Brussels News Update, November 2019
Hello and welcome to the November edition of Brussels News Updates, the monthly EuChemS newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest chemistry related science-policy issues, news and upcoming events and awards.
Discussions on the future EU budget are beginning to take shape, but cuts over Horizon Europe loom – a worrying turn of events for the future of EU science, research and innovation. It will be our responsibility as scientists to communicate our message, both at the national and at the EU-level. Meanwhile, a new report by the EU’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors has highlighted the issues so far hampering a more balanced and transparent use of scientific advice by the European Commission. Read on more below for the latest news impacting Chemistry in Europe.
You can read the full newsletter online here.
European Highlights, Research, Innovation, Education, Entrepreneurship
Budget cuts loom over future Horizon Europe
Discussions over the EU’s budget for the next seven years threaten to see cuts to the budget allocation to research and innovation. With certain EU countries unwilling to pay more into the general EU budget and others unwilling to see decreases in the budgets for cohesion or agriculture, there is a growing risk that funding for EU science and innovation may be cut.
The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) has launched a campaign aimed to collect the signatures of scientists to demonstrate to national governments and to the EU institutions the vital role science, research and innovation can play in tackling the challenges we face today. EuChemS has given its support to the campaign and actively encourages everyone to find out more and to sign up. Read the full debrief here.
New report published on improving the gathering and use of scientific advice
A special panel of advisors, the EU’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, has published a new report with recommendations for further improving the way the EU institutions in Brussels gather and use scientific advice. The report calls for strengthening the use of scientific advice in policymaking, making decisions more transparent and on setting up guidelines and a set of best practices in the use of scientific advice.
Read the full article here.
Chemists and Physicists join for 'Passion for Science 2019' Symposium
Chemists and Physicists have come together for an International Symposium ‘Passion for Science 2019’ on the occasion of the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019) organised by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) in collaboration with the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) in Bologna on 6 and 7 November. Read more here.
European Environment Agency (EEA) report on the circular economy refers to EuChemS Periodic Table
In a recently published report on ‘Paving the way for a circular economy: insights on status and potentials’, the European Environment Agency (EEA) refers to the EuChemS Periodic Table highlighting element scarcity, illustrating the impact that Chemistry has on overarching policy issues both in Europe and worldwide. It is moreover testament of the far-reaching impact of the EuChemS Periodic Table and its relevance in science-policy interactions. Read more about it here.
EuChemS reveals logo to celebrate its 50 years in 2020
2020 will see the European Chemical Society celebrate 50 years since its conception. In order to celebrate the 50 years of EuChemS, a special logo has been designed, and activities and initiatives planned for 2020. It is our hope that spotlighting our history, the shared visions that made the organisation a reality, and our actions today will enable EuChemS to be even better recognised by the vast chemistry community, and by decision-makers in Brussels and national capitals. Click here for the full story.
Chemistry in Europe 2019-4 published
In the last edition of 2019, Chemistry in Europe this time round includes an Editorial by David Cole-Hamilton who reflects on his experience with EuChemS, a look into the recent EFSA Stakeholder Forum, input from our Professional Networks, the European Young Chemists’ Network, as well as our Member Societies. The newsletter moreover includes news on the EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award, and an interview with Iwona Maciejowska, Past-Chair of the EuChemS Division of Chemical Education. You can read the newsletter here.
Consultations & Roadmap
European Food Safety Authority consultations
A number of consultations put forward by the European Food Safety Authority are currently open. You can take a look at them here.
If you would like to contribute to an EuChemS respond, please drop us a line.
Fundings, Nominations & Awards
The call for submissions for three major EuChemS Awards are open.
Deadline: 31 December 2019
Historical landmarks Award
Lecture Award
Award for Service
Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) open calls
Currently two calls are open: Innovative Training Networks 2020 and the European Researcher's Night. The deadline is in January , check details here:
EuChemS Events
3rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry
2 – 5 December 2019
Caparica, Portugal
Avogadro Colloquia 2019 (AC 2019)
17 – 18 December 2019
Rome, Italy
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2020 (ChemCYS 2020)
19 – 21 February 2020 Blankenberge, Netherlands
Food Contamination and Traceability Summit
26 – 27 May 2020
Erding, Germany
European Conference of Research in Chemistry Education (ECRICE 2020)
6 – 8 July 2020
Rehovot, Israel
25th Conference on Isoprenoids
9 - 11 September 2020
Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Other Events
A Future for All to INHERIT: Taking Action Now
10 December 2019
Brussels, Belgium
EU Water Innovation Conference 2019
11 – 13 December 2019
Zaragoza, Spain
Read the full BNU newsletter here
EuChemS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuChemS by Nineta Hrastelj, Alex Schiphorst and Marta Kucza. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuChemS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuChemS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2019 EuChemS
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Award Winners 2020
It’s our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2020 SCS Awards. We would like to sincerely congratulate all winners for their outstanding scientific contributions, and we are looking forward to the award ceremonies and lectures that will take place at one of our upcoming SCS events.
The winners of the SCS Industrial Science Award Program and the Metas Award will be announced in early 2020.
The Swiss Chemical Society honors the following awardees:
Paracelsus Prize 2020
Prof. Scott E. Denmark,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA),
for his role as internationally recognized leader in the development of novel concepts of catalysis, of very useful synthetic methods, and insightful mechanistic investigations in organic chemistry.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 24, 2020.
All Paracelsus Prize Winners since 1941
Werner Prize 2020
Prof. Konrad Tiefenbacher,
University of Basel / ETH Zürich,
for his innovative and original research in the field of supramolecular catalysis with focus on catalysis inside supramolecular containers, so called ‘capsules’.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2020.
All Werner Prize Winners since 1936
Sandmeyer Prize 2020
Dr. Andreas Schuster, Dr. Caroline Maierhofer, Dr. Stephan Bachmann, Dr. Hans Iding, Dr. Christian Lautz, Dr. Régis Mondière, Dr. Philipp Schmidt, Dr. Isabelle Thomé,
from the Ipatasertib Team at F. Hoffmann La-Roche, and
Dr. Christoph Strasser
from Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG
for the development of an economical, scalable and sustainable process to produce Ipatasertib, an Akt kinase inhibitor currently tested in Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and triple negative metastatic breast cancer.
The award lecture will take place at the SCS Fall Meeting in Bern on August 25, 2020 and at the Freiburger Symposium in May 2021.
All Sandmeyer Prize Winners since 1994
Balmer Prize 2020
Dr. Hans-Ueli Ehrensperger,
Kantonsschule Frauenfeld
als Auszeichnung seines Lebenswerks als Chemielehrer.
All Balmer Prize Winners sind 2010
Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2020
Herr Nicola Christian Lüdi
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Wädenswil,
für seine Bachelorarbeit «Immobilisierung von PETase auf elektrogesponnenen Cellulose-Nanofasermatten zum Abbau von Mikroplastik»
All Dr. Max Lühti Award Winners since 1992
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPubSoc Europe News, December 2019
ChemistryViews: Video Advent Calendar 2019
Enjoy 24 days of chemistry highlights in video form! This includes holiday-themed experiments you can do with your kids or friends, interviews with scientists, publishing tips, and explanations of everyday chemistry.
Searching for Christmas Presents?
It is that time of the year again: The holiday season has started. If you are still searching for the perfect present for the chemists or science fans among your friends, family, or colleagues, we can help: and Wiley/Wiley-VCH Editors recommend science-themed presents.
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPubSoc Europe News, November 2019
ChemElectroChem: Special Collection on Bioelectrochemistry
Guest-edited by Wolfgang Schuhmann, José Pingarrón, and Tomokazu Matsue, ChemElectroChem is proud to present this Special Collection highlighting the latest developments in all aspects of bioelectrochemistry. This collection is published in honour of Professor Lo Gorton of Lund University (Sweden) on the occasion of his 70thbirthday. With a special tribute to Lo Gorton by Paolo Bollella, Carlo Santoro, Pierangela Cristiani, and Plamen Atanassov.
Link collection:
Link special tribute:
ChemCatChem: Special Issue on New Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis
Guest-edited by Lutz Ackermann and Jean-Baptiste Sortais, ChemCatChem's latest Special Issue focuses on New Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis. Discover how homogeneous catalysis can meet and overcome the current challenges in the field, ranging from the valorization of biomass and the formation of advanced materials to the synthesis of sustainable fuels, and the step‐economical preparation of novel value‐added chemicals. Enjoy free access until December 31, 2019.
Link Special Issue:
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Anniversary Members 2019
More than 80 of our members celebrate a special anniversary as SCS member this year. We like to express our special thanks to Hans Dahn and Peter Bladon, who joined SCS in 1948 and congratulate them for being with us for 70 years.
Thank you all for your support and your loyalty throughout the years.
Member for 70 years
- Karl Heusler, Basel
- Rudolf Anliker-Volkamer, Binningen
- Otto G. Rohr, Auenstein
Member for 50 years
- Jean-Claude Bünzli, Lausanne
- Ursula Bünzli-Trepp, Cugy
- Martin Roth, Hölstein
- Robert Egli, Magden
- Peter Rüedi, Gockhausen
- Heinz Heimgartner, Zurich
- Helmut Werner, Würzburg (D)
- Oskar Pfister, Uznach
- Charles W. Jefford, Bogis-Bossey
Member for 40 years
- André Chollet, Tannay
- Henri Stalder, Basel
- John Paul Maier, Basel
- René Lattmann, Oberwil
- Andreas Amrein, Winterthur
- Michel Schurter-Moser, Wetzikon
- Thomas Fuhrer, Bern
Member for 30 years
- Bruno Martinoni, Zurich
- Thomas R. Ward, Basel
- Georg Süss-Fink, Kronburg (D)
- Bernard Lucien Roy, Fribourg
- Antonio Togni, Russikon
- Hans Peter Wessel, Schliengen
- Francesco Fuso, Therwil
- Sylvain Cottens, Witterswil
- Reto Naef, Rheinfelden
- Wilfried Bauer, Laufenburg
- Peter Bläuenstein, Hausen
- Franz Wombacher, Jonen
- Alfred Giger, Möhlin
- Rudolf Zahradnik, Prague (CZ)
- Peter Gölitz, Weinheim (D)
- Wolfgang Miltz, Basel
- Roel Prins, Zurich
- Philippe Guerry, Binningen
- Robert Deschenaux, La Chaux-de-Fonds
- Rolf Gueller, Füllinsdorf
- Claudia Betschart, Basel
- Hans Walter Rich, Aarburg
Member for 20 years
- Bernhard Erb, Gipf-Oberfrick
- Stefan Abele, Bottmingen
- Carlo Thilgen, Zurich
- Anne Dimitrov-Wagenknecht, Bernex
- Thomas Häfeli, Reichenburg
- Marco S. Passafaro, Thayngen
- Daniel Rentsch, Zurich
- Monika Mergler, Liestal
- Jonathan Hall, Dornach
- Helma Wennemers, Zurich
- Achim Schlapbach, Basel
- Donald Hilvert, Zurich
- Martin Bossart, Frankfurt (D)
- Marc-Olivier Ebert, Zurich
- Pierre Brodard, Bern
- Christophe Zeder, Zurich
- Anna Seelig, Riehen
- Serge Parel, Kaiseraugst
- Holger Sellner, Buchs
- Christian Jenny, Basel
- Gábor Laurenczy, Lonay
- Thierry Meyer, Lausanne
- Ursula Röthlisberger, Lausanne
- Gerhard Schiefer, Buggingen (D)
- Bernhard C. Pfeiffer, Zurich
- Reinhard Kissner, Männedorf
- Pierre-Alain Muller, Fribourg
- Philipp Ermert, Allschwil
- Thomas Spielmann, Zurich
David Spichiger, SCS
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