Brussels News Update, January 2020
Hello and welcome to the first Brussels News Updates of 2020, the monthly EuChemS newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest chemistry related science-education-policy news, upcoming events and awards.
This new year has begun under the sign of change, also for research in Europe. The ERC has welcomed its new President and Croatia took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. In the UK, Brexit threatens the membership of the country to the Erasmus+ and the Horizon Europe programmes. On another note, 2020 also marks the 50 years anniversary of EuChemS. Different initiatives and events will be held to celebrate those 50 years of Chemistry in Europe. You are all kindly invited to join our 2020 celebrations.
Before reading on, we wish everyone a happy New Year, from all of us at EuChemS.
You can read the full newsletter online here.
European Highlights, Research, Innovation, Education, Entrepreneurship
EuChemS is 50 years old
Active since 1970, EuChemS evolved over time. The organisation was established on 3 July 1970 in Prague by 17 Member Societies from both East and West Europe, under the initial name of FECS (Federation of European Chemical Societies). In 2004, FECS decided to adopt EuCheMS, the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences designation, with its headquarters in Brussels. In 2018, a new name, acronym and logo was adopted: EuChemS, the European Chemical Society.
For the full story, click here.
New at EuChemS Executive Board
On 1 January 2020, Professor Floris Rutjes (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society) took up the position of Vice-President of EuChemS and Dr Ioannis Katsoyiannis (Association of Greek Chemists) and Professor Rinaldo Poli (French Chemical Society) joined as new elected members.
The three new members of EuChemS Executive Board who were elected at the General Assembly in Bucharest in October last year are warmly welcome.
Read the full article here.
Croatia takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union
On 1 January 2020, Croatia has officially taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from Finland. “A Europe that develops, a Europe that connects, a Europe that protects, an influential Europe’’, this is how Croatia wants to shape Europe for the first semester of 2020. Albeit positioning Europe as a global leader will be a priority for Croatia during its 6-months presidency, the country will give top priority to science and sustainable development.
Read more here.
Impact of Brexit on research in Europe
Brexit is not without consequences on European research. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Education, Research, Innovation and Youth, declared that the UK entry into Horizon Europe programme will be the same as non-EU countries. Currently, UK is the second-biggest beneficiary of funding from Horizon 2020.
Read more about it here.
European Green Deal
The European Green Deal is taking shape. During her first speech as the new Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed her determination to implement the European Green Deal, achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions on the continent by 2050.
Read our full debrief here.
ERC welcome its new President
Professor Mauro Ferrari took up the presidency from Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, whose mandate lasted from January 2014 to December 2019. After his election in May 14, 2019, Professor Mauro Ferrari put forward his multidisciplinary background, a precious asset that will help him build strong relationships with scientists from the many disciplines the ERC covers. The new ERC President has several tasks ahead of him, among them is the implementation of the programme Horizon Europe. M. Ferrari’s term will last until December 31, 2023.
Read more there.
Consultations & Roadmap
Roadmap for 'Climate Law''
Deadline: 6 February 2020
You can take a look at it here.
Public consultation on 'Harmful Chemicals - endocrine disruptors'
Deadline: 9 March 2020
You can take a look at it here.
European Food Safety Authority consultations
Several consultations put forward by the European Food Safety Authority are currently open.
You can take a look at them here.
Fundings, Nominations & Awards
EuChemS Chemistry Congress fellowship scheme
The aim of this grant is to support early career researchers (bachelor, masters and PhD student) actively attending the EuChemS Chemistry Congresses.
Deadline for submitting applications: 31 May 2020.
Click here to submit your application.
ERC consolidator grants open call
Deadline: 04 February 2020
Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) open call
Deadline: 28 April 2020
EuChemS Events
Executive Board meeting
17 – 18 February 2020
The Hague, The Netherlands
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2020
19 – 21 February 2020 Blankenberge, Belgium
Food Contamination and Traceability Summit
26 – 27 May 2020
Erding, Germany
Other Events
All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum
6 – 7 February 2020
Brussels, Belgium
OpenEARTH conference
12 – 14 February 2020
Thessaloniki, Greece
ENRICH Entrepreneurial Skills Development Program (ESDP)
19 – 24 March 2020
Philadelphia, USA
Read the full BNU newsletter here
EuChemS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuChemS by Nineta Hrastelj, Alex Schiphorst and Marta Kucza. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuChemS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuChemS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2019 EuChemS
David Spichiger, SCS
Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days: Three SCS Prizes
SCS and the University of Geneva are happy and proud to announce the three awardees of the SCS Prize for the best oral presentations at the Geneva Chemistry and Biochemistry Days that took place from January 16-17, 2020.
Karolina Strakova, PhD student in the team of Prof. Stefan Matile, was award the SCS Prize for the best oral presentation and the LS2-SCNAT Prize of the best oral presentation in Life Science. Karolina gave a talk about her research on «Fluorescent probes to image physical forces in living cells».
Alexander Aster, PhD student in the team of Prof. Eric Vauthey, and Dalu Chang, PhD student in the team of Prof. Nicolas Winssinger got the runner-up prizes for their presentations.
Karolina Strakova, Alexander Aster and Dalu Chang (from left to right)
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for nominations for the Reaxys PhD Prize 2020
Reaxys is delighted to announce that the Reaxys PhD Prize 2020 is now open for submissions.
What is the Reaxys PhD Prize?
Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Reaxys PhD Prize is a unique global competition that recognizes accomplished young chemists for their innovative and rigorous research.
Open to PhD-level scientists from all research areas related to chemistry, this unique competition celebrates innovative, rigorous and forward-thinking research, helping the finalists and winners to drive their careers forward and network with other excellent scientists.
Who can apply?
Anyone who is currently doing or has recently completed a PhD (after Jan 1, 2019) in the chemical sciences is eligible to enter.
Submission timelines
The competition opened January 15 and will close on March 11.
What is needed to enter?
The application process is simple. It includes:
- A 2-3 page research summary that showcases their work
- A curriculum vitae
- A letter of recommendation submitted by the PhD supervisor
How are applications submitted?
Visit Reaxys PhD Prize and click on the ‘’Apply’’ button to register and begin the application. Students that register by February 5 will be invited to a webinar on tips and tricks for submitting an application. Note: Supervisors must submit their letter of support to a separate mailbox (details in the FAQs).
What is the prize?
Finalists receive an invitation to present their research at the Reaxys PhD Prize Symposium, which will be held in Toronto this October – the 3 winners will be awarded prize money of US$2,000 each. Finalists also receive lifelong membership in the Reaxys Prize Club, a unique international network of 400 chemists from all research areas and career paths. Personal and unlimited access to the rich content of Reaxys and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry is also granted to finalists.
Know someone who you think should apply?
Simply nominate them!
Additional resources and more information
- Watch this video for more information about the prize and the submission process
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Reaxys PhD Prize Poster and Flyer
- Reaxys PhD Prize Community News (interviews from previous winners and finalists)
- Follow us on Twitter (#ReaxysPhDPrize), Facebook and LinkedIn
David Spichiger, SCS
METAS Prize 2020 awarded to Kamyar Mehrabir, ETH Zürich
It’s our pleasure to announce that the Board of the Swiss Chemical Society awards the METAS Price 2020 to
Mr. Kamyar Mehrabir,
ETH Zürich (Trace Element and Micro Analysis),
for his work on online micro-droplet calibration method for sp-ICP-TOF to eliminate matrix effect in nanoparticles.
We are convinced that this innovative and sound approach will have a significant impact on future applications of metrological principles in mass spectrometry of nanoparticles.
The Prize will be awarded on the occasion of the CHanalysis 2020, which takes place on May 7-8, 2020 at Hotel Dorint in Beatenberg.
David Spichiger, SC
Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days 2020
16 January 2020, 09.00-17.30h
17 January 2020, 09.00-12.30h
Ecole de Physique - Grand Auditoire A - quai Ernest-Ansermet 24, Genève
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Harry L. Anderson - FRS
Oxford University, UK - Dr. Laurent Blanchoin
CEA - CNRS - INRA - Université Grenoble Alpes - Prof. Clémence Corminboeuf
Prix Jaubert Lecture 2020, EPFL Lausanne - Prof. Luke P. Lee
University of California, Berkley, US - Dr. Christophe Léger
Aix-Marseille University
Junior Speakers
- Alexander Aster
- Kenji Caprice
- Dalu Chang
- Ewa Drab
- Angelina Gigante
- Kristina Jajcevic
- Rania Kazan
- Lyudmil Raykov
- Clément Richard
- Chloé Roffay
- David Ruskic
- Biljana Stojimirovic
- Karolina Strakova
- Thomas Stricker
No registration required!
David Spichiger, SCS
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