SCS-Syngenta Symposium 2017, October 5, 2017
3rd SCS-Syngenta Symposium,
“Natural Products: an ongoing chemist’s success story”,
October 5, 2017, 08.30-18.30h, Syngenta research campus in Stein
The Swiss Chemical Society and Syngenta are pleased to announce the 4th edition of a one-day symposium entitled “Natural Products: an ongoing chemist’s success story” on Thursday 5th October 2017. The focus will be on cutting-edge research in natural products and their roles in life science for success in chemical innovation. The journey will cover multiple topics from isolation to synthesis and production.
The highlight of the day will be three plenary lectures with Prof. Jon Clardy (Harvard University), Prof. Christian Hertweck (University of Jena), Prof. Scott Snyder (University of Chicago) as well as four invited lectures including Prof. Karl Gademann (University Zürich), Prof. Birger Lindberg Møller (University of Copenhagen), Prof. Jieping Zhu (EPFL Lausanne and Dr. Christophe Meyer (ESPCI Paris) and four industrial speakers. A poster session will round out the program over lunch time.
Attendance is limited to 200 participants and there are not seats available anymore. The registration is closed.
Flyer of the SCS-Syngenta Symposium 2017 (pdf)
Program, October 5, 2017
Session 1:
Chair: Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker, SCS President, Syngenta, Switzerland
08.45h |
Welcoming and opening remarks |
09.00h |
Plenary Lecture 1 |
09.45h |
Invited Lecture 1 |
10.10h |
Invited Lecture 2 |
10.35h |
Coffee Break |
Session 2:
Chair: Prof. E. Peter Kündig, University of Geneva
11.05h |
Invited Lecture 3 |
11.30h |
Plenary Lecture 2 |
12.30h |
Lunch and Poster session |
Session 3:
Chair: Prof. Christian Bochet, University Fribourg
14.15h |
Invited Lecture 4 |
14.40h |
Invited Lecture 5 |
15.10h |
Invited Lecture 6 |
15.30h |
Invited Lecture 7 |
15.55h |
Coffee Break |
Session 4:
Chair: Dr. Jérôme Cassayre, Syngenta, Switzerland
16.25h |
Invited Lecture 8 |
16.50h | Plenary Lecture 3 Prof. Scott Snyder, University of Chicago, USA |
17.35h | Closing remarks Dr. Gerardo Ramos, Syngenta, Switzerland |
17.50h | Aperitif |
Dr. Sarah Sulzer
Syngenta Crop Protection Münchwilen AG
Research Chemistry
CH-4332 Stein
David Spichiger, SCS
PIs of tomorrow in Life Sciences: call for applications
Dear postdoctoral fellows,
We are very happy to announce the call for applications to the “PIs of tomorrow: The Future of Swiss Research” session at the next LS2 Annual Meeting 2018, taking place in Lausanne, 12-13 February. This session offers postdocs interested in an academic career an opportunity to present a talk similar in format to a professorship application interview. Selected participants will have the chance to get a slot for a 15-minute scientific presentation, which should be addressed to a broad audience and in which both the achievements accomplished and the proposed future scientific activities are to be explained. The talk will be followed by a 5-minute discussion on various aspects of the proposed activity, but also about career-oriented aspects of the presenter. A knowledgeable jury panel of professors will evaluate the presentations.
The best presentation will be awarded a prize. However, everyone is a winner, as all presenters in the session will receive feedback from the jury in a one-on-one session afterward. Moreover, as a participant in the LS2 Annual Meeting 2018, you will have the opportunity to expand or refresh your network in Switzerland, to interact with scientists in and outside your field, and to enjoy a two-day meeting in the beautiful city of Lausanne. Only applicants having ties to Switzerland will be considered (i.e. Swiss citizenship, Swiss residency, past or on-going affiliation with a Swiss institution of at least two years).
The following documents are required for the application:
- Cover letter highlighting your eligibility (half a page)
- Abstract of your presentation including past work and future research plans with their scientific impact and significance (max. 300 words)
- CV with a publication list (max. 2 pages)
To apply, please follow the guidelines in the application link below, where you will be asked to upload your files in a single pdf file (max. 5 MB):
Applications must be received by November 1st, 2017.
Questions to the session should be addressed to .
If you are selected, your travel and accommodation fees will be paid by the LS2 organisation.
We are looking forward to your application and hope to welcome you in Lausanne!
Yours sincerely
Dr. Nino Nikolovski, Dr. Aleksandra Konovalova and Dr. Elisa Araldi
David Spichiger, SCS
Wilhelm-Klemm-Preis der GDCh an Hansjörg Grützmacher, ETHZ
Professor Dr. Hansjörg Grützmacher, ETH Zürich, erhält im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsforums Chemie 2017 (WiFo) am 12. September in Berlin den Wilhelm-Klemm-Preis. Die Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) honoriert damit seine herausragenden Leistungen im Bereich der anorganischen Chemie.
Grützmacher erhält die Auszeichnung für seine ausgesprochen originellen Arbeiten, mit denen er die anorganische Molekülchemie auf vielfältige Weise bereichert. In seiner Forschung spiegelt sich seine außergewöhnliche synthesechemische und konzeptionelle Kreativität wider. Neben hochreaktiven kleinen Molekülen der Hauptgruppenelementchemie, leistet er kreative Ansätze für die Metallorganische Katalyse und thematisiert aktuelle Innovationen bei Brennstoffzellen.
Grützmacher wurde 1959 in Hamburg geboren. Nach einem Chemiestudium und der Promotion an der Universität Göttingen verbrachte er ein Post-Doc-Jahr am Nationalen Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Forschung (CNRS) in Toulouse, Frankreich. Nach seiner Habilitation 1992 an der Universität Heidelberg war er an der Universität Freiburg als Professor für anorganische Chemie tätig. Seit 1995 ist er Professor für anorganische Chemie an der ETH Zürich.
Weitere Informationen zum WiFo unter
GDCh, Pressedienst Chemie 30/2017
ABCChem, January 23-26, 2018: Register now!
The Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry (ABCChem is a new type of conference designed to allow chemists from countries and regions around the Atlantic to discuss chemistry at the highest level and to build lasting collaborations between chemists from Africa, Europe and North and South America. Register early as places are restricted
All of the (up to 500 participants) will be housed in the delightful Iberostar Hotel, in Cancun, Mexico which will be warm and sunny with rather few tourists at the end of January. This will allow for relaxed, informal discussions when the conference is not in session.
The programme, which is led by outstanding speakers from the participating societies ( ), has been designed to showcase science from all the relevant regions in themed symposia so there will be something for everyone. You will hear from world experts, but you also have the opportunity to submit abstracts for oral (84 slots available) or poster presentations. Hurry! The abstract closing date is 18th September.
European Speakers will include:
- Avelino Corma, Spain, Molecular and Nano
- Mike Ashfold, UK, Physical and Analytical
- Luisa de Cola, France, Materials and Nano
- Dorothea Fiedler, Germany, Organic and Biological
- Joost Reek, Netherlands, Green Chemistry
Come and renew old friendships whilst, at the same time, making new friendships with colleagues from countries with which you may be unfamiliar.
We look forward to welcoming you in delightful Cancun in January.
Emeritus Prof. David J. Cole-Hamilton,
President EuCheMS
David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT Newsletter, July 2017
NASA and Swiss Space Science
Learn about the personal story of Thomas Zurbuchen and about the many successes and challenges of Swiss and US Space Science.
> register now!
Rewarding the best Swiss PhDs in the natural sciences
Mit dem Prix Schläfli werden hervorragende, wissenschaftliche Artikeln im Rahmen einer Doktorarbeit aus Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften ausgezeichnet.
>sich bewerben bis zum 31. Oktober
Die Akademien suchen eine/n neue/n Präsident/in
Für die Übernahme dieser Funktion Mitte 2018 wenden wir uns an international renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aller Disziplinen.
> sich bewerben bis zum 15. September
Fernerkundung: Anwendungen für Hydrologie und Limnologie
Diese Tagung gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Entwicklung, zeigt Anwendungen von der Gletscherforschung bis zur Wirkungskontrolle bei Flussrevitalisierungen und diskutiert das Potential für die Zukunft.
> sich anmelden bis zum 20. August
K3 – Kongress zu Klimawandel, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft
Wie kommt man über Klimawandel und Klimaschutz ins Gespräch? Wie gelingt Klimakommunikation? Eine Konferenz in Salzburg bringt hierzu erstmals die Klimacommunity aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zusammen.
> melden Sie sich an!
Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2017: call for abstracts
The 15th edition of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting will focus on the latest advances in research in geosciences.
> submit your abstract until 31.08.2017
Gene Drive – eine Technik für die Manipulation wilder Populationen
Öffentliches interdisziplinäres Symposium über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, Chancen und Risiken der Gene Drive Technologie.
> mehr Informationen und Anmeldung bis zum 11. September
Silvio Decurtins und Christophe Rossel neu im Vorstand der SCNAT
Der Chemiker Silvio Decurtins von der Universität Bern und der Physiker Christophe Rossel vom IBM Forschungslabor Zürich wurden von den Delegierten in den Vorstand gewählt.
> mehr dazu
weitere Veranstaltungen der SCNAT
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Haus der Akademien | Laupenstrasse 7 | 3008 Bern
Pascal Blanc | Tel. 031 306 93 23 |
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