Obituary: Prof. Dr. Georg Fráter (1941-2019)
Dear members of the Swiss Chemical Community
It is with deep mourning that we have to communicate the unexpected passing of Prof. Dr. Georg Fráter, on June 25, 2019. Our thoughts and hearts reach out to his family, his wife Marijke and his daughters Kinga and Saskia.
Georg Fráter was born in Budapest, on September 27, 1941 and moved to Switzerland in the wake of the Hungarian revolution in 1956. After studies at the Universities of Zurich, Leiden and Alberta at Edmonton he joined SOCAR AG, the agrochemical division of Hoffmann-La Roche in 1970. His love for terpene chemistry and complex synthesis, later made him switch to Givaudan in Dübendorf. In 2010, he became a founding member of the startup XiMo AG, a collaboration partner of Givaudan in the field of metathesis catalysts where he was still active as scientific advisor.
Throughout his career in industry, he kept lecturing at the University of Zurich and was awarded the title of Professor in 2001.
After his retirement, he served as president of the Swiss Chemical Society from 2004-2010 and was the initiator and founding father of the SCS Foundation established in 2008. He served as member of the board until 2012, being one of the drivers to establish the foundation. Georg and his spirit will stay with us and the Swiss chemical community forever.
The funeral will take place in Ebnat-Kappel, Evangelisch-Reformierte-Kirchgemeinde, Steinfelsstrasse, on July 22, 2019 at 14h
Sincere regards,
Swiss Chemical Society
Alain De Mesmaeker David Spichiger
President Executive Director
SCS Foundation
Hans Peter Lüthi
Link to the obituary on the website of XiMo
David Spichiger, SCS
Open Position @CHANGINS: Professeur(-e) de chimie à 100%
Situé à Nyon, CHANGINS est un site de formation unique en Suisse qui constitue le centre de compétences national pour la formation supérieure des métiers de la vigne et du vin. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un (-e) :
Professeur(-e) de chimie à 100%
Domaine d’activités
- Chimie analytique, chimie des denrées alimentaires, chimie des arômes
- Enseigner au niveau HES (Bachelor en viticulture et oenologie et Master Life Sciences)
- Encadrer des travaux de Bachelor et de Master
- Conduire des projets de recherche appliquée et de développement
- Acquérir des fonds de tiers pour la réalisation des projets Ra&D
- Réaliser des prestations de service et du conseil dans le domaine de l’oenologie
Profil souhaité Formation de chimiste ou d’ingénieur chimiste avec doctorat
- Au bénéfice d’une expérience professionnelle avérée, notamment dans le domaine analytique et des arômes
- Expérience dans les techniques de chromatographie gazeuse et de spectrométrie de masse (GC-MSn)
- Intérêt pour l’oenologie et le domaine du vin
- Attrait marqué pour l’enseignement et le contact avec les étudiants
- Expérience confirmée dans la conduite de projets Ra&D
- Personnalité ouverte et sensible aux réalités du monde viti-vinicole suisse et international
- Maîtrise du français et de l’anglais, l’allemand représente un atout supplémentaire
Nous vous offrons :
- Une activité diversifiée et stimulante sur un site de formation unique en Suisse
Entrée en fonction : de suite ou à convenir
Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir votre dossier de candidature complet (lettre de motivation, curriculum vitae, certificats de travail, diplômes) par e-mail à Jimmy Salchegger (), Responsable RH, d’ici au 31 juillet 2019.
Changins adopte une politique de recrutement en faveur de l’égalité des chances.
David Spichiger, SCS
New SCS Corporate Member: Plasmion GmbH, Augsburg
Plasmion GmbH, Augsburg, Germany, joined the Swiss Chemical Society as corporate member. As partner of ETH Zurich and Eawag, Dübendorf, Plasmion has already busines relations in Switzerland and will further develop its services Switzerlad.
Products - "Plug & Play" Ionization Devices
Plasmion offers plug and play ionization devices for atmospheric pressure mass spectrometers or customized stand-alone "electronic nose" sensors. In doing so, we are also willing to customize our solutions for your specific application and instrument.
For customers from DACH and Benelux, our product portfolio is distributed by our sales partner Axel Semrau GmbH & Co. KG. For inquiries, please use the link below.
If you are interested in an "electronic nose" sensor for your specific industrial application, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are continuously looking for further cooperation partners in this area.
Dr. Christine Merkert
Marketing & Sales Manager
David Spichiger, SCS
2018 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
The newest results in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) by Clarivate Analytics for journals published by ChemPubSoc Europe and their sister journals published by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society) are given below. ChemPlusChem and ChemSusChem received their highest ever impact factors. For more highlights see below.
ChemPubSoc Europe is a partnership of 16 European chemical societies nurturing a family of high-quality chemistry journals.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition: 12.257
Chemistry – A European Journal: 5.160
ChemBioChem: 2.593
ChemCatChem: 4.495
ChemElectroChem: 3.975
ChemistryOpen: 2.205
ChemistrySelect: 1.716
ChemMedChem: 3.016
ChemPhysChem: 3.077
ChemPlusChem: 3.441
ChemSusChem: 7.804
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry: 2.578
European Journal of Organic Chemistry: 3.029
No Impact Factor yet for
Batteries & Supercaps
Read the full article on ChemViews
Author: ChemViews Magazine
Published Date: 21 Juni 2019
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
ChemPubSoc Europe News, June 2019
European Journal of Organic Chemistry: Special Issue dedicated to 50 Years of Rotaxanes
50 years ago, Gottfried Schill and Hubertus Zollenkopf reported the synthesis of a macrocyclic ring threaded onto a linear aromatic moiety capped by bulky end groups, which they named for the first time as rotaxanes. This special issue guest-edited by Jean-Pierre Sauvagehonors this important milestone in supramolecular chemistry, which was published in Liebigs Annalen, one of the key founding journals of EurJOC. With contributions from Jean‐François Nierengarten, Nicholas H. Evans, Maurizio Prato, Shinichi Saito, Nicolas Giuseppone and many more.
Enjoy free access until the end of June!
2019 EurJIC–Wöhler Young Investigator Prize for Dr. Crispin Lichtenberg
We are pleased to announce Dr. Crispin Lichtenberg as the winner of the 2019 EurJIC–Wöhler Young Investigator Prize for his highly innovative publication “Double CH Activation of a Masked Cationic Bismuth Amide” (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 3825–3829; Angew. Chem. 2018, 130, 3887–3891). He is currently research group leader at the Inorganic Chemistry Institute of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Würzburg, Germany. The award lecture will be presented at the GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2019 (Aachen September 15–18, 2019).
2019 EurJIC–Wöhler Young Investigator Prize
Double CH Activation of a Masked Cationic Bismuth Amide
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2019
Special Issue of ChemPlusChem on Novel Aromatics
This issue is packed with top contributions on the synthesis and properties of aromatic compounds and is organised in collaboration with the ISNA-18 conference that will be held in Sapporo, Japan, in July 2019. It features an Editorial by Guest Editors Aiko Fukazawa (Kyoto University), Shinji Toyota (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Rik Tykwinski (University of Alberta), and Wallace Wong (University of Melbourne). The cover feature highlights work by Hiroshi Shinokubo et al. on regioselective oxidative ring cleavage reactions of nickel(II) norcorroles. The inside cover features work by Yasujiro Murata that was highlighted in an interview on Enjoy free access until August 2019.
Interview on
David Spichiger, SCS
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