EuChemS Magazine, June 2024
EuChemS News, Policy News, Events, Awards
Find our monthly compilation of chemistry- and science-related European policy developments in this newsletter! You will also find EuChemS' activities and news here. Take a look at our Headline Stories or Read EuChemS Magazine online!
EuChemS News
- Young Chemists competition at ECC9
- ECC9 coming up next month
- Chemistry graduate careers and diversity addressed by survey results
- EuChemS Secretary General attends PARC Consortium meeting
Policy News
- European Elections Conclude
- UK’s Horizon association provides ERC with extra budget
- Critical Raw Material Act enters into force
- Commission adopts Net-Zero Industry Act
Read the full magazine on:
David Spichiger, SCS
Invitation to the SCS General Assembly 2024
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to join the 34th SCS General Assembly.
SCS General Assembly 2024, June 7, 2024, 13.00–13.30 (lunch break of the SCS Spring Meeting 2024)
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Agenda GA 2024
- Welcome Approval of the agenda
- Election of the vote counters
- Minutes of the 33rd GA April 14, 2023, University of Zurich (published in CHIMIA Vol. 77, 5/2023, A357f and on
- Annual report 2023, published in CHIMIA 1-2/2024, A90ff and on
- Financial statement 2023 and audit report (accessible for members only. Please login before clicking the link)
- Discharge the board and the financial audit of their duties
- Elections for the ExB and the BoD Election of the auditors
- Membership Fees 2025
- News and strategic projects
- Outlook 2024/2025
- Varia
Céline Wittwer, SCS; 26.03.2024
Updated David Spichiger, SCS; 05.06.2024
SCS Scientific Award Program 2025: Call for Nominations
The call for nominations for the SCS Awards 2025 is open until September 30, 2024.
Please visit our Website for further details and hand in nominations electronically to
Werner Prize
CHF 10'000 and medal in bronze. Awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent chemical research.
Sandmeyer Award
CHF 10'000 for individuals or CHF 20'000 for groups. Awarded to a person or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry.
SCS Industrial Science Awards
This program includes awards on three career levels with cash checks of CHF 7'000, 10'000 and 15’000. It honors active industrial scientists working in Switzerland for their outstanding contributions in industrial R&D.
Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award
CHF 10’000. Honors outstanding scientific discoveries that lay the foundation for environmentally friendly approaches and products. It is supported by Syngenta as founding partner and SusChem Switzerland as hosting institution.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Award
CHF 5’000. The Prize is awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding accomplishments in the field of experimental or theoreticalphotochemistry.
Balmer Prize
CHF 2'000 for individuals and CHF 2'000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3'000 for a group and CHF 1'000 for the school’s chemistry department. Awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award
CHF 1'000 and medal in bronze. Presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences.
Simon-Widmer Award
CHF 5’000. Honors distinguished scientists for their contribution to analytical science and the education of analytical scientists.
CHF 5’000. Honors outstanding contribution to the field of metrology in chemistry and/or biology.
Cancer Drug Discovery Research Award
CHF 10'000 in total for 2-4 winners. The award (supported by RGCC International) honors outstanding scientific achievements of MSc, PhD students or Postdocs from Switzerland that are working in the field of cancer drug discovery research.
DIAC Fellowship
CHF 1'000 and lecture tour in Switzerland. The distinction is granted to distinguished scientists from Industry for significant contributions and innovations over many years in the field of industrial chemistry and chemical process technology in Switzerland.
Céline Wittwer, SCS

IUPAC FAIR Chemistry Cookbook for sharing and reusing data
The IUPAC FAIR Chemistry Cookbook is a new living resource developed to enable the chemical sciences community to move toward sharing and reusing data, code, metadata, etc. that are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable or FAIR.
In a digital work environment, well prepared researchers need to be comfortable working their way around digital data formats, code, and online computing platforms. Proficiency in basic digital data handling skills can empower chemists to exploit FAIR and open data resources and handle real-world chemical data scenarios more effectively. As a result, the Cookbook content is designed to train, encourage, and enable chemistry researchers and data professionals to help support practices, workflows and data that are more FAIR. See DETAILS and step into the future of Chemistry with this new tool ! / David Spichiger, SCS

Version 2.0 of the EuChemS Periodic Table addresses sustainability
EuChemS published the updated version of its periodic table highlighting element scarcity. The new version also considers the sustainable use of chemical elements.
The EuChemS Periodic Table was initially released in 2019, on occasion of the International Year of the Periodic Table. It highlights how the resources of chemical elements that make everything up on this planet are limited. On this EuChemS Table of Chemical Elements, each chemical element is shown on a logarithmic scale, its shape depending on the abundance of the element itself, while its colour reflecting availability. Considered a “living document”, it has been updated a number of times to reflect on societal changes and scientific discussions, such as the ones held at the EuChemS Periodic Table workshops on specific elements and their uses.
The 2.0 version was approved last year, at the EuChemS Annual Meetings in Larnaca, Cyprus. The main update is the inclusion of a section on sustainability by the introduction of the deep red colour. The changes reflect the planetary boundaries and the results of the COP28 held in Dubai. With the addition of the deep red colour, the table now has 7 colours split into two categories: availability and sustainability.
Since its publication, the EuChemS Periodic Table can be disseminated freely as long as there are no changes, under the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs CC BY-ND. EuChemS is also happy to receive community-made translations.
Marton Kottmayer, EuChemS; (published on by David Spichiger, SCS)
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