SCNAT Newsletter, April 2017
Prix Expo 2017: Ausschreibung
Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an Macher von naturwissenschaftlichen Ausstellungen. Einsendeschluss: 1. Juni 2017.
> teilnehmen
Zukunft entwickelter Tourismusregionen – mehr als ein Geschäftsmodell
Tagung der Interakademischen Kommission Alpenforschung (ICAS), mit dem Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden und Avegnir Engiadin`Ota
> 23.–24. Juni in Pontresina
...stay committed!
The finalized conclusions are now online. We all are now in charge of pushing science in the direction we discussed.
> more
Morgen: Symposium zur Ehre von André Aeschlimann
André Aeschlimann ist am 4. März 2016 im Alter von 86 Jahren verstorben. Die Universität Neuchâtel ehrt diese Persönlichkeit im Rahmen eines Symposiums und lädt alle Personen ein, die ihn durch seine berufliche Karriere begleitet haben, zum Beispiel als Präsident der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz.
> mehr Informationen und Anmeldung zum Symposium am 24. März in Neuchâtel
Phantasie der Wissenschaften
Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990) ist einer der ganz wenigen Schriftsteller und Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts, der sich zeitlebens leidenschaftlich für die Wissenschaften interessiert hat.
> eine Ausstellung am Centre Dürrenmatt in Neuchâtel
Wasserschloss Schweiz in Gefahr?
Das Wasserschloss Schweiz, ein scheinbar unerschütterlicher Mythos, gerät zunehmend aus dem Gleichgewicht: Gletscherschwund, steigende Schneefallgrenze, vermehrte Wasserknappheit oder Extremniederschläge. Die intensive Nutzung der Gewässer, u.a. für die Wasserkraft, löst zudem Artensterben aus.
> am eco.naturkongress am 31. März 2017 in Basel teilnehmen
> Workshop Citizen Science und Wasser
> Workshop Koordination im Wassersektor: Die Rolle von Politik-Foren
Wissenschaftliche Unterstützung zur Umsetzung der Globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele in der Schweiz
Zur nationalen Umsetzung der 17 «Globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele» (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) bis 2030 setzte der Bundesrat auch eine Begleitgruppe ein mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus Privatwirtschaft, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Verbänden und der Wissenschaft.
> mehr
weitere Veranstaltungen der SCNAT
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting 2017
Invitation to the SCS Fall Meeting 2017
We are pleased to invite you to the SCS Fall Meeting, the largest annual scientific event held in Switzerland. Given its increased size and popularity, the meeting was extended to an event of one and a half days to better accommodate the one thousand participants, and to also offer new platforms.
SCS Fall Meeting 2017
University of Bern, VonRoll Areal
August 21-22, 2017
> new 1.5 days! <
More Information
All information about the event incl. the registration options are available on the conference website
Website |
Prof. Silvio Decurtins, University of Bern
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, ETH Zürich
David Spichiger, SCS
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS at the Austrian Chemistry Days 2017
The Austrian Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Öesterreichischer Chemiker, GÖCH) invited the SCS to partner for their major annual chemistry event in Salzburg. To strengthen the relationship and to foster the exchange between researchers of both countries, SCS plans to participate with a delegation of about 30 researchers.
Austrian Chemistry Days 2017
September 25-28, 2017
University of Salzburg
The SCS delegation will be led by
- Prof. em. E Peter Kündig, University of Geneva
Invited lecture on Wed, 27.09.17, 14.20-15.05h
«The asymmetric catalytic activation of C-H bonds» - Prof. Maksym Kovalenko, ETH Zürich, Werner Prize Winner 2016
Invited lecture on Tue, 26.09.17, 09.00-09.45
«Nano- and Large Single Crystals of Lead Halide Perovskites: from Bright Light Emission to Gamma Detection» - Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker, Syngenta Crop Protection, Stein, SCS President
- Prof. Christian Bochet, University of Fribourg, SCS Vice President
- Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, ETH Zurich, SCS Board member
- David Spichiger, SCS Executive Director
We are now calling for PhD/Postdoc applications that will complete the SCS delegation.
Travel to Salzburg: departure Zurich main station: Mon, 25.09.2017, 08:40h > Arrival in Salzburg: 14:03h
Travel back to CH: departure Salzburg: Wed, 27.09.2017, 15:56 > arrival in Zurich: 21:20h
Conference related onsite-costs will be covered by SCS:
- Participation fee for three days
- Welcome Party on Mon, 25.09.17
- Conference Evening on Thu, 26.09.17
- Accommodation
Apply for a participation: If you are interested to be part of the SCS delegation, please send a mail to , including your abstract (template see below). A poster or oral presentation is mandatory for all Swiss participants.
Further information
David Spichiger, SCS
Brussels News Update, March 2017
European Highlights
Are You a Chemist? – Participate in the Survey!
European chemists working in Europe or abroad and chemists from everywhere based in Europe are invited to the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists.
ESEC2, which is anonymous, is accessible at from 1 March until 31 March 2017, and its main objective is to create a clear snapshot of the chemistry labour…
From Waste to Health – Registrations Open
The registrations for the EuCheMS workshop From Waste to Health are now open online. This event, taking place in Malta on 5 April, will look into the possibilities of a circular economy approach in the pharmaceutical sector while taking into consideration the role of chemistry in this field and the current European Union legislative proposals…
The Ethical and Social Dimensions of Chemistry: Reflections, Considerations, and Clarifications
The Chemistry - a European Journal editorial Ethical and Social Dimensions of Chemistry: Reflections, Considerations, and Clarifications is now available online. “Ethics in Chemistry” is a huge topic with various viewpoints and arguments on what it actually is and what compliance to ethical guidelines and participation in ethical discourse imply, covering principles of science…
Paper on Online Course to Improve University Laboratory Teaching Practice
Online course to improve university laboratory teaching practice, a paper exploring the possibilities of an online course on teaching in laboratory classes, has been recently published. This paper relates to the work of the ECTN working group Lecturing Qualifications and Innovative Teaching Methods, which is developing an online course on teaching in laboratory…
Upcoming EuCheMS Calls
EuCheMS will be publishing in March calls on its awards promoting excellence in chemistry: 1) a call for nominations for EuCheMS Award for Service 2017; 2) a call for the members of jury of EuCheMS Lecture Award 2017; and 3) a call for the jury of the new EuCheMS award, the European Chemistry Gold Medal.…
European Research Area Progress Report 2014-2016
The European Commission has recently published the third edition of the European Research Area (ERA) Progress Report. The 2016 Report summarises the state of play of ERA and the progress on ERA implementation over the period 2014-2016. For the first time, progress on ERA is measured for each country on each priority, based on…
Draft Legislation on Waste Management Approved by the Parliament
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted earlier this month on four directives concerning waste management, mainly waste from households and small firms, representing 8% of total waste. These plans are a first step towards creating a circular economy where products are designed in order to facilitate reuse. One of the key issues is how…
New European Legislation on Mercury
New legislation restricting the use of mercury, a persistent pollutant that has adverse effects on the environment and human health, was recently adopted by the European Parliament. The bill, already informally agreed with the Council of Ministers, aims to close the gap between existing EU legislation and the United Nations Minamata Convention against mercury pollution.…
Carbon Capture and Storage Directive - Commission Adopts Report on Implementation
In the context of the State of the Energy Union report, the European Commission adopted in February the second implementation report on the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Directive, which lays down the rules for the safe geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the EU. The report concludes that the provisions of the CCS…
Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2016
Is informal learning recognised everywhere in Europe for entry into higher education? How common are work placements as part of higher education programmes? These questions are answered in a series of thematic overviews published by the Eurydice Network. The publications examine education structures, policies and reforms in five key areas, namely in higher education and…
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Reaching 100 000 Excellent Researchers
Earlier this month, the European Union celebrated the one hundred thousandth fellow benefiting from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). To mark this milestone in the history of the MSCA, 30 highly promising researchers, including five fellows from the chemical sciences, have been selected to showcase the EU's actions dedicated to excellence and worldwide mobility in…
Antimicrobial Resistance Remains High
Bacteria found in humans, animals and food continue to show resistance to widely used antimicrobials, says the latest report on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The findings underline that AMR poses a serious threat to public and animal…
Ten Years of the European Research Council
Some 7,000 top researchers, including six who later became Nobel Prize Winners, have been supported in Europe by the European Research Council (ERC) to expand the frontiers of our knowledge and draw us nearer to the solutions. To mark the tenth anniversary, research institutions and national authorities in Europe will hold various events during the…
Strengthening Scientific Cooperation Between European Commission and Slovenia
On 28 February 2017, the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport signed a Memorandum of Understanding to boost cooperation and scientific excellence. The Memorandum envisages strengthening the activities in the framework of EU's macro regional strategies for the Danube, Alpine, and Adriatic–Ionian regions, as well as a…
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
2017 EU Prize for Women Innovators
Commissioner Carlos Moedas and Vice-President of the European Parliament Mairead McGuinness announced the four winners of the EU Prize for Women in a ceremony that took place recently in Brussels. The awardees were Ms Michela Magas, founder of Stromatolite, a UK Design Innovation Lab with a studio in Sweden; Ms Petra Wadström, founder of Solvatten,…
Support for Innovative SMEs
71 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 22 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. The total amount to be distributed between the SMEs working on 66 projects is €103.82 million. In this phase of the instrument, each project will receive up to…
Information on Some Chemicals Still to be Provided
In 2016, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) focused its dossier evaluation activities on substances with the greatest potential to negatively affect people and the environment: substances produced in high volumes – over 100 tonnes per year – and with a potential concern. To encourage registrants to update their dossiers already before compliance checks or risk…
Consultations and Roadmaps
Consultation: Review of the 2006 Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning
The objective of the consultation is to gather input for informed changes to the 2006 Key Competences Framework. The consultation aims to gather inputs on the topics of 1) strengths and weaknesses in use of the 2006 Key Competences Framework; 2) Priority areas where changes to the Framework and the definition of the competences defined…
Consultation: Mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme
The consultation aims to gather comments and perspectives from various stakeholders and the general public on the relevance of the Erasmus+ programme's objectives, the effectiveness of the measures taken to achieve them and the efficiency of their implementation. It will also gather views on the coherence of the programme and its added value in relation…
Survey: How to Better Explain Uncertainty
The European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) is currently running a survey on the topic of uncertainty, to improve the way that EFSA communicates and explains the scientific uncertainties related to its assessments. Even when there is strong evidence that something will happen, there will almost always be some uncertainty about the outcome, a point…
Impact Assessment: Optimising the Internal Market's Industrial Property Legal Framework
This impact assessment will look into how to optimise the internal market's industrial property legal framework relating to supplementary protection certificates (SPC) and patent research exemptions (particularly, Bolar exemptions) for sectors whose products are subject to regulated market authorisations. SPCs are an intellectual property right that constitute an extension (of up to five years) to…
Calls for Funding and Awards
- Call for Applications for the Selection of Members of the Expert Group on the Future of Scholarly Publishing
- Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier
- Game Changer High Temperature Steam Electrolysers
- Game changer Water Electrolysers
- Reversible Solid Oxide Electrolyser (rSOC) for Resilient Energy Systems
- Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances
- Call for papers CONCORDi 2017: Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, Challenges for the Next Decade
EuCheMS Events
- From Waste to Health
- 25HSKIKI – 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers with International Participation
- Glyphosate: Harmless Chemical or Silent Killer?
- Inorganic Chemistry Days
- ICCE 2017 – 16th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
- ISOS 2017 – International Summer School on Organic Synthesis “A. Corbella”
- SPE2017 – XXII Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Electrochemistry
- Bienal 2017 – XXXVI Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)
- 7th EuroVariety – 7th European Variety in University Chemistry Education
Other Events
- Regulatory Scrutiny in the EU
- From Advanced Materials Research to Innovation and Growth
- ITRE Hearing – Clean energy for all Europeans
- Identification of Emerging Risks in Food
- ECHA Stakeholders’ Day 2017
Special Events
Chemistry in Europe
Read the first and the latest issue of Chemistry in Europe here
Subscribe here
7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
ECC7, 26 - 30 August 2018
Liverpool, UK
From Waste to Health
5 April 2017, Valletta, Malta
EuCheMS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuCheMS by Nineta Hrastelj, Bruno Vilela and Marta Kucza. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuCheMS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuCheMS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2017 EuCheMS
SCNAT Newsletter, March 2017
Jetzt im Nationalrat
Das Übereinkommen von Paris will die globale Klimaerwärmung auf 2°C begrenzen. Heute wird dessen Ratifikation durch die Schweiz diskutiert.
> was bedeutet es für die Schweiz, wenn das Ziel nicht erreicht wird?
18th Swiss Global Change Day
The annual ProClim event where the global change and Future Earth community can meet and discuss ongoing problems in a transdisciplinary manner.
> register now!
Sustainable University Day 2017
«Agenda 2030: Hochschulen in der Pflicht!?» am 7. April in Basel.
> jetzt anmelden!
10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference
£The 10th anniversary International Carbon Dioxide Conference will provide participants with an integrated, interdisciplinary view of the global carbon cycle and its perturbation by humans.
> abstract submission and registration
Vernetzung der Lebensräume – Die Wildtierbiologen sehen bunt
«Zerschneidung, Fragmentierung, Barrieren, Isolation» sind Begriffe, die jahrelang eine Flut von Studien ausgelöst haben. Postwendend kamen auch die Lösungen: Vernetzung, Korridore, Durchlässigkeit. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, an den 12. Lysser Wildtiertagen (24.–25. März) einen kritischen Blick darauf zu werfen.
> Programm und Anmeldung bis 10. März
Sechste Ausschreibung von Agora
Agora will die Wissensverbreitung sowie den Austausch von Ideen und Meinungen über wissenschaftliche Forschung fördern. Entsprechend werden Projekte gefördert, die Interaktionen und gegenseitiges Zuhören beinhalten und so einen Dialog zwischen den Forschenden und der Bevölkerung in Gang setzen.
> weiter
Am Ende des Lebens
Horizonte setzt sich mit der Vergänglichkeit auseinander. Weitere Artikel befassen sich mit der Evolution der Kooperation und neuen Möglichkeiten CO2 zu binden. Zudem erzählt Bioethikerin Effy Vayena, wie sie zu ihren heiklen Forschungsthemen kam.
> lesen
weitere Veranstaltungen der SCNAT
David Spichiger, SCS
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