Friedrich-Miescher-Award 2019: Call for applications!
To commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of nucleic acids, the MCB section of LS2 (formerly Swiss Society for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences/Swiss Society for Biochemistry) has created the Friedrich-Miescher-Award. The prize is intended to honour young biochemists and is donated by the Friedrich-Miescher-Institute in Basel.
Please feel encouraged to nominate candidates for the award. The guidelines for applications are listed below.
The submission deadline is November 1st, 2018.
Please follow the guidelines below.
Application guidelines
- The Friedrich-Miescher-Award may be awarded once every year to a young scientist for outstanding achievements in biochemistry.
- Candidates are eligible who have not yet reached the age of 40 years (for women with children 42) on January 1st of the award year.
- Preference will be given to candidates with a documented record of independent research.
- The scientific work must have been carried out in Switzerland or by Swiss scientists abroad.
Applications or nominations, including a letter stating the relevance of the candidate's scientific work, his/her CV, list of publications, and embedded links to the four most relevant publications should be submitted by November 1st, 2018 by e-mail as a single PDF file to the secretary of the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences section of LS2: Prof. Dr. Anne Spang, Biozentrum, University of Basel,
Award Ceremony
The Award ceremony will take place on the February 14th, 2019, at the LS2 Annual Meeting 2019, University of Zurich, Irchel Campus.
David Spichiger, SCS
Save the date: LS2 Annual Meeting 2019, February 14-15, 2019
LS2 Annual Meeting 2019: “Cell Biology from Tissue to Nucleus”
14-15 February 2019
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
Meeting Information & Highlights:
Meeting chair: Monica Gotta (UNIGE)
Scientific Committee: Vikram Panse (UZH), Darren Gilmour (UZH), Anne Spang (UNIBAS), Peter Meister (UNIBE), Suliana Manley (EPFL)
Plenary speakers:
- Anna Akhmanova, Utrecht University (NL)
- Anne Bertolotti, Cambridge (UK)
- Jody Rosenblatt, University of Utah (US)
- Leonie Ringrose, Berlin (DE)
Scientific Symposia:
3D Proteomics - Live-cell imaging approaches in Cell Biology - Regeneration and pathology of skeletal muscle - Chromatin, epigenetics and the transmission of acquired states across generation - Bacterial Cell Biology - Chemical Biology & Drug Development - Sweet molecules in inflammation and cancer: Novel insights and therapeutic options offered by glycosciences
Special Sessions:
PI’s of Tomorrow (First time as a plenary session, all infos & call for applications on: - Public Panel on “Is merit (gender) biased? Advancement in Academia” chaired by Gerlind Wallon (EMBO Deputy Director & Program Manager) - Careers Lunch Session for students & Postdocs
…plus 2 dedicated poster sessions, Jubilee Apéro “50 years of LS2/USGEB”, industry exhibition with lottery, awards & more!
All further information on:
Registration will open on 1 September 2018
The first 20 BSc/MSc to register will get 50 CHF to support their travel arrangements!
David Spichiger, SCS
Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry, Leysin, October 7-12, 2018
This five-day Medicinal Chemistry School that is organized by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology of the Swiss Chemical Society will focus on most modern aspects associated with small molecule drug discovery, highlighting the methodologies and technologies supporting hit generation, lead finding and lead optimization campaigns.
Visit the website:
In the beautiful and scenic village of Leysin, close to Lake Geneva, more than 100 young scientists are expected to meet with app. 35 international renowned expert speakers and instructors.
As in previous years, the teaching content will be targeted at young scientists working in the area of medicinal chemistry, but also from flanking disciplines such as biochemistry, pharmacy, pharmacology, or biophysics from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Given the broad spectrum and the timeliness of scientific topics discussed, the course also provides a valuable opportunity for advanced medicinal chemists to get acquainted with most recent developments in e.g. the medicinal chemistry of novel target families, novel compound classes, and most modern optimization paradigms. In addition, a number of PhD students and postdocs will be able to attend to receive a broad overview on scientific disciplines involved in modern drug discovery.
The upcoming event will thematically be structured along key topics of strategic relevance for medicinal chemistry that will be presented by opinion leaders in the field. The teaching content will further be intensified by hands-on tutorials in which the theoretical learning’s can immediately be applied to real life problems of pre-clinical drug discovery.
- Dr. Karin Briner, Vice President and Global Head of Discovery Chemistry at the Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research
- Dr. Nicholas A. Meanwell, Executive Director at Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Dr. Peter Grootenhuis, Senior Director at Vertex Pharmaceuticals
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Klebe, Univeristy of Marburg
- Dr. Jonathan Mason, Drug Design and Computational Chemistry Expert at Heptares Therapeutics
- Dr. Andy Phillips, Chief Scientific Officer and President at C4 Therapeutics
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for Nominations - EFMC 2018 Awards
To acknowledge outstanding achievements in the field of Medicinal Chemistry, EFMC is conferring every two years three Awards on the occasion of the International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry. The 2018 Awards will be conferred on the occasion of the XXV EFMC "International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry" (EFMC-ISMC) to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on September 2-6, 2018.
All 3 awards consist of a diploma, € 7.500 and an invitation for a lecture by the Award recipient at the upcoming EFMC-ISMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry.
The EFMC-Awards include:
For the advancement of Medicinal Chemistry and the development of international organizational structures in Medicinal Chemistry. The award will be given for outstanding achievements in the field of Medicinal Chemistry.
To acknowledge and recognise outstanding research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry in its broadest sense by a young scientist. This Award has been established with the support of UCB Pharma.
To encourage innovation and investigation in technological development related to drug discovery, this Award established with the support of Prous Institute will be given for the discovery, evaluation or use of new technologies.
Nominations for these Awards consist of a nomination letter, a brief CV including a list of selected publications and two supporting letters. Self-nominations are also accepted. The nominations should be submitted to Dr Yves Auberson, President of the EFMC as of 2018, via the following link:
- Nomination for The Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry
- Nomination for the UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry
- Nomination The Prous Institute-Overton and Meyer Award for New Technologies in Drug Discovery
Deadline for submission: January 31, 2018
More information on
David Spichiger, SCS
1st Alpine Winter Conference on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry
St. Anton, Austria - January 28 - February 1, 2018
The “Alpine Winter Conference on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry” exposes attending scientists to cutting edge synthetic and medicinal chemistry as well as latest developments in technologies that foster innovation in drug discovery. The main target audience for this highly interdisciplinary meeting will include medicinal and synthetic chemists, as well as related drug discovery disciplines from both industry and academia as well as graduate/undergraduate students and postdocs.
In the spirit of Keystone and Gordon conferences as well as the MBCF (Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation) conference in Steamboat Springs, the format of this meeting provides ample opportunity for attendees to informally interact. The aim is to strengthen existing networks and create new contacts.
For each of the below topics, a slot in the programme will be available for an oral communication selected out of the submitted abstracts. In addition, an open MedChem session on "Drug Discovery Tales" will have 3 open slots for oral communications. See instructions on "How to submit your abstract online".
The Conference topics will include:
- Addressing Preclinical Toxicity – Approaches and Lessons Learned (with panel discussion)
- Advances in Lead Generation
- Advances in Synthetic Methods
- Alternative Modalities
- Challenges and Opportunities in Fragment Based Drug Discovery
- Chemical Biology in Drug and Target Discovery
- Drug Discovery Tales
- Late Stage Functionalization
The official symposium language is English.
Scientific Organising Committee
- Dr Klemens HOEGENAUER (Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland)
- Dr Karl Heinz KRAWINKLER (Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland)
- Dr Antonia F. STEPAN (Pfizer, Cambridge, United States)
We are looking forward to welcoming you in beautiful St. Anton!
More information on the website of the conference
David Spichiger, SCS
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