Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry 2017: Registration Open
The DMCCB of SCS and the 'Fachgruppe Medizinische Chemie' of the GDCh cordially invite you to participate in the
Annual Meeting on Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry
February 12 – 15, 2017 in Bern, Switzerland
The registration is open now and will close on December 5, 2016.
Abstract Submission Form
The international symposium will focus on current developments, novel approaches and cutting-edge technologies in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug research with sessions on Chemical Biology, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Targeted Protein Degradation, Immunooncology and Immunomodulation, Drugs for the treatment of liver diseases, and Highlights in Medicinal Chemistry. The scientific program will include lectures, and poster presentations. It is the goal of the organizers to make this meeting an event of scientific excellence, attractive to both industrial and academic scientists in Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and related fields of research.
A pre-meeting co-organized by LS2 will take place on Sunday 12 February. Early career researchers, post-doctoral and PhD students are invited to apply for an oral presentation at this event.
Scientific Committee
- Y. P. Auberson Basel/CH (President of the DMCCB/SCS)
- K.-H. Baringhaus Frankfurt (Main)/DE
- (Chairman of the GDCh division)
- C. Müller Bonn/DE
- J.-L. Reymond Bern/CH
- Submission of posters: December 5, 2016
- Submission to LS2 pre-meeting December 5, 2016
Further details
David Spichiger, SCS
LS2 Annual Meeting 2017, Zürich, February 2-3, 2017
LS2 Annual Meeting 2017
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus, Winterthurerstrasse 190
February 2-3, 2017
The LS² Annual Meeting brings together scientists from all nations and backgrounds to explore the large spectrum united under the umbrella of Life Sciences.
Alongside our scientific program with internationally renowned speakers, we also offer career development sessions, as well as numerous workshops and discussion rounds, a large industry exhibition and 100+ posters presented by promising young scientists.
Preliminary Program, LS2 Annual Meeting 2017
Registration deadline 30.11.2016
Poster submission deadline 30.11.2016
More details on:
David Spichiger, SCS
Prof. François Diederich, ETHZ, receives the 2016 Nauta award for Pharmacochemistry
During the opening session of the EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Prof. François Diederich (ETH Zürich), received the Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry 2016:
"For his outstanding contributions to the science of medicinal chemistry. Prof. François Diederich made essential contributions to the fundamental understanding of non-bonding interactions involved in molecular recognition and their application in modern drug design. His scientific work is documented in more than 700 publications and beautifully describes interactions such as sulfur-aromatics, cation-Pi, fluorine interactions and halogen bonding that are actively used by many scientists around the world in the discovery of novel drugs.”
The Nauta Award acknowledges outstanding results of scientific research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry.
The award ceremony was followed by an impressive lecture from Prof. Diederich focusing on: “Molecular Recognition Studies with Chemical and Biological Systems: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Support Structure-Based Drug Design”.
Our warmest congratulations!
Anaëlle Dumas via LinkedIn Swiss Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (by the DMCCB, Swiss Chemical Society). 29.08.2016
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry 2017: Invitation
The DMCCB of SCS and the 'Fachgruppe Medizinische Chemie' of the GDCh cordially invite you to participate in the
Annual Meeting on Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry
February 12 – 15, 2017 in Bern, Switzerland
The international symposium will focus on current developments, novel approaches and cutting-edge technologies in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug research with sessions on Chemical Biology, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Targeted Protein Degradation, Immunooncology and Immunomodulation, Drugs for the treatment of liver diseases, and Highlights in Medicinal Chemistry. The scientific program will include lectures, and poster presentations. It is the goal of the organizers to make this meeting an event of scientific excellence, attractive to both industrial and academic scientists in Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and related fields of research.
A pre-meeting co-organized by LS2 will take place on Sunday 12 February. Early career researchers, post-doctoral and PhD students are invited to apply for an oral presentation at this event.
Scientific Committee
- Y. P. Auberson Basel/CH (President of the DMCCB/SCS)
- K.-H. Baringhaus Frankfurt (Main)/DE
- (Chairman of the GDCh division)
- C. Müller Bonn/DE
- J.-L. Reymond Bern/CH
- Open of Registration: November 2016
- Submission of posters: December 5, 2016
- Submission to LS2 pre-meeting December 5, 2016
Further details
David Spichiger, SCS
Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2016
Congress Center Basel
September 20-21.2016
In the framework of the Basel Life Science Week & MipTec Exhibition 2016, the two days “Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2016” focus on “early peptide discovery” and “development candidates for therapeutic peptides”. The first part highlights contributions of ligation chemistry to arrive at larger synthetic peptides/protein, recent insights in peptidic vaccine design, and news from venom drug discovery. Progress in peptide synthesis and case studies including generic half-life extension are foreseen for the second day.
As in the past, this event is thought to disseminate information on latest developments in the broad field of therapeutic peptides and to enable networking of interested parties from academia and industries.
T. Vorherr, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel CH
E. Kitas, Roche Innovation Center, Basel CH
R. Stocklin, Atheris SA, Geneva CH
David Spichiger, SCS
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