Int. conference “The Economics of Innovation: from Basic research to the Market”
The NCCR Chemical Biology is pleased to announce the 1st edition of the interdisciplinary and international conference “The Economics of Innovation: from Basic research to the Market” to be held from Sept. 04 to Sept. 06, 2017 in Geneva at the Brocher Foundation, interdisciplinary center.
The conference aims to determine the state of the art in the field of economic theory of innovation and stimulate further work to better understand the innovation process. Delegates will explore the rate-limiting or critical steps at each stage of the process and then carefully evaluate how different factors influence the outcome. We will bring together leading economists, managers, research scientists, scientists involved in policy and funding, experts from tech transfer and R&D in industry as well as venture capitalists. This unique event comprises extensive plenary sessions, ample time for discussion during round-table sessions and opportunities for interdisciplinary networking.
The conference will host 19 plenary lectures with international speakers from various prestigious institutions such as Prof. Venki Ramakrishnan, 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Group Leader of the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge and President of the Royal Society, UK or Prof. Maria Leptin, EMBO Director, Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Director Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and Prof. Marie Thursby, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Please visit the website of the conference to discover the outstanding list of speakers and the programme : (flyer)
Registration deadline : June 15, 2017.
Participants will be admitted upon selection with a maximum of 60 participants total.
Registration includes (1) the conference fee, (2) 2 nights’ accommodation, (3) meals and coffee breaks and transportation during the event between the hotel, conference venue and restaurants.
Help us spread the word and share the news about this Conference with your colleagues and network!
Best regards,
Prof. Howard Riezman
Director of the NCCR Chemical Biology
Dr. Phaedra Simitsek
COO of the NCCR Chemical Biology
Université de Genève
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
1211 Genève 4
T: + 41 ( 0)
26th French-Japanese Symposium on Medicinal and Fine Chemistry
26th French-Japanese Symposium on Medicinal and Fine Chemistry
17th-20th September 2017, Strasbourg, France
This conference brings together industrial and academic researchers from both countries with an interest in all cutting-edge aspects of organic chemistry, from synthetic methodology to medicinal chemistry. Besides the lectures given by invited speakers, a poster session will be organized to give every participant an opportunity to present his/her work. Scientific excellence and friendly exchanges are two important pillars of the FJS.
Cellule Congrès Unistra
19 rue du Maréchal Lefebvre
67100 Strasbourg
Phone : 0033 3 68 85 49 40
Academic: 400 €
Industry: 550 €
Student: 200 €
Gala Diner: 60 €
Important Dates
January conference registration opens
June 15th deadline for submission of abstracts
July 15th deadline for registraJon
David Spichiger, SCS
Save the date: 18th European Congress On Biotechnology, Geneva, 1-4 July, 2018
The European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB) is the leading congress for academic and industrial biotechnologists in Europe and is the flagship biennial event of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB).
Geneva is a prime hub for Biotechnology with 350 active firms and 20 world class institutes with a focus on this discipline. Geneva is part of BioAlps, the fastest growing life science cluster in the world. The BioAlps cluster ranks among the first three European centres for research in biotechnology and medical technologies, alongside Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom. Science magazine has called the Lake Geneva Region the “Number One cluster for life sciences research in continental Europe”.
Join us in Geneva in July 2018 to present your most recent work as part of EFB as the Voice of Biotechnology in Europe.
Prof. Gerrit Borchard
Chair of Scientific Committee
David Spichiger, SCS
Modeling for Anyone (Free Post-Conference Workshop of FIMC'17)
BioSolveIT invites you to a workshop that addresses anyone in early drug hunting. Using a novel, easy and very visual software tool (SeeSAR, you will learn the basics of structure-based modeling, scoring, and conformational analysis.
SeeSAR has been conceived to be easy to use, and will assist you in calculating physico-chemical properties, affinity estimations, and on-the-fly editing and hypothesis testing. You will learn how to optimize the tightness of fit and create meaningful graphics.
The workshop takes place as post-event of the Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry Congresse 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 13.00h-15.00h
University of Bern, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freiestrasse 3, 3012 Bern
Register to this free workshop at:
Bring your own laptop to profit at max from the hands-on training.
Dr. Franca Klingler
BioSolveIT GmbH
Phone: +49 2241 2525-566
David Spichiger, SCS
FIMC'17, LS2 Satellite Meeting, Sun Feb 12, 2017
On the occasion of the Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry Symposium at University of Bern, LS2 organizes a free satellite meeting for students and postdocs on Sun, February 12, 2017, 09.00 - 16.00h.
One of the plenary speakers, Alexander Adibekian (UniGE) will be the chair of this meeting.
The meeting also includes a scientific writing/scientific publishing session with the Managing Editor of ChemMedChem and a Q&A session with two of the plenary speakers about Academic Careers.
Master and PhD students are invited to apply for an oral presentation at this event at:
For questions to the Satellite Meeting, please refer to
David Spichiger, SCS
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