SICS'16: Call for Poster Applications open until August 19, 2016
1st Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium
Fri, 28. October 2016, 08.30-19.00
University of Basel, Department of Chemistry
The Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium (SICS) is a new, one day symposium with lectures, short talks and a panel discussions of industrial chemists working in R&D in Switzerland. The symposium offers a unique platform for industrial scientists, working in research and process research, to present their latest results, to interact with each other and to network with professors, PhD students and other scientific staff of Swiss universities.
An extended poster session with presentations from industry (20%) and academy (80%) will stimulate the interaction. The call for poster applications is open until August 19, 2016.
Website of the Symposium on
David Spichiger, Swiss Chemical Society
Remo Gamboni, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
David Spichiger, SCS
Bronzemedaille für Schweizer Nachwuchstalent an Internationaler Chemie-Olympiade
Die Chemie stimmte: Die Schweizer Delegation kehrt mit einer Bronzemedaille von der Internationalen Chemie-Olympiade in Tiflis (Georgien) zurück. Am Sonntag, 31. Juli 2016 ging die Olympiade mit einer Schlussfeier zu Ende. 250 Jugendliche aus 73 Ländern wetteiferten um Medaillen. Und erkannten, dass Chemie verbindet.
Dominic Egger (Kantonsschule Solothurn) aus Arch (BE) ist stolzer Gewinner einer Bronzemedaille und betont: "Das war wohl die schwierigste Prüfung meines Lebens!" Er nimmt – nebst seiner Medaille – auch zwei Erkenntnisse mit nach Hause: "Ich habe gelernt, dass Chemie Menschen unterschiedlichster Kultur und Herkunft miteinander verbindet. Und dass es in der Welt der Chemie noch vieles zu entdecken gibt." Mit dabei an der Olympiade waren auch Nicolà Gantenbein (ehemals Kantonsschule Wattwil) aus Eschenbach (SG), Simone Heimgartner (Kantonsschule Baden) aus Fislisbach (AG) und Diego Zenhäusern (Berufsfachschule Oberwallis) aus Bürchen (VS). Die drei konnten leider keine Medaille ergattern.
Guter Riecher
Georgien war dieses Jahr Treffpunkt begeisterter Nachwuchschemiker. Aus 73 Ländern kamen rund 250 Mittelschülerinnen und Mittelschüler zusammen und schrieben eine theoretische und eine praktische Prüfung. Ein guter Riecher war beim fünfstündigen Praktikum gefragt. Die Jugendlichen mussten acht Aroma- und Duftstoffe identifizieren – anhand von Test-Reaktionen und aus einer Auswahl von 13 Molekülen. Der Schweizer Delegationsleiter Alain Vaucher (Schweizer Chemie-Olympiade SwissChO) ist zufrieden: „Wir sind stolz auf die Medaille und unser Team. Die Organisatoren haben alles bestens organisiert – und an der Schlusszeremonie bewiesen, dass sie einen tollen Musikgeschmack haben“.
Neues Land, neue Freunde
Die Olympiade will den internationalen Chemie-Nachwuchs intellektuell herausfordern und motivieren. Genauso wichtig ist aber auch der Austausch unter den Jugendlichen – jenseits von Sprach- und Kulturgrenzen. Dazu Teilnehmerin Simone Heimgartner: "Das ganz grosse Top dieser Woche waren die vielen neuen und offenen Menschen, die ich kennenlernen durfte."
Exklusiv für Mädchen
Auch die Schweiz organisiert internationale Olympiaden für kluge Köpfe. Am 17. Juli 2016 ging die Internationale Physik-Olympiade in Zürich erfolgreich zu Ende, sie stiess auf grosses
Interesse. Nun wird bereits die nächste Veranstaltung vorbereitet. Vom 6. bis 12. April 2017 findet eine besondere Wissenschafts-Olympiade in Zürich statt: die European Girls‘ Mathematical Olympiad EGMO 2017.
Die Internationale Chemie-Olympiade IChO ist ein Wettbewerb für junge Chemikerinnen und Chemiker. Die Schweiz nimmt seit 1987 an der IChO teil. Das Ziel der Olympiaden ist die Herausforderung und Ermutigung wissenschaftlich interessierter und begabter Mittelschülerinnen und -schüler sowie der internationale Austausch. Jedes der 73 Teilnehmerländer kann ein Team von maximal 4 Jugendlichen unter 20 Jahren stellen, die zuvor in der nationalen Olympiade ihres Landes selektioniert worden sind. Die erste Runde der Schweizer Chemie-Olympiade SwissChO absolvierten 170 Schweizer und liechtensteinische Teilnehmende. Start der nächsten Schweizer Chemie-Olympiade ist im Herbst 2016. Die IChO 2017 findet in Bangkok (Thailand) statt |
Internationale Wissenschafts-Olympiaden in der Schweiz EGMO 2017: Nur für junge Frauen!
Auch nächstes Jahr ist die Schweiz Gastgeberland. Wir freuen uns auf die European Girls‘ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO), die vom 6.-12. April 2017 in Zürich stattfinden wird.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf
Rangliste: – Verband Schweizer Wissenschafts-Olympiaden – Schweizer Chemie-Olympiade SwissChO – Internationale Chemie-Olympiade in Tiflis, Georgien
Mirjam Sager
Assistentin Geschäftsführung / Mitarbeiterin PR
Verband Schweizer Wissenschafts-Olympiaden
Universität Bern, Hochschulstrasse 6, 3012 Bern
079 530 14 02
Verband Schweizer Wissenschafts-Olympiaden
Science Congress «We Scientists Shape Science» - Save the Date
Science has become a lot bigger and faster. Now we have to make it better! We want science to be creative, solid, open, helpful for society and a good career oppurtunity for the talented youth. Let’s start to change what it means the be a scientist and the way and the framework in which science is conducted. It is us scientists who need to change science.
Researchers and key players in the Swiss science landscape will decide upon first steps at the congress «We Scientists Shape Science». Contribute to one of the workshops:
- Time for research
- Space for creativity
- Scientific career
- Scientific practice
- Open science
- Science in society
The congress «We Scientists Shape Science» - an initiative by the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the Swiss Science and Innovation Council - will take place on 26/27 january 2017 in Berne. Registration is open as of August on
Join the discussion now: visit our booth at the SCS Fall Meeting and tweet #wescientists.
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, July 2016
European Highlights
Chemists Urge Israel to Ban Chemical Weapons
The President of the Israeli Chemical Society, Prof. Ehud Keinan, has published an open letter urging the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) by Israel. Israel, Egypt, Southern Sudan (who plan to sign) and North Korea are the only countries of the 196 recognised countries that have not signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons…
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EuCheMS and RSC on the Outcome of the British Referendum
Following the vote by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, both EuCheMS and the UK´s Royal Society of Chemistry have reinforced their commitment to diversity, inclusivity and to the collaboration among learned societies ...
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A First Look at the Slovak Presidency Programme
Earlier this month, Slovakia started its Presidency of the Council of the EU, a role which will have until the end of the present year. According to its programme, one of the main topics of the Slovak Presidency in the field of research is support for young researchers. The Presidency aims to adopt Council conclusions on measures to support young researchers with a focus on increasing the ...
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Consequences of British Referendum to H2020
The Statement of 29 June of the Heads of State or Government of 27 Member States, as well as the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, confirms that “until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, both when it comes to rights and obligations”...
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EuCheMS Response to Public Consultation on Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’
EuCheMS has recently submitted a response to the Public consultation on Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ Work Programme 2018-2020 (SWAFS). These contributions to the present consultation will feed into preparation of the next SWAFS Work Programme 2018-2020, which will be developed by the European Commission during the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017...
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OECD Report on the Economic Consequences of Outdoor Air Pollution
The report, published in June, is part of the “Costs of Inaction and Resource scarcity: consequences for Long-term Economic growth” (CIRCLE) project, which seeks to take into account the feedbacks from environmental pressures and resource scarcity to the economy. One of the conclusions of this report, which counted with the collaboration of the Joint Research Centre (JRC)...
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Air Quality Legislation: MEPs Strike Deal with Council
Plans for more ambitious national caps on emissions of key pollutants by 2030 were informally agreed by MEPs and the Dutch Presidency of the Council last month. The proposal sets out the national emission reduction commitments for the main pollutants: sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane ...
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Survey on Antimicrobial Resistance
As part of its wider strategy to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the European Commission has published a Special Eurobarometer survey, showing a decrease of 6% in the consumption of antibiotics but at the same time a persistent lack of awareness on their effects. The survey clearly demonstrates that there exists a direct link between better information and lower consumption. The ...
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Commission Presents Scientific Criteria to Identify Endocrine Disruptors
Following consecutive delays and repeated pressure from the European Parliament, the European Commission has presented last month the criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the field of plant protection products and biocides. The Commission proposes to the Council and the European Parliament to adopt a strong science-based approach to the identification of endocrine disruptors and to endorse the widely accepted WHO definition....
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Knowing More About Citizen Science
The survey on data management in Citizen Science projects was set up as an open call via Citizen Science associations, European Commission departments and other organisations and projects. The rich set of results gives insights into how citizen science projects currently operate, namely the fact that most of the responding projects, 84%, were mostly in the area of environmental research...
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ERC Awards 44 Proof of Concept Grants
Earlier this month, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the names of 44 of its grant holders who will receive top-up funding to explore commercial or innovation potential of the results of their ERC-funded research. These Proof of Concept grants, worth €150,000 each...
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Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Raising Awareness About Entrepreneurial Skills
As part of the Skills Agenda for Europe, the Commission has published an 'Entrepreneurship Competence Framework' (EntreComp) to raise consensus about what entrepreneurship skills are. This framework proposes a shared definition of entrepreneurship as a competence and aims to establish a bridge ...
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Bosnia and Herzegovina Joins COSME
SMEs and entrepreneurs from Bosnia and Herzegovina will now be able to participate in COSME, the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Programme, under the same conditions as their counterparts from EU Member States and other associated countries. COSME ...
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Aligning Chemicals´ Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation
Earlier this year, the European Commission adopted legislation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (the 'CLP Regulation'). The CLP Regulation sets rules on the hazard classification of chemicals, how these hazards are communicated through labelling and how the chemicals are packaged. CLP labels provide ...
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New Emissions Requirements for the Production of Non-Ferrous Metals
The Commission implementing decision on Best Available Techniques (BAT) conclusions for the non-ferrous metals industries has now been published. BAT conclusions are the technical basis for competent authorities in EU countries to set permit conditions for the installations concerned, as stipulated by ...
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Consultations and Roadmaps
Public Consultation on the Active Substance Mepanipyrim
EFSA will assess and publish all comments from interested parties, which are submitted in line with the consultation criteria in the call regarding the ...
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Public Consultation on the Joint Programming on Metrology Research
The metrology initiatives, set up under Article 185 TFEU, European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) and its successor European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) target joint programming metrology research across Europe. Under these two initiatives the participating states commit to integrate ...
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REFIT Evaluation in on the Implementation of REACH
The EU Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) has been in force since June 2007. The 2017 evaluation of the operation of REACH (REACH report 2017) is part ...
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Evaluation of the Fuel Quality Directive 98/70/EC of 13 October 1998 Relating to the Quality Of Petrol and Diesel Fuels as Amended
The evaluation should help the Commission to 1) have a better understanding of why and/or how current EU legislation has worked well or not so well, identifying factors which have helped or hampered achievement of the objectives; and ...
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Call for Funding and Awards
Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) Programme
Industrial Biotransformation for the Production of Bio-Based Chemicals
Biopolymers with Advanced Functionalities for High Performance Applications
Advanced Biomaterials for Smart Food Packaging
Eureka: Austria - Spain call for R&D Projects
EuCheMS Events
NRC9 – 9th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry
9th AES 2016 - 9th Asian-European Symposium on Metal-Mediated Efficient Organic Synthesis
JCO - Journées de Chimie Organique
ECRICE - European Conference on Research in Chemical Education
16th Ružička days – International conference 16th Ružička days: “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry”
IASOC 2016 – XVII Session of Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry
Other Events
The 3rd International Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering and Life Science
EuCheMS Society Business
Thank You Chemistry
It is time to say "Thank You Chemistry!"
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EuCheMS General Assembly Meetings 2016
Register until 25 July!
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EuCheMS 2015 Year Book is Now Online!
Discover all about our activities here
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6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
Seville, Spain 11 - 15 September 2016
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