7th EuCheMS Congress, Liverpool, 26-30 August 2018: oral abstract deadline extended until Feb 19, 2018
With a theme of ‘Molecular frontiers and global challenges’, the 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress features five days of scientific and technical sessions, plenary lectures, oral and poster communications, keynote speakers and roundtable discussions, as well as exceptional networking opportunities, an exhibition and a unique social programme.
The EuCheMS Chemistry Congresses reflect the outstanding research being done in Europe and around the world by bringing together chemists from different countries and professional backgrounds to exchange ideas, advance knowledge and discuss key issues for chemistry and society. As such, the 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress offers you exceptional opportunities to network with chemists from across Europe and beyond.
Registration is now open, via an online system.
The deadline for oral abstracts was extended to February 19, 2017.
Visit the website for more information: https://www.euchems2018.org
David Spichiger, SCS
Winners of the SISF-SCS Industrial Science Awards 2018
It’s our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2018 SISF-SCS industrial science awards. We would like to sincerely congratulate the two winners and we are looking forward to the award lectures that will take place on the occasion of the SCS Fall Meeting at EPF Lausanne on September 7, 2018.
SISF-SCS Distinguished Investigator Award 2018 awarded to Dr. Paul W. Manley, Novartis
The prize is given to honor senior scientists for their lifetime achievements in chemical research. The winner receives a certificate and a cash check of CHF 15’000.
The Swiss Chemical Society awards
Dr. Paul W. Manley, Novartis Pharmaceuticals AG, Basel,
for his impressive track record of success as a medicinal chemist, including 31 years in Basel at Sandoz/Novartis, working in several disease areas and on multiple classes of drug targets, including the invention of the commercial antileukemia drug Nilotinib
Past winners of the Distinguished Industrial Science Award
2015: Dr. Jürg Zimmermann, Novartis Pharma AG
2014: Dr. Hans-Ulrich Blaser
2013: Prof. Klaus Müller, Roche
SISF-SCS Senior Investigator Award 2018 awarded to Dr. Clemens Lamberth, Syngenta
The prize is given to honor very successful and established investigators with outstanding achievements over many years. The winner receives a certificate and a cash check of CHF 10’000.
The Swiss Chemical Society awards
Dr. Clemens Lamberth, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Stein,
for his impressive track record of success in the field of fungicide research within Crop Protection, including the invention of the fungicide Mandipropamid (Revus®, Pergado®).
Past winners of the Senior Industrial Science Award
2017: Dr. Emmanuel Pinard, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Dr. Thomas Netscher, DSM Nutritional Products
2016: Dr. Eric Francotte, Novartis Pharma AG;
Prof. Peter Nesvadba, BASF Schweiz AG
2015: Dr. Michelangelo Scalone, F. Hoffmann La Roche
2014: Dr. Werner Neidhart, F. Hoffmann La Roche AG
2013: Dr. Ian Lewis, Novartis;
PD Dr. Werner Bonrath, DSM
Past winners of the Industrial Science Award
2017: Dr. Richard Sedrani, Novartis Pharma AG
2016: Dr. Martin H. Bolli, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Dr. Andreas Herrmann, Firmenich SA
2015: Dr. Dietmar Hüglin, BASF Schweiz AG
2014: Dr. Andreas Natsch, Givaudan Schweiz AG
Dr. Wolfgang Jahnke, Novartis AG
2013: Dr. Mark Rogers-Evans, Roche
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This award program was implemented by the Swiss Industry Science Fund (SISF) with support from the SCS in order to honor successful industrial scientists working in Switzerland. The program targets scientists from companies of any size working in the field of chemistry or chemical related sciences. |
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David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Annual Report 2017
Introduction and Strategy
In the first quarter of 2016, the SCS Board of Directors, along with a group of experts representing the our key stakeholders, reviewed the SCS strategy and its portfolio of activities. As a result of this discussion, and in response to the increasing need for multidisciplinarity, the SCS started a number of initiatives that go beyond the focus of one of the five SCS divisions and that link traditional fields with emerging trends.
As part of the revised strategy, the society not only further developed existing offerings but also integrated a number of events formerly organized by third parties. As a consequence, the society’s portfolio of activities was significantly enriched and the following list shows our new accomplishment in 2017. We have:
- Broadened the scope of the Society with two new organizational entities which were approved at the General Assembly in April 2017: the Division of Chemical Education and the Section of Catalysis;
- Implemented the SCS Seminars series with a first event on process chemistry in Fribourg in January 2017;
- Integrated the Conference on Stereochemistry (Bürgenstock Conference) into the SCS portfolio;
- Established Bern, in addition to Zürich and Lausanne, as third location of the SCS Fall Meeting and successfully organized a 1.5-days Fall Meeting for the first time since many years;
- Stimulated the formation of an active community on PAT (Process Analytical Technology) in Switzerland with a parallel session at the SCS Fall Meeting;
- Successfully partnered for the first ILMAC Lausanne and put a cornerstone for future editions;
- Initiated an in-depth analysis of the need/opportunity to form interest groups on ‘green and sustainable chemistry ’,‘environmental sciences’ and ‘IP in chemical sciences’.
To manage the additional workload, we hired a director for the SCS Foundation as well as an accountant, both on a part-time basis (40%). At the same time, we also made investments in our office and IT infrastructure
Please enjoy reading through the 2017 annual report that shows a very active and lively society.
Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker President |
David Spichiger Executive Director |
David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT Newsletter, January 2018
No-Billag-Initiative – Konsequenzen für die Wissenschaft
Eine Annahme der No-Billag-Initiative hätte weitreichende Folgen für die gesamte Gesellschaft, auch für die Wissenschaft. Die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz haben die 5 wichtigsten Konsequenzen zusammengefasst.
>Mehr Infos
Grosse astronomische Forschungseinrichtungen: Ihre fundamentale Bedeutung für die Schweizer Astronomie
Ausserschulische MINT-Angebote in der Schweiz
Der Bericht bietet einen Überblick und eine Analyse über ausserschulische Angebote und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen.
ProClim Flash in neuem Gewand
Nach einem Jahr Arbeit ist es so weit: Der ProClim Flash, Schweizer Zeitschrift für Klima und globalen Wandel, ist neu lanciert. Lesen Sie faktenbasierte, aktuelle und authentische Informationen aus unserem Netzwerk.
Landschaftskongress 2018: Call for Abstracts
LETZTE WOCHE! Am 23. und 24. Aug. 2018 findet in Luzern der 1. Schweizerische Landschaftskonfress statt. Bis am 31. Januar 2017 können Sie Ihre Ideen für Referate, Workshops usw. einreichen.
Ausschreibung Prix Expo 2018
Die SCNAT lädt ein zur Eingabe von Bewerbungen für den Prix Expo 2018. Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an Macher von naturwissenschaftlichen Ausstellung. Die vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen sind bis zum 1. Juni 2018 einzureichen.
Berner Bundeshausbotanik
Im Nationalratssaal blüht, rankt und wuchert es: Hinten in die Ständeratssitze ist eine eigentliche Bundeshaus-Botanik geschnitzt. Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft Zürich, ein Mitglied der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften (SCNAT), hat die Werke des Künstlers Ferdinand Huttenlocher unter die Lupe genommen und die überraschenden Befunde anschaulich im Buch «Berner Bundeshausbotanik» beschrieben.
Biogeochemischer Cocktail Piora: Umweltmikrobiologie in den Alpen!
Forschende teilen ihre Beobachtungstechniken und ihre Begeisterung für die Biodiversität der alpinen Mikroorganismen sowie für die Biogeochemie von alpinen Habitaten. Eine 5-tägige wissenschaftliche Entdeckungsreise für neugierige Jugendliche: Summer School 2018, 6. - 10. August, Piora.
Sustainable University Day 2018
Welche Kompetenzen sind für studentisches Engagement im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit grundlegend? Wie können diese vermittelt werden? Weshalb sind sie auch in der späteren Berufspraxis relevant? Diese Fragen stehen am Sustainable University Day 2018, der Jahrestagung des Förderprogramms U Change im Zentrum. Der Anlass findet am 22. März 2018 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg statt.
ICAS-Nachwuchsforschertagung Phil.Alp und ProMontesPreis 2018
Die Tagung mit rund 20 Referaten findet am 1./2. März 2018 an der Universität Fribourg statt. Junge Forschende präsentieren die Ergebnisse ihrer kürzlich abgeschlossenen Master- oder Doktorarbeiten zu aktuellen Alpenthemen. Jurymitglieder zeichnen dabei die besten Präsentationen aus. Themenschwerpunkte der 11. Phil.Alp-Tagung sind Landschaftswandel, Berglandwirtschaft, Entwicklungsimpulse und Klimawandel.
Neues Forschungskonzept für den Schweizerischen Nationalpark
Die Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks hat in einem neuen Forschungskonzept die thematischen Schwerpunkte und prioritären Aufgaben für die kommenden ca. 10 Jahre festgehalten. Die fünf Schwerpunkttehmen sind: Einfluss von Klima und Stoffeinträgen; Ökologie natürlicher Lebensgemeinschaften; Veränderungen in Landnutzung und Landschaft; Gesellschaftliche Ansprüche an Leistungen der Ökosysteme und Landschaften; Pärke und Schutzgebiete im Kontext der Regionalentwicklung. Diese Schwerpunkte beziehen auch Themen des UNESCO Biosphärenresarvats Engiadina Val Müstair und der Parkforschung Schweiz mit ein.
weitere Aktivitäten der SCNAT
David Spichiger, SCS
Chemistry industry innovators from 27 countries will meet at the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering
- More than 160 companies and investors
- More than 90 Chemistry Start-ups and SMEs will present themselves
- Keynote Speaker is Marius Rosenberg from Adhesys Medical
- More than 600 Partnering meetings are expected
Following the success of the first event in 2017, the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering which takes place on 23rd February, 2018 will be on a much larger scale. The Venue is the Kap Europa, a state-of-the-art location in close proximity to Frankfurt’s Main Station. The organizers expect more than 500 decision-makers from the chemical industry and its user industries. Already 27 nations are represented. One third of all participants come from chemistry Start-ups. The share of innovative industrial enterprises amounts to 80 per cent, from Start-ups to mid-sized companies to large enterprises and corporations.
The format of the event makes the European Chemistry Partnering unique: three parallel activity streams determine the course of events: (1) Short presentations (Pitches) lasting six minutes, (2) 20-minute partnering meetings and (3) The exhibition. After the Keynote address, the partnering meetings start at 11 o'clock at more than 60 individual tables. The appointments are arranged by participants in advance via a special internet-based tool. At the same time, entrepreneurs introduce themselves in short presentations (pitches) in two parallel rooms. The organizers expect more than 500 partnering meetings, over 90 pitches and over 50 exhibitors.
The Keynote address will be given by Marius Rosenberg, founder and Managing Director of Adhesys Medical GmbH, an international success story. At the interface between materials science and medicine, the company quickly developed into a market leader. The product: a surgical adhesive. The company's history fascinates inventors, investors, Start-up entrepreneurs and large corporations alike.
A productive day
The focus of the one-day European Chemistry Partnering is on innovation. Dr. Holger Bengs, initiator of the ECP and Managing Director of BCNP Consultants says: "97 percent of the products around us contain at least one chemical process step. Trends and topics drive progress, things like renewable resources, digitization and big data; new substances and materials, new methods, better processes and apparatus from chemistry, nanotechnology or industrial biotechnology are changing our processes and products."
And he adds: "With the European Chemistry Partnering, we bring together creative people, movers and innovators. It's all about the business of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The ECP offers a high level of productivity and business contacts in just one day. A day for all with a view across borders, disciplines, industries and regions ".
Initiator and organizer of the European Chemistry Partnering is BCNP Consultants. In this BCNP is supported by IHK Hessen innovative in addition to many other well-known international supporters. The event’s main sponsor is Technologieland Hessen (Hessen Trade & Invest).
Details of the Event
2nd European Chemistry Partnering
23rd February 2017, 9am till 6pm
Kap Europam Osloer Str. 5, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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BCNP: A short profileBCNP Consultants is a Germany-based Consultancy that specializes in the areas of Biotech, Chemistry, Nanotechnology and Pharmaceuticals (BCNP). BCNP's core competences include scientific and technical expertise, strong networks and industry knowledge. The company provides Strategy, Communication and Sales consulting services via its divisions BCNP strategy, BCNP communications and BCNP connect. Specialist areas are Market and Technology analysis as well as Innovation scouting. Since 2016 BCNP has published the annual Compass to Europe´s Innovative Chemical Companies (www.chemistry-compass.eu), to encourage entrepreneurship in the chemical industry. Since 2017 the “European Chemistry Partnering“ market place, brings together, and engenders dialog among, creative minds and decision makers on an international stage. |
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David Spichiger, SCS
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