Brussels News Update, November 2020 (2)
European Highlights, Research, Innovation, Education, Entrepreneurship
EuChemS Webinars: two down, one to go!
November is a busy month for EuChemS in terms of events. Three webinars were scheduled this month: one on science-policy concerning circular economy, one purely scientific on CO2conversion and an information session on EuChemS awards.
We kindly invite you to read our full debrief here to discover more about all of them.
Celebrate the Periodic Table again with the IYPT19 Final report
The Final Report of the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements 2019 (IYPT) was released earlier in October 2020 and is now available online. The report gathers the planning and the initiatives organised throughout the year-long celebration #IYPT19, including also the ones by EuChemS and its Member Societies, who coordinated hundreds of activities and events in 2019, and these actions have reached millions of people through media coverage.
Read more about it here.
Chemistry during the pandemic
Luigi Campanella, Senior Chair of the EuChemS Working Party on Ethics in Chemistry, wrote a contribution for EuChemS on the role of Chemistry during the COVID-19 crisis. In his article, Professor Campanella explores possible scientific answers that can be found in Open Science, Big Data, knowledge, and expertise.
Read the full article here.
Horizon Europe will start on time, with an additional €4 billion
Earlier this month, MEPs from EPP Group sent a letter to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, pleading with them to reject the drastic cuts to European research funds, as part of an agreement on the budget for Horizon Europe.
On 10 November, the European Parliament and the EU member states announced having reached a deal on the multiannual budget for Horizon Europe: €1.8 trillion will be allocated for the 2021-2027 research budget. This budget will also cover the coronavirus recovery fund. In total, €4 billion were added since the most recent budget talks.
Read our full debrief here.
ERC News
On 5 November, the European Research Council (ERC) announced that 34 projects have been awarded €350 million. In total, the ERC received more than 440 proposals for this Synergy Grants call. This grant is part of the Horizon 2020 framework programme for R&I and attracted researchers from across the globe.
Consultations & Roadmap
European Commission Public Consultations and Roadmaps
A number of consultations and roadmaps put forward by the European Commission are currently open:
- ‘Healthy soils – new EU soil strategy
Deadline: 10 December 2020 - ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases – review of EU rules (2015-20)’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 29 December 2020 - ‘EU Action Plan Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 10 February 2021
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) public consultations
A number of consultations put forward by ECHA are currently open.
You can take a look at them here.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) public consultations
A number of consultations put forward by EFSA are currently open.
You can take a look at them here.
Fundings, Nominations & Awards
European Chemistry Gold Medal 2022
The European Chemistry Gold Medal aims to reward the exceptional achievements of one scientist working in the field of chemistry in Europe.
You can submit a nomination here.
2020 EuChemS Lecture Award
Each year, EuChemS celebrates the major achievements of a junior scientist working in chemistry.
You can submit a nomination here.
2020 EuChemS Award for Service
EuChemS Award for Service aims to acknowledge the outstanding commitment of an individual to fostering chemistry and molecular sciences in Europe, as well as to the goals of EuChemS.
You can submit a nomination here.
2020 EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award
The EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award, which aims to celebrate the important link between history, cultural heritage and chemistry, is open to submission.
You can submit a nomination here.
International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL)
The call for the International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL) is now open.
You can submit a nomination here (please scroll down to the Submission form “Jury Nomination for the International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL) 2020”).
EuChemS Events
In the current environment and status of COVID-19, some events recognised by EuChemS are being postponed or cancelled.
EuChemS Events calendar is being updated on a regular basis.
If you planned to attend an event, you can check more about it here.
Read the full BNU newsletter here
EuChemS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuChemS by Nineta Hrastelj, Laura Jousset and Jelena Lazić. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuChemS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuChemS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2020 EuChemS
Céline Wittwer, SCS
EuChemS Award Information Session
The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) invites their members to the EuChemS Awards Information Session, the last EuChemS webinar this year on:
Tuesday 24 November, 10:00 CET.
- European Chemistry Gold Medal Award
- EuChemS Lecture Award
- EuChemS Award for Service
- EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award
- European Young Chemists’ Award (EYCA)
Céline Wittwer, SCS
CHIMIA Editorial Program 2021 and Media Data
Editorial Program 2021
Issue | Publication Date |
Topic, Guest Editor |
1-2 | 24.02.21 |
The Future of Chemical Education |
3 | 24.03.21 |
H2 Production and CO2 Conversion: Insights and Progress |
4 | 28.04.21 |
Laureates Junior Prizes Fall Meeting 2020 |
5 | 26.05.21 |
Colloidal Nanocrystals |
6 | 23.06.21 |
Peptide Chemistry in Switzerland |
7-8 | 11.08.21 |
SCS Major Awards / SCS Fall Meeting |
9 | 29.09.21 |
Green and Sustainable Chemistry |
10 | 27.10.21 |
Photochemistry |
11 | 24.11.21 |
Industry-Academic Partnerships |
12 | 22.12.21 |
Chemical Biology |
Editor-in-Chief 2021
Prof. Catherine Housecroft, University of Basel
Contact address for ads and company reports
Swiss Chemical Society, David Spichiger
+41 31 306 92 92
Flyer including media data and advertisement offers
Céline Wittwer, SCS
SCS Partnership: Making the difference as an Institutional Partner
We implemented the SCS Partnership as a new strategic tool to strengthen our collaboration with industrial partners and to align our activities to the communities requirements.
Making the difference as an Institutional Partner through
- Active involvement in the strategic alignment of the society (board-, committee- and jury-membership)
- Becoming Industrial Science Award Program Stakeholders (former SISF Program)
- VIP Guests/Delegates at the Swiss Chemistry Science Night
… and also enjoying the benefits of “classical” corporate membership:
Free CHIMIA subscription, Publication of Company Reports in CHIMIA, Advertising at reduced rates, and Logo presence on SCS documents (print, digital)
We already assigned SCS Partnership agreements with the following companies:
Contact David Spichiger, SCS Executive Director, to become a Partner and discuss your ideas for a fruitful collaboration.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Job Offer ETH Zürich: Assistenzprofessur (Tenure Track) für Anorganische Chemie
Im Departement Chemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften ( der ETH Zürich ist am Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie (LAC) ( eine
Assistenzprofessur (Tenure Track) für Anorganische Chemie
zu besetzen. Die Forschungsgebiete des LAC umfassen die Synthese und Charakterisierung von molekularen und nanoskaligen anorganischen Verbindungen sowie die Aufklärung von komplexen Reaktionssystemen, die mit hochauflösenden Methoden erforscht werden.
Die neue Assistenzprofessur soll ein international kompetitives Forschungsprogramm im Bereich der Hauptgruppenelementchemie, der Materialchemie, der Festkörperchemie, der theoretischen Chemie, oder der Entwicklung physikochemischer Methoden aufstellen. Eine Kombination dieser Forschungsfelder ist erwünscht. Es wird erwartet, dass Interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte an der Schnittstelle von anorganischer Chemie und Physik, den Material- oder Biowissenschaften entwickelt werden können.
Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen theoretischen und experimentellen Gruppen an der ETH Zürich soll angestrebt werden. Die zukünftige Professorin bzw. der zukünftige Professor engagiert sich in der Lehre auf dem Gebiet der Anorganischen Chemie und der Organometallchemie auf Bachelor- sowie Masterstufe.
Assistenzprofessuren dienen der Karriereförderung junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler. Das Tenure Track-Verfahren an der ETH Zürich ist mit denjenigen anderer erstklassiger internationaler Universitäten vergleichbar. Engagement in der Lehre sowie die Fähigkeit eine Forschungsgruppe zu führen werden erwartet.
Bitte bewerben Sie sich online:
Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf und Publikationsliste, einer Beschreibung der beabsichtigten Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeit sowie der drei bedeutendsten Leistungen sind bis zum 15. Dezember 2020 in Englisch einzureichen. Das Anschreiben ist an den Präsidenten der ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot, zu richten. Die ETH Zürich setzt sich für Chancengleichheit, die Erhöhung des Frauenanteils innerhalb der Professorenschaft, die Bedürfnisse von Dual-Career-Paaren sowie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ein.
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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