Polycoll 2018, EPFL Lausanne, 5. October 2018. Registration open
We are pleased to invite you to Polycoll 2018, the annual meeting of the SCS Division of Polymers, Colloids and Interfaces of the Swiss Chemical Society, that will take place at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) on Friday, October 5, 2018.
Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers active in the field are encouraged to share their recent results with the community and to apply for poster presentations, as this may foster connections between scientists at any career level, stimulate the exchange of research ideas, and result in future research collaborations.
PhD students are also invited to apply for the DPCI thesis award, that is endowed with CHF 1'000.
09:30 |
Prof. Christian Hinderling (Divison of Polymers, Colloids, and Interfaces)
Opening, Welcome
Prof. Pol Besenius (University of Mainz)
"Transient Thermogels Mediated by Redox-Responsive Supramolecular Polymerization"
Dr. Christophe Schmitt (Nestlé Research Center)
"Functional protein-based colloids for controlling structure and stability in food"
DPCI Doctoral Research Lectures (3 talks, 15 minutes each)
Lunch and Poster Session
Prof. Giovanni Pavan (SUPSI Lugano)
"The importance of defects in dynamic supramolecular polymers"
Dr. Stephen Schrettl (AMI Fribourg)
"Responsive Materials Based
on Non-Covalent Interactions"
Prof. Eric R. Dufresne (ETH Zurich)
"Elastic Control of Phase Separation in Polymer Composites"
Coffee break
DPCI PhD Thesis Award Ceremony
Prof. Andreas Herrmann (DWI Aachen)
"DNA-hybrids and supercharged polypeptides: From nanomedicine to whiskey authentication"
Prof. Francesco Stellacci (EPFL)
"Supramolecular Approaches to Fight Viruses"
Prof. Erik Berda (University of New Hampshire)
"Functional nanomaterials from single polymer chains"
Please find the full program, the possibility to register and to submit abstracts for poster presentations on the symposium website: scg.ch/polycoll/2018
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lausanne.
With best regards,
Prof. Holger Frauenrath
Dr. Daniel Görl
Dr. Oguzan Oguz
Call for nominations for the DPCI Thesis award 2018
The DPCI Thesis Award of the division of polymers colloids an Interfaces of the swiss chemical society is awarded annually to a talented young scientist in recognition of an outstanding PhD thesis completed at a swiss university.
The thesis subject should bear relevance to the scope of the division (science of polymers, colloids and interfaces).
The award consists of a certificate and includes a cash prize of 1'000.- SFr.
Electable candidates should have their Ph.D. thesis completed before Oct 5th 2018.
The selection will be based on a single publication (completed or under preparation) drawn from the student's PhD thesis which has been published, or accepted for publication, during the last three years.
The top three candidates will then be invited to give a 15 minute talk about their thesis at the Polycoll 2018 meeting, which will take place on Friday, Oct 5th 2018 at the EPF Lausanne. The winner will be selected by the board members of the division. The award will be distributed at the end of the meeting.
Nominations are accepted from the thesis supervisor.
Please send your nomination, including the paper and the complete PhD thesis (only in electronic forms) by e-mail to the president of the Division: Prof. Dr. Christian Hinderling, until September 10 th, 2018.
Flyer of the Polycoll 2018 Meeting
Oct 5, 2018 at EPFL Lausanne:
Christian Hinderling, President DPCI
Einladung: Technology Circle „NanoPolymers & Structures“ 21.03.2018
Strukturierung und Funktionalisierung von Oberflächen (oft im Nanometerbereich) sowie der Einsatz und die Modifikation von Polymeren sind die Themen dieses Technology Circles (TC). Welche optischen, chemischen oder biologischen Modifikationen sind möglich und wie können sie identifiziert werden? Welche Technologie-Trends und welche Firmen aus der Region sind dabei von Bedeutung?
Dieser erste TC im Jahr 2018 findet am 21. März 2018 ab 16 Uhr im Technopark in Brugg statt. Die Themen Additive Manufacturing und 3D-Druck stehen an diesem Nachmittag im Zentrum. Nach den einführenden und vertiefenden Referaten zu den genannten Themen wird dieser Praxiszirkel mit einer Führung durch die Produktion der Firma Sintratec AG abgerundet und wie üblich mit einem Netzwerk-Apéro abgeschlossen.
Der TC richtet sich insbesondere an Innovatoren und Fachpersonen aus den Bereichen Chemie, Kunststofftechnik, Beschichtungen, Mikro- und Nanotechnologie sowie aus der Industrie und der angewandten Hochschulforschung.
Fachlich wird diese Veranstaltung durch zwei ausgesprochen kompetente und industrieerfahrene Experten geleitet: Prof. Dr. Per Magnus Kristiansen,Institut für Nanotechnische Kunststoffanwendungen (INKA) der FHNW in Brugg und Dr. Christian Bosshard,CSEM AG in Muttenz.
Datum: 21. März 2018
Zeit: 16:00 - 18:00 plus Apéro
Betriebs-Führung ab 17:40
Ort: Technopark Brugg,Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg. Lageplan
BaselArea.swiss und das Hightech Zentrum Aargau organisieren die TC 3 bis 4-mal pro Jahr alternierend, wobei die Veranstaltung beim Hightech Zentrum Aargau als «Praxiszirkel Polymers & Structures» geführt wird.
Depending on the actual demand, the language of the circle will be German or English.
16:00 |
Begrüssung und Einführung |
16:10 |
«Additive Manufacturing – Potenzial einer Technologie und wie dieses in der Schweiz gefördert wird» |
16:35 |
«3D Mikro-Optik mit AM – wie man Mikrolinsen ohne Strukturverlust berührungslos poliert» |
17:00 |
Sintratec AG – 3D Druck aus dem Aargau |
17:20 |
Diskussion |
17:40 |
Sintratec AG – Führung durch die Produktion |
18:00 |
Networking & Apéro |
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, allerdings ist die Teilnehmeranzahl beschränkt. Bitte melden Sie sich via diesen Direktlink an. Anmeldeschluss ist der 19. März 2018.
Für weitere Informationen und Anmeldungen weiterer Personen besuchen Sie unsere Webseite.
Hightech Zentrum Aargau
Das Hightech Zentrum Aargau steht innovativen KMU mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, öffnet Türen zu Industrie und Wissenschaft und macht den Weg frei, zu den besten verfügbaren Technologien. Das Hightech Zentrum Aargau verfügt über einen direkten Zugang zu den im Aargau verfügbaren Fördermitteln. F&E Projekte, die im Rahmen der Praxiszirkel entwickelt werden, können nach eingehender Prüfung der Zulassungs-kriterien davon profitieren – sei es in Form einer Machbarkeitsstudie, eines NanoArgovia-Projektes oder durch einen finanziellen Beitrag aus dem Forschungsfonds Aargau.
Die Region Basel ist weltweit führender Standort für Life Sciences und Innovation. Um diese Stärke weiter auszubauen, haben die Nordwestschweizer Kantone Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft und Jura Ende 2015 die drei Organisationen BaselArea, i-net innovation networks und China Business Platform zur gemeinsamen Innovationsförderung und Standortpromotion zusammengeführt.
Unter der Marke BaselArea.swiss finden Firmengründer und Unternehmen aus dem In- und Ausland künftig Unterstützung für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung ihrer Projekte und Geschäftsvorhaben in der Region Basel.
Wir freuen uns, Sie im Technopark Brugg begrüssen zu dürfen.
Freundliche Grüsse
Ralf Dümpelmann
Senior Project Manager Micro, Nano & Materials
Dufourstrasse 11
4010 Basel
Phone +41 61 295 50 00
Phone direct +41 61 295 50 20
Mobile +41 79 312 93 27
Save the date: Swiss Conference on Supramolecular Polymers, 06.11.2017
Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg
Chemin des Verdiers 4, 1700 Fribourg
The Swiss Conference on Supramolecular Polymers (SC-SP 2017) seeks to provide a forum to all researchers working in the domain of supramolecular polymers and related areas to discuss their latest results, exchange ideas, and find synergies to establish future collaborations. While the conference is primarily addressed to researchers based in Switzerland, the participation with a poster presentation in the SC-SP 2017 is open to researchers from other countries.
Goal of the conference
After more than two decades of history, the field of supramolecular polymers remains one of the most active in polymer science. This is certainly due to the wide interest that supramolecular polymers raise from both a fundamental and applied perspective, which in recent years has brought a deep understanding of their physicochemical properties and a plethora of materials with advanced functionalities. The Swiss polymer research community is no exception to the worldwide interest in supramolecular polymers. The goal of this conference is thus to provide a forum to all these researchers to discuss their latest results, exchange ideas, and find synergies to establish future collaborations.
Format and sponsors
The Swiss Conference on Supramolecular Polymers (SC-SP 2017) is organized by the Adolphe Merkle Institute of the University of Fribourg and will be a one-day event featuring invited talks and two poster sessions. Although the conference’s main goal is to foster interactions within research groups based in Switzerland, the participation in the SC-SP 2017 with a poster presentation is open to researchers from other countries. The SC-SP 2017 is co-sponsored by the Division of Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces (DPCI) of the Swiss Chemical Society, the Adolphe Merkle Institute and the National Center of Competence in Research on Bioinspired Materials.
Important dates
- Deadline for abstract submission: September 11th 2017
- Deadline for early bird registration: September 11th 2017
- Deadline for late registration: October 20th 2017
Organizing committee
(AMI, University of Fribourg)
Dr. Stephen SCHRETTL
(AMI, University of Fribourg)
More information on the website: http://sc-sp.ch
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS collaborates with MDPI Journal 'Polymers' at the Fall Meeting 2017
SCS is proud to announce a new collaboration partner for the SCS Fall Meeting 2017. The Journal 'Polymers' will support the conference as partner and will be onsite to interact closely with the participants.
Polymers (ISSN 2073-4360) is a young but renowned open access journal. It was released in 2009 and already listed in WoS with a latest impact factor of 2.94 (5-yr impact factor 3.87). The journal has published its 1000th paper in October 2016 and we are aiming at the next 1000th by the end of 2018. Our authors benefit from the visibility of our open access publication and our fast turn-around time: 19 days from submission to first decision.
Polymers provides an interdisciplinary forum for publishing papers which advance the fields of (i) polymerization methods, (ii) theory, simulation, and modeling, (iii) understanding of new physical phenomena, (iv) advances in characterization techniques, and (v) harnessing of self-assembly and biological strategies for producing complex multifunctional structures. It publishes research papers, communications and review articles. Start reading at: www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers.
David Spichiger, SCS
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