New call NCCR's Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women in Science
The Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-inspired Materials has opened a new call of the Women in Science Posdoctoral Fellowhips.
The Research Fellowship Program for Women in Science of the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials seeks to support the professional development of outstanding female researchers who have already demonstrated excellence at an early stage of their careers and wish to pursue an academic career. The fellowships support the residency of researchers in the laboratory of one of the research groups of the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials. The grant is designed to fund original research ideas of the applicants and to leverage impact through integration within the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials and its international network. While being fully integrated in the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials, the fellows have the possibility to apply to all other NCCR programs, grants and support actions for NCCR members (such as childcare support during travel).
To whom is this call addressed? The program is open to female applicants who hold or are about to earn a doctoral degree in a relevant field of natural or life sciences, such as medicine, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics or materials science.
How to apply: The necessary documentation and submission instructions here. Your submission should include a short project proposal, a motivation letter, your complete CV, your PhD certificate (or proof that you will defend your thesis within the following 3 months), the application form and two reference letters.
How will the applications be evaluated: Fellowships will be offered on a competitive basis. Candidates will be selected based on their track record as a researcher, their potential to grow into academic leaders, the quality and originality of the project proposal, the match of the proposal with the overall theme of the NCCR Bio-inspired Materials, the feasibility of the proposed project in the host laboratory, and the anticipated synergies that arise from the integration into the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials.
Application deadline: 15th March 2019.
Start and duration: The start of the grant can be discussed but should be between the 1st June 2019 and the 1st September 2019. The duration of the research fellowship is 24 months.
What does the fellowship fund: The grant includes a standard researcher salary (100%) following the rules of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for a period of 24 months (including social charges to be paid by the employer). The grant additionally includes funds to cover research and travel expenses for the entire funding period.
More detailed information on the grant and the application procedure can be found here. Feel free to share this information through the following social media:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Weder, AMI Fribourg
1st Idorsia Chemistry Day, 25 March 2019
The R&D Department of Idorsia invites you to the 1st Idorsia Chemistry Day 2019 that will take place in Allschwil on March 25, 2019.
Chair: Dr. Gabriel Schäfer, Scientist Chemistry Process R&D
15.30 | Welcome by Dr. Stefan Abele, Head Chemical Development |
15.40 | Dr. Martin Eastgate, Bristol-Myers Squibb «Innovation in the Synthesis of Complex Pharmaceuticals» |
16.40 | Prof. Richmond Sarpong, University of California, Berkeley «Break it to Make it Strategies for Complex Molecule Synthesis» |
17.40 | Closing remarks by Dr. Thomas Weller, Head of Drug Discovery, Chemistry |
17.45 | Aperitif |
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Hegenheimermattweg 91 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland
Attendance will be limited to 100 participants.
Registration is free of charge. Please register until March 15, 2019, by sending a mail to Dr. Gabriel Schäfer ().
David Spichiger, SCS
The Periodic Table and us: its history, meaning, and element scarcity, 22 Jan 2019, Brussels
Join us on Tuesday 22 January 2019, from 14:30 – 16:30 in the European Parliament in Brussels, Room ASP 5G305 for the launching of the EuChemS Periodic Table depicting element scarcity, and to listen to a series of talks on the history of the periodic table, its meaning, and what lies ahead in the future. The event is chaired by Member of the European Parliament Catherine Stihler.
Indeed, the phone you may be using right now to read this is made up of some 30 elements – over half of which may give cause for concern in the years to come because of increasing scarcity. With some 10 million smartphones being discarded or replaced every month in the European Union alone, serious actions to tackle the challenges ahead are needed. Element scarcity is intrinsically linked with discussions on the Circular Economy, more efficient recycling practices, innovative alternatives, consumer behaviour, and more besides. Unless solutions are provided, we risk seeing many of the natural elements that make up the world around us run out or become unusable – whether because of limited supplies, their location in conflict areas, or our incapacity to fully recycle them.
Please find below the preliminary programme & registration for the event.
Registration deadline: 15 January 2019
Programme, registration and list of speakers on the website of EuChemS
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemPubSoc Europe Newsletter, December 2018
ChemPubSoc Europe was proud to support your publishing endeavors in 2018. As the calendar year ticks over, we reflect and bring you a selection of highlights. In a special item, we reveal the secret life of new journals as told by our resident expert. ChemPubSoc Europe's journals look forward to celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019), but before we go we want to say: "Thank you!"
Memorable moments of 2018
In a year of unforgettable experiences, which memories stand out for you? In 2018, our editors were among you, at workshops, campus events, conferences, receptions and meetings all over the world. We've relished the opportunity to support you, your articles, research group, institute, and society. This item brings you a selection of recent activities at ChemPubSoc Europe journals and ChemViews Magazine.
Picture credit: S. Sasse-Rösch, red moon over Weinheim, home of the publishing house located between Frankfurt and Heidelberg, 2018.
The secret life of new journals
In an interview with editor Greta Heydenrych we explore new journals. Why and how they are created, what challenges they face in a modern publishing environment, and who they are intended to serve. With the leadership and support of excellent chairpersons, board members, and a diligent team of editors, ChemPubSoc Europe has welcomed three new journals to its portfolio since 2016: ChemPhotoChem, Batteries & Supercaps, and the newest addition ChemSystemsChem.
We're all in it together: partners in chemistry
Sincere thanks from all of us at the publishing house!We look forward to working with you and for you in 2019, which will be a year full of initiatives to promote you and your exciting research. Join ChemPubSoc Europe for the IYPT2019,* ChemCatChem's 10th Anniversary, a celebration of women in STEM, and much more. Further information is available in the 2019 Editorials published in Issue 1 of each journal, which are free to read.
*Enter the Element Video Competition for the chance to win an iPad.
ChemPubSoc Europe's publishing program has grown to 15 chemistry journals and an international scientific magazine. We await your high-quality contributions with enthusiasm!
Visit ChemPubSoc Europe online and on Twitter. For regular updates subscribe to the ChemPubSoc Europe newsletter and the monthly newsletter published by the award-winning team at ChemViews Magazine. Contact ChemPubSoc Europe with your society news.
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, December 2018
Horizon Europe - continued
Negotiations surrounding the future EU research framework programme Horizon Europe are progressing although diverging conclusions are slowly being reached between the European Parliament and the Council. In addition, national ministers themselves are split on a number of central issues. At heart of the different viewpoints for Horizon Europe is that of whether to continue maintaining the notion of ‘excellence’ as the central pillar, or whether to shape Horizon Europe as a tool to help fix the research and innovation divide between western and eastern Member States. Read more about the latest progress on Horizon Europe here.
Plan S: China, petitions, events & a GDCh statement
Plan S, the plan initiated by a coalition of European funders (cOAlition S) and supported by the European Commission to encourage a rapid transition to open access publishing continues to make waves within the scientific community. From petitions, China's unexpected interest in Plan S, events in Brussels, a GDCh statement and a public consultation, we've provided you with a quick overview of the latest developments and debates. Click here for the full debrief.
Report of the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists is published
The report of the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists (ESEC2) was published on 21 November. The report, which analysed data received in 2017, delves into the employment conditions and career opportunities for chemists in Europe. Read more about the report here.
Forums and events - EuChemS attends EFSA Stakeholder Forum, European Parliament Impact Research EU event & ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment meeting
Last month saw the annual European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) Stakeholder Forum, an event which sought to stimulate and simplify dialogue between the European Agency and official stakeholders. The event also aimed to exchange views on EFSA’s ongoing work and plans for the future. The relatively new and bolstered role of academic organisations was recognised by EFSA as a positive and much needed aspect of stakeholder interaction. Full debrief of the meeting here.
EuChemS also attended the high-level conference on how research and innovation affect daily life which was held in the European Parliament. The event, which combined talks with representatives from the European Commission, European Parliament and ministers from EU Member States as well as a range of scientists, explored the major challenges we currently face, and how impact research can and should continue to be fostered in Europe. Read all about it here.
EuChemS attended the European Chemical Agency’s Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) – 47 meeting in Helsinki in November. The RAC prepares the opinions of ECHA related to the risks of substances to human health and the environment, although final decisions are taken by the European Commission. Click here for more information.
Open Access: Plan S guidelines
A public consultation has now been opened on the Plan S guidelines. EuChemS is currently preparing a Position Paper on the topic.
Deadline: 1st February 2019
Read the full BNU newsletter here
David Spichiger, SCS
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