A Brief Review of the SCS Fall Meeting 2016
On September 15, 2016, the traditional SCS Fall Meeting took place at University of Zurich Irchel Campus, hosted jointly with ETH Zurich. The meeting attracted as many as 1’100 participants from academia, industry, and, for the first time ever, from education. With close to 600 scientific contributions, the Fall Meeting again offered a fantastic platform to the predominantly young scientists to meet peers as well as experts and specialists to discuss the results of their research.
The one-day event also offers the opportunity to widen the scientific knowledge and to connect with researchers from other fields of chemistry or chemical biology. In each of the eight thematic sessions, talks were given by awards winners, invited speakers and a representative of the session sponsor. All other oral contributions were from PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. The plenary sessions covered the lecture of the new SCS Honoray Member, Prof. E. Peter Kündig as well as the Sandmeyer and Paracelsus Award Lectures, presented by a team of Sika researchers and Michel Graetzel of the EPF Lausanne.
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Photos: Simeon Lüthi
David Spichiger, SCS
Pictures of the SCS Fall Meeting Dinner an the Award Ceremonies
On the eve of the SCS Fall Meeting more than 60 guests from academia and industry followed the invitation of the SCS to the Fall Meeting Dinner. With pleasure we look back to this successful evening at Zunfthaus zum Rüden in Zurich on September 14, 2016.
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David Spichiger, SCS
Photos Best Poster Presentation Awards Ceremony at the Fall Meeting 2016
In collaboration with DSM Nutritional Products, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Poster Award program. Combined with the Best Oral Presentation Awards program this is probably the most higly renumerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partner. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to DSM Nutritional Products Ltd for their generous support.
Dr. Roman Imhof, representative of DSM, awarded a total of 22 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at University of Zurich on September 15, 2016.
Click here for the list of winners 2016
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Photos: Simeon Lüthi
David Spichiger, SCS
Photos Best Oral Presentation Awards Ceremony at the Fall Meeting 2016
In collaboration with Metrohm AG, SCS offered again the very attractive and prestigious Fall Meeting Best Oral Presentation Award program. Combined with the Best Poster Presentation Awards this is probably the most higly renumerated award program in the field, and we are very proud and happy to cooperate with our sponsoring partners. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Metrohm AG and Metrohm Foundation respectively for their generous support.
Dr. Markus Steinke, representative of Metrohm, awarded a total of 15 winners at the end of the SCS Fall Meeting at University of Zurich on September 15, 2016.
Click here for the list of winners 2016
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Photos: Simeon Lüthi
David Spichiger, SCS
Clariant Chemistry Day 2016 at Uni Basel, 12.10.2016
Clariant Chemistry Day,
October 12, 2016, 13.00-21.00
Kollegienhaus, University of Basel
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
Website: http://scg.ch/ccd/2016
The half-day event, densely packed with interesting presentations reporting the latest achievements, is the frame of the awarding ceremony for the “Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland”, the “Clariant Chemistry Award at the University of Basel”, and the “Clariant CleanTech Lecture”. The cross-fertilization between industrial and academic research will further strengthen the knowledge base of CleanTech in Switzerland and pave the way to an improved and environmental friendly future.
We hope that you will enjoy your stay at the “Clariant Chemistry Day, University of Basel” and that the event will be the inspiration for numerous innovative solutions.
Registrations as participants are possible until next Monday, October 3, 12.00h
13.00 | Welcome & refreshments, Poster Session I |
14.00 | Conference opening and Welcome message Dr. Martin Vollmer, Prof. Marcel Mayor |
14.15 | Dr. Martin Vollmer, CTO Clariant «Research for tomorrow’s markets – how to fill the innovation pipeline?» |
14.45 | CleanTech Award Lecture I Markus Jeschek, ETH Zürich/University of Basel |
15.00 | CleanTech Award Lecture II Jingshan Luo, EPF Lausanne |
15.15 | Andreas Geisenbauer, Normen Szesni, Clariant «Clariant EleMaxTM catalysts for Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: the next level in catalysis for safe and economic storage, transport and release of hydrogen» |
15.30 | Poster session II & refreshments |
16.30 | CleanTech Award Lecture III Amit Nagarkar, University of Fribourg |
16.45 | CleanTech Award Lecture IV Fang Song, EPF Lausanne |
17.00 | Georg Schirrmacher, Clariant «Lipids and surfactants from marine biomass (LIPOMAR)» |
17.15 | Award Lecture of the Chemistry Award at University of Basel Laura Allegra Büldt, University of Basel |
17.30 | Ceremony of the CleanTech Awards, Poster Awards and the Chemistry Award at Uni Basel Members of the Clariant Executive Board |
17.45 | 3rd Clariant Clean Tech Lecture Prof. Ronny Neumann, Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy Lab, Weizmann Institute of Science «Polyoxometalates for Catalytic Oxidation and Reduction and their use for Sustainable Transformations» |
18.45 | Closing remarks |
19.00 | Opening of buffet |
21.00 | End |
David Spichiger, SCS
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