SCS Fall Meeting 2020: Register Now!
We are pleased to invite you to the SCS Fall Meeting 2020, one of the largest annual research conferences held in Switzerland. For the first time the Fall Meeting takes place as an online conference to fulfill the regulations of the government and to facilitate safe exchange of scientific information.
SCS Fall Meeting 2020
Online Conference
Tuesday, 25. August 2020, 08:30 – 18:00
For generations of young chemists educated in Switzerland, the Fall Meeting has been a great platform to present their research –often for the first time ever at a major conference- and to be inspired by the people one gets to meet.
The Scientific Program offers Award Lectures presented by leaders in their respective fields, as well as invited and contributed lectures in nine thematic sessions covering all of chemistry. For each of these, there also is a virtual poster session.
Program Highlights:
- Two plenary sessions with lectures of SCS price winners 2020
- Virtual Poster Session during the whole week
- Nine thematic parallel sessions with key note lectures and 15min PhD presentations
- Best oral and best virtual poster presentation award ceremony
Topics of the parallel sessions are
- Analytical Sciences
- Catalysis Science & Engineering
- Computational Chemistry
- Inorganic & Coordination Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces
- Chemistry and the Environment
New Session of Chemistry and the Environment: “We welcome abstracts from scientists and engineers engaged in all research areas related to chemical processes that (bio)molecules undergo in the environment and their impact on the environment. This includes atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, and the effect of molecules on living organisms.”
With respect to the special circumstances the return on the Call for Contributions was surprisingly high: We received more than 400 abstracts for a short talk or a virtual poster in one of the nine sessions (i.e. about 80% of the return in a “normal” year!).
Registration to join the conference is mandatory and gives you access to the virtual meeting rooms (Zoom platform).
Registration is still open and is free for SCS Members.
register to join the online conference |
We are looking forward to welcoming you online
Prof. Silvio Decurtins, University of Bern (Chairman)
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, ETH Zurich (Vice Chairman)
David Spichiger, Swiss Chemical Society (SCS Head Office)
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Presidents letter: Statement to the COVID-19 Situation
"Dear Members of the Swiss Chemical Society,
I hope that you and your families are in good health. We are all confronted with an extraordinary situation of the Coronavirus pandemic around the world - including here in Switzerland. As a consequence, the Board of the SCS has taken precautionary measures in response to COVID-19 to protect the health of our community members. We have postponed or cancelled all face-to-face events planned for March, April and May 2020, in full compliance with the regulations of the Swiss Federal government.
These measures do not mean that the SCS will remain silent and inactive during the coming months. In fact, we have planned and are initiating activities in other forms that exploit our digital technologies. We have already held several meetings and events using online video technologies. Much more is to come, and we will keep you updated regarding our digital online offering through various SCS communication channels including CHIMIA and our website.
We want to maintain an attractive offering of information and scientific interactions for our members in this unconventional remote mode until such time that we are able to offer our events as normal. We hope all members stay healthy until we can meet again and enjoy the great chemistry, which continues to take place in Switzerland, despite the current challenges we all face.
The SCS Board members, myself, and the SCS Division representatives are here to support you and welcome your input on ways we can improve our interactions.
Let‘s keep the Swiss Chemical Society as lively as we know it to be!
We hope to see you all soon in good health."
Best regards,
Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker
President of the Swiss Chemical Society
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Annual Report scienceindustries 2019
sciencesindustries has published its annual report of 2019. They not only continued and developed their well-established activities but again pushed new initiatives to face todays challenges. With its new and fresh design, scienceindustries focuses any more on the important areas of the Industries chemistry pharma and life sciences such as innovation and political dossiers.
Please enjoy reading through the 2019 annual report:
Céline Wittwer, SCS
Special Offer due to CORVID-19: free access to Zosimos (ChemAxon)
ChemAxon offers free access to all features of the recently developed chemistry online learning platform to universities closed due to coronavirus outbreak. University teachers can get free access to Zosimos online educational framework, to help facilitate online learning in their chemistry classes.
How to apply? Please provide your email address so we can send you the access link to a classroom within a few hours
How can Zosimos help closed higher educational institutions to teach chemistry?
- The teacher manages a virtual class and sends the class link to the students. The students can start joining the class with a simple click on a link.
- The teacher formulates practice problems and sets the criteria for the evaluation of student responses.
- The teacher can either draw a molecule or enter a text as criteria for the evaluation of student responses. Because of the structure drawing, Zosimos is especially good at organic chemistry education.
- The teacher adds the practice quiz to the virtual class and students can already start practicing on their own schedule.
- The teacher can see the progress of the students and the automatically evaluated responses of the students.
- The teacher may also assign a quiz to the students within a set time frame. It may be used for homework or tests and the result is only visible to the students once the teacher has closed the assessment.
- Zosimos is supported on laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
- A sample teaching material about organic chemistry is available
- A short video about how to use Zosimos
- Brochure
Please keep in mind that this offer is valid for usage until the end of September 2020.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS now has a Public Profile on LinkedIn
We would like to announce that the Swiss Chemical Society from now on has an open access Profile on the Social Media platform LinkedIn. Up to the present there only existed a group forum with exclusive access for our members, which will be replaced with the new profile. Due to improved communication channels we decided to follow through this transfer from a closed Group to an open access. We would like to invite our members to follow the official page Swiss Chemical Society. Prospective posts will be published from now on on the new page to make sure, all of the communication on LinkedIn takes place on one site.
Please follow the link below:
LinkedIn Profile Swiss Chemical Society
Céline Wittwer, SCS
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