Rigi-Workshop for Young Scientists 2016
Top of Mt. Rigi (www.rigikulm.ch), January 24-26, 2016
Want advice on how to de- and re-construct the smallest living cells to engineer modified nanomachines, rewire pathways and build synthetic genomes from scratch?
...then we warmly invite you to come to the workshop «Big answers from small packages: systems and synthetic biology of microbes».
Bacteria and other microbes are among the simplest biological systems known and serve as powerful platforms to engineer synthetic cells. We have surgically removed and refactored their genetic modules into networks, switches and circuits; we have dug in their deepest past, we illuminated their insides with bolts of lightning and we engage in chemical (antibiotic) warfare with them. What other knowledge is needed to design, manufacture and/or tame a living cell?
Leading scientists will talk about phylogenomics of bacteria and organelles (Matthias Horn, University of Vienna), phenotypic landscapes and chemical profiling (Nassos Typas, EMBL Heidelberg), high-throughput live-cell imaging (Thierry Doan, CNRS Marseille), dark and synthetic metabolism (Tobias Erb, University of Marburg), synthetic selection networks (Morten Sommer, Technical University of Denmark), designer genomes (Tom Ellis, Imperial College London) and synthetic pathway engineering in bio-technology (Jutta Heim, Evolva SA).
Please find all details in the attached flyer and on our webpage.
Registration is open until October 15, 2015. Registration fee (due only after admission to the workshop) is CHF 150.-
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Patrick Viollier, Institute of Genetics & Genomics, University of Geneva
Prof. Dr. Bear Christen, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zürich
Dr. Pia Stieger, Dr. Christoph Lüthi, Platform Biology, SCNAT
Christoph Lüthi
Platform Biologie
Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
CH-3007 Bern
Tel.: +41 31 306 93 37
Internet: www.naturwissenschaften.ch
ChemPlusChem: Supports Early Career Researchers
ChemPlusChem is a top-quality journal focused on multidisciplinary research and its importance is growing within the international chemistry community. A recent hot article on polyoxometalates as water reduction catalysts by Greta R. Patzke and co-workers contributes to the journal’s Early Career Series, which promotes up-and-coming researchers.
More Details to the Early Career Series
David Spichiger, SCS
Tips for Your Poster and Your Presentation
Author: Richard Threlfall
Published Date: 16 Juli 2014
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Engaging Posters and Presentations
Making scientific posters and presentations engaging for an audience can be a challenge. If your main subject matter is basically a big bunch of data then how on earth do you make an exciting story out of what looks to most people like a jumble of numbers and structures?
Realising that people want to hear your story as well as that of your data can go a long way to helping you make that all-important personal connection to your audience. Therefore, starting with posters and moving on to giving talks, this collection of tips aims to get you thinking about the scientific as well as the human aspects of what really goes on at conferences so that you can get maximum impact from your time in the spotlight.
Read the full article on www.chemistryviews.org
David Spichiger, SCS
Chemistry Travel Awards 2015
Through the «SCNAT/SCS/SSFEC Chemistry Travel Award», contributions towards the cost of participation at an international conference in the chemical sciences are granted to selected PhD students. Selections are based on their scientific accomplishments and on the submitted conference abstract.
The «Platform Chemistry» of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and the Swiss Society for Food and Environmental Chemistry (SSFEC) announce the «2015 SCNAT/SCS/SSFEC Chemistry Travel Award»:
The award includes a contribution of CHF 1'000 towards the cost of active participation (poster or oral presentation) at an international conference in the field of the chemical sciences. A total of 45 awards will be distributed to selected doctoral students from Swiss research institutions. Selection will be based primarily on scientific accomplishment and on the submitted conference abstract.
Application for the 2015 SCNAT/SCS/SSFEC Travel Award is now open. For more details and the application process please visit the website of the Platform Chemistry.
Deadline: 31 March 2015 (23:59)
David Spichiger, SCS
Review and Photos Swiss Snow Symposium 2015
More than 60 participants joined the Swiss Snow Symposium 2015 in Saas Fee from January 23-25, 2015 and enjoyed a perfect organized event and a good mix of scientific talks/posters, snow sports and social interaction.
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David Spichiger, SCS
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