launching the new SCS website we aimed to provide a modern website with clearly structured content that also fulfills the today's safety standards. The site reflects the four business areas in which SCS is active: Events, Networks, Awards and Publishing.
Check your profile on and review your areas of interest and affiliations with SCS thematic and social networks. We use the links to send you tailored information about the communities' activities.
We are confident that the new improved website will serve the community and pose an accurate platform for scientific exchange in all fields of chemistry as well as for networking.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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