Review SCS Seminars 2017/1
From January 16-18, the SCS organized the first edition of the SCS Seminars in the Au Parc Hotel in Fribourg. 32 participants, mostly PhD students but complemented with some junior scientists from industry, joined the course and discussed about relevant issues in process chemistry. The SCS seminars are a three-days educational event with a focus on topics relevant for the Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industry but that are not necessarily part of the academic curricula. So, the experts from Givaudan, HEIA-FR, Lonza, Nestlé, Novartis, Siegfried and Syngenta coached the participants on the following topics.
- Production costs
- Efficiency and yield
- Energy consumption and power efficiency
- Time to market
- Safety issues
- Waste handling
- Regulations standards and patents
With an overall rating of 8.4 out of 10 the event was very successful and the format with expert lectures, a visit of a test plant at the HEIA-FR, a poster session, three workshops and a session with short presentations seems to fulfill the expectations.
SCS likes to thank Prof. Christian Bochet for the organization of the event and the SCNAT and the SCS Foundation for the financial support. We als appreciate very much the support of our industrial experts, Dr. Michael Bersier, Dr. Tomas Smejkal, Dr. Fabrice Gallou, Prof. Roger Marti and his team, Dr. Elena Schaller, Dr. Heiko Oertling and Dr. Felix Flachsmann.
Photos of the SCS Seminar 2017/1
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David Spichiger, SCS
Brussels News Update, January 2017
European Highlights
Priorities for the Maltese Presidency of the Council
Malta will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first semester of 2017, following six months of Slovak Presidency. Research is one of the Maltese Presidency priorities, with a focus on strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research and innovation, primarily through ensuring legislative deliberations on the Partnership for Research and…
EuCheMS Answer to the Interim Evaluation of H2020 Consultation
EuCheMS has recently submitted its response to the public consultation on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020. In its answer, EuCheMS reaffirms the importance of Horizon 2020 as a research funding mechanism, the need for further simplification in the application process, the importance of further European collaboration as to avoid fragmentation and unnecessary duplication of…
Council Approves the EU's Legislative Priorities for 2017
The Council of the European Union has recently approved the EU's legislative priorities for 2017 as agreed beforehand with the European Parliament and the European Commission. This will help the three EU institutions to pool their efforts and to ensure substantial progress in fields where they are most needed. In this concise document the EU…
Commission Registers “Ban Glyphosate” European Citizens' Initiative
Earlier this month, the European Commission has decided to register a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) inviting the Commission "to propose to Member States a ban on glyphosate, to reform the pesticide approval procedure, and to set EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use". Should the ECI receive one million statements of support within one year,…
Car Emissions Committee: First Findings and Draft Recommendations
The ad hoc European Parliament Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurement in the Automotive Sector (EMIS), has presented last month its findings and draft recommendations. The draft text is a result of 10 months’ intensive work to reconstruct the events and collect evidence, in particular on the role of the EU Commission and member states…
New Rules for Member States to Drastically Cut Air Pollution
In order to achieve the 2030 objectives of the Clean Air Programme, the Directive on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants has entered into force on 31 December 2016. This Directive sets national reduction commitments for the five pollutants (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, ammonia and fine particulate matter) responsible…
European Open Science Cloud
The European Parliament´s Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee voted a draft resolution welcoming the European Open Science Cloud model proposed by the Commission, including the plan to extend its use to the industry and to governments. ITRE Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), stated that this open cloud initiative would allow development…
ERC Consolidator Grants: € 605 million to 314 ambitious researchers
The European Research Council (ERC) has recently announced the awarding of its Consolidator Grants to 314 top researchers in Europe. The funding, worth a total of € 605 million, will give them a chance to have far-reaching impact on science and beyond. The grants fall under the ' Excellent Science' pillar of Horizon 2020, the…
Towards 2017 - Progress made in Science, Research and Innovation in Western Balkans
In its 2016 annual Enlargement Package, the European Commission assessed where the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey stand in implementing key political and economic reforms, and what needs to be done to address the remaining challenges. Related to Science, Research and Innovation there is a good level of preparation in Macedonia, Montenegro and…
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Scientific Advice to Support Step-by-Step Development of New Biosimilars
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) will launch a pilot project in February 2017 to test the added value and feasibility of tailored scientific advice for the development path of biosimilar medicines. Through this new initiative, EMA aims to provide developers of biosimilars with advice on the studies/tests they should be conducting, on the basis of…
Chemical Safety for Workers Targeted by EU Enforcement Project
Enforcement authorities in the EU will inspect how safety information on hazardous chemicals is compiled, communicated in the supply chain and followed at workplaces. One of the objectives of this enforcement project is to ensure that workers handling hazardous chemicals, especially those dealing with substances of very high concern, receive sufficient and correct safety information.…
Endocrine Disruptors: Guidance Plans Outlined
EFSA and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) have published an outline of the Guidance they are developing on how to identify substances with endocrine disrupting properties in pesticides and biocides.The Guidance will enable applicants and regulatory authorities to identify endocrine disruptors among chemical substances proposed as pesticides and biocides using hazard-based scientific criteria currently being…
Consultations and Roadmaps
Public Consultation on Draft Guidance on Dermal Absorption of Chemical Plant Protection Products
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has made available for public consultation its draft Guidance on dermal absorption of chemical plant protection products (PPPs). The Guidance, which updates the document published by EFSA in 2012, was drafted in the light of newly available human in vitro studies. As requested by the European Commission, the…
Public Consultation on the Active Substance Ampelomyces quisqualis AQ10
EFSA will assess all comments from interested parties regarding the active substance Ampelomyces quisqualis AQ10. Input is requested on the following: physical/chemical properties; details of uses and further information; methods of analysis; mammalian toxicology; residues; and environmental fate and behavior.
Deadline: 11 March 2017
Roadmap - Initiative for the Sustainable Development of the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean
This initiative aims to promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the western Mediterranean region through growth and jobs creation by improving its competitiveness and attractiveness, while at the same time preserving healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystems. The western Mediterranean Sea has an enormous wealth in natural resources, cultural assets and diversity of…
Calls for Funding and Awards
- Horizon Prize for CO2 Reuse
- Call for Proposals for a Framework Partnership Agreement with a European Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders
- Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances 2017
- Raw Materials International Co-operation
- Towards a robust and comprehensive greenhouse gas verification system
- Raw Materials Policy Support Actions
- Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies
EuCHeMS Events
- Café Chimique on the Future for Collaborative Research and Innovation in Europe
- e-WISPOC 2017 - 11th European Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry
- Circular Economy in Drugs
- Glyphosate: Harmless Chemical or Silent Killer?
- ICCE 2017 – 16th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
- ISOS 2017 – International Summer School on Organic Synthesis “A. Corbella”
- Bienal 2017 – XXXVI Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)
- 7th EuroVariety - 7th European Variety in University Chemistry Education
Other Events
- Seafood Safety: New Findings and Innovation Challenges
- EIT Health Matchmaking Event
- The Future for UK Science and Innovation Funding and Policy
- Industrially Contaminated Sites and Health Network - 3rd Plenary Conference
- How Best to Attract Talented Researchers
ChemistryViews: Best of 2016
Take a look at our most popular articles and most seen videos in 2016. Revisit some of your old favorites, and let us know if there is something that you would like to see published this year in the comments.
The most seen articles are categorized in the following contributions:
- ChemViews Magazine
- Interviews
- Videos
- Webinars
- Education
Also of Interest: Most Read/Editor's Pick
We would like to thank our readers and offer congratulations to the authors of these popular articles. We wish you all the best for 2017!
ChemViews, 16.01.2017
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1st European Chemistry Partnering, 16.02.2017, Frankfurt
1st European Chemistry Partnering
February 16th 2017, Frankfurt, Germany
9.00am until 7.00pm
IHK Frankfurt am Main (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Where tomorrow’s innovators meet
1st European Chemistry Partnering
Chemistry Start-ups are setting trends! A vitalized Chemistry Start-up scene is going from strength to strength. Still cautious, it is nevertheless gaining more and more momentum, from the cohesion of traditional black chemistry to new, impulse-giving green chemistry - across all disciplines and in all areas of our lives: chemistry, nutrition, mobility, energy, living, leisure, construction, textiles, consumer care and health.
Innovation Engine
The chemical industry is a cornerstone of our prosperity in Europe. It's no coincidence that chemistry is referred to as an “Innovation engine”. Impulses for innovation come from the established chemical industry of medium-sized and large market participants, from many user industries, from customers, from Universities and - increasingly - from newly founded enterprises and Start-ups.
Bringing together
The 1st European Chemistry Partnering invites all stakeholders, industry representatives, founders, entrepreneurs and investors to a rendezvous in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The aim is to bring together entrepreneurs, creative minds, visionaries, movers, decision-makers and financiers to engender dialogue and an ever-improving exchange with one another – across regional clusters and national boundaries.
The solution is: Get to know each other. Exchange views. Do business together!
Sign up here: Registering
Apply here for Pitches
David Spichiger, SCS
Claudia Broggini wird Geschäftsführerin der GSASA ab 1. Januar 2017
Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen heute mitteilen zu dürfen, dass Claudia Broggini per 1. Januar 2017 die Stelle der Geschäftsführerin der GSASA antreten wird. Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchten wir Susanna Kussmann, die während neun Jahren diese Funktion ausgeübt hat und per Ende Jahr nun mit ihrer Familie ins Ausland zieht, für ihr sehr grosses Engagement für die GSASA ganz herzlich danken!
Claudia Broggini, gebürtige Tessinerin, ist zurzeit Chefapothekerin an der Clinica Luganese, an der sie auch weiterhin ein kleines Teilzeitpensum beibehalten wird. Nach dem Abschluss ihres Pharmaziestudiums an der ETH Zürich, wofür sie mit dem Willy Studer Preis für das beste Resultat der Schlussprüfungen ausgezeichnet wurde, hat Claudia Broggini in verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten mitgearbeitet, u.a. am HUG in Genf, am Lawinenforschungsinstitut in Davos und an der ETH Zürich. 2001 trat sie eine Stelle als Produktmanagerin in der pharmazeutischen Industrie an. Nach einer Weiterbildung EMBA, die sie berufsbegleitend absolviert hat, erhielt sie den Master in Business Administration an der Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI). Verschiedene Anstellungen als Offizin- und Spitalapothekerin führten sie nach Graubünden, ins Tessin und sogar nach Kuba.
2006 trat Claudia Broggini die Stelle als Chefapothekerin in der Clinica Luganese an. 2010 nahm sie eine einjährige Auszeit als Chefapothekerin und absolvierte das Weiterbildungsprogramm zum Fähigkeitsausweis in klinischer Pharmazie in Sion und erhielt für ihre Zertifikatsarbeit den Jean-Philippe Reymond Preis. Seit 2014 ist Claudia anerkannte Weiterbildnerin FPH in klinischer Pharmazie.
Claudia Broggini ist verheiratet und Mutter eines zweijährigen Sohnes.
Mit Claudia Broggini werden wir eine hervorragende Apothekerin und Managerin an unserer Seite haben, die mit der Spitalpharmazie und der GSASA bestens vertraut ist. Ihr Sprachtalent erfüllt auch den letzten Punkt unserer Wunschliste – sie kommuniziert fliessend in allen drei Landessprachen.
Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen auch in Zukunft für die Förderung der öffentlichen Gesundheit zu arbeiten und wünschen Ihnen schöne Weihnachtstage und alles Gute für das neue Jahr.
Priska Vonbach
Präsidentin der GSASA
GSASA, Schweizerischer Verein der Amts- und Spitalapotheker
CH-3000 Bern
Telefon: 0848 04 72 72
David Spichiger, SCS
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