12th Swiss Snow Symposium

Science meets Snow!
The 12th Snow Symposium takes Place in Saas Fee again and combines science, networking and snow sport in a familiar atmosphere.
January 24-26, 2014; Saas Fee.
Take the chance to exchange scientific experiences, to have fun and to enlarge your personal network. Register as soon as possible - first come, first serve!
Symposium and accommodation: Panorama Hotel Alphubel http://www.hotelalphubel.ch/
Snow and ski report Saas Fee
2 nights + halfboard, 120 CHF SCG members (170 CHF non-members)
Scientific Symposium:
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Xile Hu, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Martin Lochner, University of Berne
PD. Daniel Häussinger, University of Basel
Abstracts for talks have to be submitted as soon as possible to . Final decision on speakers will be made by mid December.
First come, first serve. Now we have only a waiting list.
Registration open until December 23, 2013
Further details:
Event Details
David Spichiger, SCS
Picture Competition – A Year in the Lab
Submit your outstanding picture of something from the chemistry lab. The best 12 pictures will receive an award and will have the privilege of appearing in a calendar for 2014.
The JungChemikerForum (JCF), ChemistryViews.org, and the Vereinigung für Chemie und Wirtschaft (VCW) invite you to submit a picture showing in a creative way the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab. Your picture, for example, might show an experimental setup from an unusual angle, vividly illustrate concepts, like basic chemical principles, or show the beauty of chemistry with outstanding pictures created with imaging technology.
The deadline for entries is Midnight on July 28, 2013.
The images must be your own work and you must own the rights to each picture. They must be submitted as jpeg files with at least 300 dpi with 3 megapixels or a resolution of 2016 × 1512.
12 winners will be chosen from all the submitted photos by a panel of judges. Winning pictures will be announced on September 1, 2013. All pictures will be posted on ChemistryViews.org for everyone to admire. The best 12 pictures will receive an award (total prizes worth EUR 3.000) and will have the privilege of appearing in a calendar for 2014. The calendar will be presented at the Wissenschaftsforum 2013 and will also be offered for sale online.
- 1. Prize: 125 Euro and books for up to 125 Euro from the blue&white or For Dummies brand
- Prizes 2–12: 125 Euro and books for up to 79 Euro from the blue&white or For Dummies brand
- Picture receiving most likes: Book prize: Molecules That Changed The World by K. C. Nicolaou and T. Montagnon
More information:
Website on chemistryviews.org
David Spichiger, SCS
Useful help to write scientific articles in English
EASE guidelines for authors and translators of scientific articles to be published in English
To make international scientific communication more efficient, research articles and other scientific publications should be COMPLETE, CONCISE, and CLEAR. These generalized guidelines are intended to help authors, translators, and editors to achieve this aim.
More information:
Swiss Snow Symposium - Save the date!
The Swiss Young Chemists Assosciaton organizes also in 2013 the Swiss Snow Symposium. Safe the date: January 11-13, 2013; Saas Fee.
Combine science with sports and fun and enlarge your network. The Swiss Snow Symposium is the ideal plattform for all young chemists in Sitzerland to meet and discuss about their recent research but also to have fun on the skis/boards and afterwards.
More information:
11th Swiss Snow Symposium 2013 (SYCA)
David Spichiger, SCS
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