2017 Reaxys PhD Prize is open of submissions
Submissions for the 8th annual Reaxys PhD Prize are now open. It is a great opportunity for talented young chemists to get international recognition for the excellence of their work. The Prize is open to those who have just completed or are still working on their PhD. Submissions will be accepted from now until March 13.
Each year 45 finalists are carefully selected from the submissions and invited to present their research at the Prize Symposium, which will be held in Shanghai this October. The finalists also join the Reaxys Prize Club, an exclusive community made up of some of the chemistry world’s brightest young minds. In addition, the 3 winners - selected and announced at the Symposium - each receive $2,000.
Watch highlights of the 2016 Reaxys Prize Symposium:https://vimeo.com/191017807
Could you or someone you know be one of this year’s finalists?
Details about applying and submission form can be found here:http://inspiringchemistry.reaxys.com/phdprize
A flyer with key information is available here: http://inspiringchemistry.reaxys.com/phdprize/2017/flyers
David Spichiger, SCS
15th Swiss Snow Symposium, Saas-Fee, Jan 27-29, 2017
The 15th edition of the traditional Swiss Snow Symposium will take place in Saas-Fee again and provides a innovative platform for young chemists to present their work and to exchange their experience.
A well balanced mix between lectures, short talks and poster session as well as get-togethers at the hotel bar and snow fun activities on the slopes of the Allalin-Mountain guarantee a unique experience of science and fun.
Confirmed, invited speakers:
- Dr. Alec Birkbeck (R&D, Firmenich)
- Dr. Cheng Yi Chen (R&D, Janssen)
- Dr. Amandine Kolleth (Postdoctoral Fellow, Syngenta Crop Protection AG)
- Dr. Magnus T. Johnson (Group leader, Lund University)
- Dr. Sebastian Wendeborn (R&D, Syngenta Crop Protection AG)
The number of participants is limited to 65 and we confirm the participations on a first-come-first-serve basis. Deadline to register is December 16, 2017.
David spichiger, SCS
EYCA 2016 – Deadline for Applications 1 April
The European Young Chemist Award 2016 is intended to showcase and recognise the excellent research being carried out by young scientists working in the chemical sciences and will be presented at the 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress to be held in Seville from 11 – 15 September 2016. It will follow the 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 European Young Chemist Awards held in Budapest, Torino, Nürnberg, Prague and Istanbul during the previous editions of the European Chemistry Congresses.
This year’s EYCA award is organised by the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), the Consiglio Nazionale dei Chimici (CNC) and the Spanish National Chemists Association, ANQUE.
Applicants must submit the following items by e-mail to by 1 April 2016 in order to be considered for the award.Application information.
David Spichiger, SCS
Contest – PHOTOCHIMICA 2016
The European Young Chemists’ Network has launched the first edition of the European Photography Contest – PHOTOCHIMICA 2016. Under the theme “Chemistry is Everywhere” chemists and not chemists under 35 who are passionate about photography and chemistry are invited to participate. EYCN wants to promote chemistry through the power of visual arts, by showing its presence in all of our everyday activities.
Deadline: 6 March 2016
More details on http://eycn.eu/index.php?id=328
Source: http://eycn.eu/
Master-Messe vom 25./26. November 2015, Zürich-Oerlikon
Kennen Sie Ihre vielfältigen Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten auf Master-Stufe?
Möchten Sie wissen, welcher MBA am besten zu Ihnen passt?
Dann besuchen Sie die Master-Messe vom 25./26. November 2015, in der StageOne Event and Convention Hall in Zürich-Oerlikon und verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über mehr als 400 Master-Studiengänge/MBAs von rund 30 Fachhochschulen, Universitäten und Business Schools.
Liste der Aussteller
Mit spannenden Expertenvorträgen, Präsentationen von Studiengangverantwortlichen, kostenlosen Studien- & Laufbahnberatungsgesprächen und vielem mehr bietet die Master-Messe zudem ein spannendes Rahmenprogramm.
Registrieren Sie sich bis Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 und Sie erhalten einen kostenlosen 2-Tagespass für die Master-Messe zugesendet.
Bei einer Registrierung vor Ort wird ein Unkostenbeitrag von CHF 10.00.- erhoben.
Jetzt kostenlos registrieren: www.master-messe.ch
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
together ag – Ihr Partner für Studium und Berufseinstieg
David Spichiger, SCS
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