Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing: Rights and duties in scientific research
The Swiss Academy of Sciences together with the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN organizes the conference “Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing: Rights and duties in scientific research” on the 9th of September 2016 at the Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bernastrasse 15, 3005 Bern.
All non-commercial academic researchers working with genetic resources are invited to participate in this conference.
The goal of this event is to inform the researchers about the ABS system, the Nagoya Protocol and its implementation in Switzerland, the consequences of the Nagoya Protocol for scientific research, the rights and duties relating to Nagoya Protocol and, finally, the supporting tools and the required procedures.
On line registration and programme of the conference.
David Spichiger, SCS
EFMC-ISMC, Aug 28 - Sep 1, 2016
XXIV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry
Manchester, UK - August 28 - September 1, 2016
The XXIV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ISMC 2016) will be organised by the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector (BMCS) of the Royal Society of Chemistry, on behalf of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).
The EFMC is the main organisation for European Medicinal Chemistry community, with 25 member societies and about 7.500 members. Its biennial EFMC-ISMC is a key symposium in its field and attracts traditionally around 1200 participants, from industry and academia. Recent EFMC-ISMC meetings have taken place in Austria (Vienna, 2008), Belgium (Brussels, 2010), Germany (Berlin, 2012) and most recently in Portugal (Lisbon, 2014).
Link to the website:
Latest News:
- Join our Group on LinkedIn for regular updates!
David Spichiger, SCS
Project workshop: Antimicrobial surface testing: June 22, 2016 in Bern
The initiator of the envisioned CTI-BugBanSurfaceSensor project invites potential industrial project partners to a project meeting in Bern.
The workshop will take place at 02.00 p.m. on 22 June 2016 at Migros Club School in Bern, Parkterasse 14.
Directions: Take the underpass at Bern railway station towards the university, then take the lift to the meeting place (room 306) on the third floor.
There is no charge for participation, but registration is mandatory. To register, please send an email to
We look forward to welcoming you in Bern!
Fabian Fischer, Professor in Chemical Biotechnology
HES-SO Valais/Wallis in Sion
David Spichiger, SCS
DMCCB Basel Symposium 2016
Half-day symposium on
«Macrocycles in Drug- and Agrochemical Discovery»
Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 13:30 - 17:45
Big Lecture Hall, Department of Chemistry
University of Basel, St. Johanns-Ring 19
This year's annual symposium organized by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology of the Swiss Chemical Society is dedicated to the topic of Macrocycles in Drug- and Agrochemical Discovery.
This free event is gathering five globally renowed international experts in the field that will showcase the importance of this topic in drug discovery.
13.30h | Introduction |
13.35h | Adrian Whitty, Boston University, How proteins bind macrocycles |
14.20h | Jeremy Duvall, Ensemble Therapeutics Corp. Discovery and development of highly selective and orally bioavailable macrocyclic IDO-1 inhibitors |
15.05h | Coffee Break |
15.30h | Alexander Dömling, University of Groningen Synthetic macrocycles for protein protein interactions using multi-component reactions chemistry |
16.15h | Andrei Yudin, University of Toronto and Encycle Macrocyclization strategies based on amphoteric molecules |
17.00 | Steve Smith, Syngenta Macrocycles as inspiration for Agrochemical Discovery |
Dr. Yves P Auberson
President, Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Swiss Chemical Society
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
WKL-136.6.82, Klybeckstrasse 141
4002 Basel, Switzerland
No registration – free admission
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David Spichiger, SCS
LS2 Annual Meeting: last days to register
LS2 Annual Meeting
Mon, 15 February 2016 - Tue, 16 February 2016
Amphipôle, University of Lausanne
The deadline to register for the LS2 Annual Meeting 2016 taking place at the University of Lausanne on Feb 15/16 is fast approaching: only 14 days left to register and submit your poster abstract. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to showcase your research to an international audience of life scientists, and get fresh input and ideas for your work!
Highlights this year include
- The latest findings in interdisciplinary research, presented in 4 plenary lectures and multiple scientific symposia (see attached program for more info)
- Career development symposia: Non-academic alternatives in the life sciences, research funding in CH and EU, special career session for master students
- Awards and Contests: Friedrich-Miescher and Lelio-Orci Award, best poster prize, Tomorrow’s PI, best scientific photography.
- Discussion rounds and debates: Young academics debate on Synthetic Biology, Careers in the life sciences
- Industry exhibition: companies showcase their latest research and development products
- Networking opportunities, poster exhibition (three poster sessions), social event with live music
- Movies@lunch (Synthetic Biology)
Special rates for society members and Bachelor/Master students!
The poster and conference registration deadline is November 30th, 2015.
The organizing committee:
Aurélien Roux (Chairman)
Thierry Soldati (LS² President )
Jean Gruenberg (LS² Vice-President)
Maria Pappalardo and Anna Brandenburg (LS² management team)
Website and further information
David Spichiger, SCS
- Research breakthroughs and social impact: Young scientists debate synthetic biology
- The expanding Toolbox of Medicinal Chemistry, Oct 16, 2015
- FMC 2015 - Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, Antwerp, Belgium - Sep 14-16, 2015
- Scholarships to attend the European School of Medicinal Chemistry (ESMEC) 2015
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