PhD/Postdoc Seminar: Patenting in Life Sciences & Chemistry
A two-day hands-on workshop for doctoral students and post-docs in life sciences & chemistry.
11-12 June 2020
Centre Loewenberg, Murten
How does patenting in life sciences affect – my career? – academic research? – the society?
The course consists of a series of lectures (see "Meeting program") on intellectual property protection and patent law, challenges related to intellectual property in an academic environment and in a spin-off company and ethical considerations. You will also discover new job opportunities in the field of intellectual property management. Importantly, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops where you can gain hands on experiences in the topics described.
The registration fee is 400 CHF per participant and includes:
- course registration, attendance & material
- catering (incl. BBQ) during the entire course time
- accommodation at Centre Loewenberg for the night 11-12 June 2020
Deadline: Please register from 3 January 2020 - 15 May 2020 via the website!
With kind regards
Dr. Carolin von Schoultz, LS2 Scientific Officer
Dr. David Spichiger, SCS Scientific Officer
Prof. Heinz Mueller, Clinical Biochemistry, University of Basel & Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Bern
David Spichiger, SCS
Open Position: Science Officer (f/m) 50 - 60 % at SCNAT, Bern
The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) reinforces the awareness of sciences as a central foundation for our cultural and economical development. Its wide establishment in the scientific environment enables the SCNAT to be an important and representative partner of the international scientific policy. The SCNAT networks sciences, makes its expertise available, promotes the dialogue between science and society and identifies and assesses the scientific progress to build and reinforce the working base of the next generation of scientists.
With immediate effect or by appointment, we are looking for a
Science Officer (f/m) 50 - 60 %
for the Science Division.
Your tasks
As a basis for a Swiss roadmap for cost-intensive research infrastructures, SCNAT is currently developing nationwide roadmaps for various scientific disciplines on the basis of a mandate from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. The research communities are jointly responsible for these roadmaps. You shall support researchers from various disciplines in this work.
The tasks include:
- Support of several committees of researchers in the preparation of roadmaps (organisation; searching and writing of documents; keeping minutes).
- Coordination of planning, content and form of the products (texts) of the various committees.
- Writing or editing of texts (roadmaps or parts thereof) in English, independently or according to the responsible persons.
- Assignment and review of text layout.
- Support in the establishment of structures (e.g. round table discussions) that serve in the longer term to assess the needs of specific research infrastructures for the Swiss sciences.
Your profile
You are proactive, you have strong interpersonal skills and you are interested in establishing cooperative networks. Independent, well-structured and conceptual work is one of your strengths and you have organisational talent. You do not have difficulty in grasping facts of disciplines that do not correspond to your initial education and training. In addition to these skills, you have the following prerequisites
- Doctorate or comparable scientific education and training in either chemistry, biochemistry, biomedicine or molecular biology is required.
- Several years of professional experience in scientific research are expected, for example through working in national or international research projects or research networks at the operational level.
- Knowledge of large research infrastructures and/or knowledge of the requirements for processing large amounts of data (measurements, imaging methods, etc.) are an advantage.
- Excellent knowledge of the English language (oral and written), good knowledge of the German and/or French language (oral and written).
We offer
- A diversity of tasks that can be handled autonomously with creative freedom in a small, committed team.
- A job in an interesting environment in the immediate vicinity of the Bern railway station.
- Flexible working hours and progressive social benefits.
For the time being, the position is limited until the end of 2021, but continuation beyond this date is not ruled out.
Please send your complete application documents in English by January 8, 2020 to (only by e-mail with the subject "Application for Science Division", if possible in a single document). The interviews will take place on 15 and 16 January 2020, with a second interview on 22 January 2020.
For further information, please contact Dr. Marc Türler, Head of Platform Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics, tel. +41 31 306 93 65.
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPubSoc Europe Newsletter 20, December 2019
ChemPubSoc Europe is a society publishing group with a goal: wherever you are and whatever your background, we are striving to represent your high-quality research in our titles. This 20th newsletter brings you insights from the editorial offices; we outline the importance of ethical practices and diversity in chemical research and scientific dissemination.
The editorial offices are located in Weinheim at the foot of the beautiful Odenwald, near Heidelberg. We have a daily reminder of our responsibility to the planet and society—an imperative we share with many chemists. Thank you for collaborating with us during IYPT2019 to bring greater awareness to the wonders, as well as the challenges, of chemistry.
In the New Year, the 100th anniversary of macromolecular science will inspire a focus on polymers. And several journals celebrate birthdays: Chemistry–A European Journalturns 25 ChemPhysChem and ChemBioChem 20, and ChemistryViews will be 10. Read about the latest developments at ChemPubSoc Europe.
[Weinheim picture credits: 1 & 2 Sven Sasse–Rösch, 3 Mario Müller.]
Ethical Awareness in Scientific Publishing
ChemPubSoc Europe adheres to the same ethical standards as the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) and its >160 thousand members: to publish accurate, honest, and representative accounts of original research. Unethical conduct in scholarly publishing undermines the scientific record and jeopardizes the future of chemical research and researchers. And yet, our editors and referees detect unethical practices regularly. Education and dialogue are needed to foster a community with a common ethical ethos. Please contact the editors if you have concerns about a paper.
Gender parity is important to ChemPubSoc Europe. Our editorial teams are representative of the diversity in research; they are a multinational group of men and women, including members of the LGBTQ community—all trained chemists with doctorates from leading institutes. It is our conviction that creative high-quality research stems from diversity and inclusivity, as well as experience in chemical research. Every skilled researcher should be able to reach their full potential. Our editors and societies advocate for better science through awareness and inclusion.
Strengthen your national society with high-quality submissions to ChemPubSoc Europe. Our editors look forward to working with you.
Visit ChemPubSoc Europe online and on Twitter. For regular updates subscribe to the ChemPubSoc Europe newsletter and the monthly newsletter published by the award-winning team at ChemViews Magazine. Contact ChemPubSoc Europe with your society news.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT Newsletter, Dezember 2019
Neuer Präsident der Akademien der Wissenschaften
Nach seiner Wahl zum Präsidenten der Jacobs University in Bremen übergibt Antonio Loprieno das Präsidium der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz (a+) an SCNAT-Präsident Marcel Tanner. Weiter
Der Prix Expo 2019 geht nach St. Gallen und Freiburg
Die SCNAT zeichnet das Naturmuseum St. Gallen für sein langjähriges Engagement und das Naturhistorische Museum Freiburg für die Ausstellung «Milch – Mütterliches Elixier» aus. Weiter
Massnahmen für wirksame Schweizer Klimapolitik
Mit der Totalrevision des CO₂-Gesetzes stellt das Schweizer Parlament die Weichen für die Klima- und Energiepolitik. Zwei neue Faktenblätter beschreiben Instrumente für eine wirksame Klimapolitik. Weiter
Gründung der Jungen Akademie Schweiz
Die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz gründen die Junge Akademie Schweiz und schliessen sich einem weltweit erfolgreichen Netzwerk an. Nachwuchsforschende erhalten die Möglichkeit, inter- und transdisziplinäre Projekte umzusetzen. Der Call für die ersten Mitglieder startet Mitte Dezember 2019 und dauert bis Ende Januar 2020. Weiter
2. Schweizer Landschaftskongress: Aufruf für Kongressbeiträge
Am 2. Schweizer Landschaftskongress vom 19. bis 20. Oktober 2020 in Lausanne geht es um Grenzen – im Raum und in den Köpfen. Unter dem Motto «Dialog über Grenzen hinweg» werden Grenzen überwunden und damit die Zusammenarbeit für die gemeinsame Weiterentwicklung der Landschaft angeregt. Für die Parallelveranstaltungen und den Markplatz gesucht sind strittige Beiträge von Tandems oder Kleingruppen aus Politik, Praxis, Forschung und Lehre, die Grenzen thematisieren oder grenzüberschreitend denken. Sind Sie ein eingespieltes Team oder unversöhnliche Gegnerinnen und Gegner? So reichen Sie ihren Vorschlag bis zum 31. Januar 2020 ein. Weitere Informationen
Neuer Leiter für das Forum Klima und globalen Wandel (ProClim)
Oliver Inderwildi übernimmt ab Februar 2020 die Leitung des Forums für Klima und globalen Wandel (ProClim) der SCNAT. Der theoretische Chemiker hat im Bereich Emissionsreduktion promoviert und Nachdiplome in Wirtschaft, Politik und BWL absolviert. Er forschte in Cambridge, Oxford und an der National University of Singapore. Seit zehn Jahren ist er in der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung tätig. Er ist Autor und Herausgeber mehrerer Bücher und White Papers sowie eines Portfolios wissenschaftlicher Artikel im Bereich Emissionsreduktion und Klimawandel. Inderwildi tritt die Nachfolge von Karin Ammon an. Weiter
Plenum des Forums Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke ernannt
Das noch junge Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke der SCNAT verfügt nun über ein Beratungsgremium, welches das Kuratorium beispielsweise in wissenschaftlichen, strategischen und politischen Fragen unterstützt. Es setzt sich aus Expertinnen und Experten aus allen Themenbereichen zusammen, die für das Forum von Bedeutung sind. Das Gremium nimmt seine Arbeit per Januar 2020 auf. Das Forum ist eine Plattform im Bereich der Landschafts-, Alpen- und Schutzgebietsforschung. Es fördert das Wissen über Landschaft und landschaftsverändernde Prozesse und setzt Forschungsresultate in Wert. Weiter
Die Gebirgswelt verändert sich
Invasive Arten und das Landschaftsmanagement alpiner Weiden beeinflussen die Lebensräume im Gebirge. Die Artenzusammensetzung in den Alpen ändert sich rasant. In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Magazins «Cratschla» beleuchten Expertinnen und Experten die ökologischen Prozesse in der Höhe und die Veränderungen in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Ein Artikel stellt zudem die Resultate eines Projekts zu Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement in Biosphärenreservaten vor. Die Zeitschrift wird von der Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und Biosphärenreservat Engiadina Val Müstair der SCNAT herausgegeben. Weiter
Neue Mitglieder der Nationalpark-Kommission
Das Uvek hat per 2020 fünf neue Mitglieder für die Eidgenössische Nationalpark-Kommission (ENPK) gewählt. Die beiden Sitze der SCNAT übernehmen Karin Ammon, stellvertretende Generalsekretärin der SCNAT, und Norman Backhaus, Präsident der Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und Biosphärenreservat Engiadina Val Müstair. Sie ersetzen Jürg Pfister und Yves Gonseth. Die ENPK ist der Stiftungsrat der öffentlich-rechtlichen Stiftung Schweizerischer Nationalpark und wird vom Bundesrat gewählt. Als strategisches Organ nimmt die ENPK im Auftrag des Staates die Rechte und Pflichten aus dem Vertragswerk mit den Parkgemeinden wahr und wählt die Direktorin oder den Direktor sowie die Bereichsleitung. Wei
Was wird in Pärken von nationaler Bedeutung geforscht?
140 Interessierte haben an Tagung zur Forschung in Pärken von nationaler Bedeutung und Unesco-Welterbe-Stätten Ende Oktober 2019 teilgenommen. Die von «Parkforschung Schweiz» organisierte Veranstaltung zeigte auf, welche Forschungsthemen in Schweizer Pärken untersucht werden, reflektierte Ergebnisse und identifizierte Forschungslücken. Die Präsentationen zu Akzeptanz, sozialer Dimension, Biodiversität, Inwertsetzung und Gouvernanz sind jetzt online verfügbar. Weiter
Vorsicht giftig! Wie wir mit den Chemikalien auf der Welt umgehen
Bestimmt der gesetzliche Grenzwert die Gefährlichkeit von Giften? Oder doch die Dosis? Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Wissenschaftsmagazins «Horizonte» dreht sich um synthetische Stoffe, ihren Nutzen und den Argwohn gegen sie. Das Magazin zeigt auf, warum die unzähligen Studien zu synthetischen Molekülen deren Toxizität nicht genau bestimmen können. Es setzt Quecksilber, Asbest und Co. in Szene, denn was giftig ist, hat oft eine eigene Ästhetik. Und es erzählt die unendliche Geschichte des Glyphosats. Weiter
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Haus der Akademien | Laupenstrasse 7 | 3008 Bern
Andres Jordi | Telefon 031 306 93 23 |
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Brussels News Update, December 2019
Hello and welcome to the December edition of Brussels News Updates, the monthly EuChemS newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest chemistry related science-policy issues, news and upcoming events and awards.
2019 is coming to an end and with it the International Year of the Periodic Table and EuChemS numerous activities for the IYPT2019, which will continue to shape future of Chemistry in Europe as well as next year, when we will be celebrating 50 years anniversary of EuChemS. You are all kindly invited to join our 2020 celebrations and before reading on we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
You can read the full newsletter online here.
European Highlights, Research, Innovation, Education, Entrepreneurship
The International Year of the Periodic Table is coming to an end
On December 5, the Official Closing Ceremony for the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT) took place in Tokyo, Japan. Professor David Cole-Hamilton, EuChemS Vice-President, attended the ceremony on behalf of EuChemS.
150 years after the discovery of periodicity by Mendeleev, 2019 was selected to be the year-long celebration of the universally known symbol of science. The IYPT2019 permitted to put chemistry under the spotlights for a whole year, enhancing initiatives for a better communication among the different fields of the discipline. Events were organised all year-long, in Europe and beyond.
For the full story, click here.
Latest ECHA Committee for microplastics restriction
EuChemS attended the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) meeting of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in November which addressed several pressing issues. Significant topics under discussion included that of biodegrability, microplastics restrictions and its critical applications for human and environmental exposure caused by infill material for synthetic pitches.
Read the full article here.
EuChemS attending Primo Levi Award
On December 6, Professor Emeritus Vincenzo Balzani has been awarded Primo Levi Award which is jointly granted by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) and the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI). EuChemS President, Pilar Goya Laza, and EuChemS Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj, were invited to joint the celebration hosted by Società Chimica Italiana in Rome.
Read more here.
Quality Chemistry Education in Europe
The Council of the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTN) met in Rome in the first week of December. N. Hrastelj, EuChemS Secretary General, attended the meeting in her role as advisor. Read more about it here.
New European Commission launches European Green Deal
EuChemS congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her position as the new Commission President and wishes her all the very best in her endeavors.
During her first speech as the new Commission President at the global climate conference COP25 in Madrid, Spain, Ursula von der Leyen relaunched discussions on budget matters for research. Read more here.
Horizon Europe: towards the implementation of the programme
On November 26, the EU released the final report on the Horizon Europe implementation co-design exercise with the results of the online consultation that were collected between July 31 and October 4. The report also considers the conclusions drawn from the European Research and Innovation Days.
Read our full debrief here.
Consultations & Roadmap
European Food Safety Authority consultations
A number of consultations put forward by the European Food Safety Authority are currently open. You can take a look at them here.
If you would like to contribute to an EuChemS response, please drop us a line.
‘EU food quality schemes’ consultation
‘EU food quality schemes’ consultation, put forward by the European Commission, is currently open.
Deadline: 27 January 2020
You can take a look at it here.
‘Origin – labelling for meat’ consultation
‘Origin – labelling for meat’ consultation, put forward by the European Commission, is currently open.
Deadline: 2 March 2020
You can take a look at it here.
Fundings, Nominations & Awards
ERC consolidator grants open call
Deadline: 04 February 2020
ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support scientists wishing to consolidate their own independent research team or programme in Europe.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) open calls
Currently two calls are open: Innovative Training Networks 2020 and the European Researcher's Night. The deadline is in January, check details here:
EuChemS Events
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2020 (ChemCYS 2020)
19 – 21 February 2020 Blankenberge, Netherlands
Food Contamination and Traceability Summit
26 – 27 May 2020
Erding, Germany
European Conference of Research in Chemistry Education (ECRICE 2020)
6 – 8 July 2020
Rehovot, Israel
25th Conference on Isoprenoids
9 - 11 September 2020
Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Other Events
Food for the Future: Accelerating the Protein Transition
29 January 2020
Brussels, Belgium
Innovation 2050: Towards a greener, smarter world
04 February 2020
Brussels, Belgium
ENRICH Entrepreneurial Skills Development Program (ESDP)
19 – 24 March 2020
Philadelphia, USA
Read the full BNU newsletter here
EuChemS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuChemS by Nineta Hrastelj, Alex Schiphorst and Marta Kucza. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuChemS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuChemS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2019 EuChemS
David Spichiger, SCS
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