Thu, June 2: Live Webcast of the 2016 Kavli Prize Laureates Announcements
Webcast of the 2016 Kavli Prize Laureates Announcements
Date: June 2, 8:15-10:00am EDT/ 2:15-4:00pm CEST
Webcast and program:
Live webcast of the 2016 Kavli Prize laureate announcements by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Oslo, Norway, and live coverage of a special Prize program from the World Science Festival in New York City.
Program includes:
- Announcement of the 2016 Kavli Prize Laureates by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, hosted by scientist and science writer Adam Rutherford. Presented by Ole M. Sejerstedm, President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, with remarks by the Kavli Prize Committee Chairs
- Keynote Address by Dr France Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation (U.S.)
- Panel discussion about the Prizes led by ABC news journalist Richard Besser, with: Astrophysics - Nergis Mavalvala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Nanoscience - Michal Lipson (Columbia University) and Neuroscience – Cori Bargmann (2012 Kavli Prize Laureate in Neuroscience, Rockefeller University)
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for nominations for the Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland 2016
Clariant, the Swiss Chemical Society and the University of Basel are partnering to award the Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland and offer a lecture slot at the »Clariant Chemistry Day, University of Basel« on October 12, 2016. The Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland is endowed with a total of 10 000 CHF. The first prize is endowed with 5 000 CHF.
This award program will honor outstanding scientific achievements of Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs in Switzerland in the field of Sustainable Chemistry, in areas such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection.
With Research & Development the chemical industry contributes to tackle the challenges of our society by creating product and process innovation. As a company that creates value through sustainability and innovation, Clariant is particularly concerned about strengthening the knowledge base of CleanTech in Switzerland by sponsoring basic research and fostering the knowledge and technology transfer between industry and academia.
For Participation
The Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland is available to successful Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs who have distinguished themselves with outstanding scientific achievements at the Departments of Chemistry and adjacent disciplines of Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Institutes in Switzerland in areas of Sustainable Chemistry such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection.
Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs will be considered with regard to their different levels of training.
Applicants are requested to submit
- their curriculum vitae,
- a brief description of the scientific results (max. 5 pages), and
- an expert assessment from a supervisor
by July 31, 2016 via the online form.
Specialty Chemicals that Create Value
Clariant’s corporate strategy is based on five pillars: increase profitability, reposition portfolio, add value with sustainability, foster innovation and R&D, and intensify growth.
Ruzicka-Prize 2016: call for nominations
The Ruzicka-Prize is awarded each year to a young scientist for her/his outstanding, published contribution in the field of chemistry, achieved either in Switzerland or by a Swiss citizen abroad.
Proposals for candidates (age limit 40 years) may be submitted until September 16, 2016 (date of receipt) to the
Vice-President Research and Corporate Relations
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther
ETH Zürich / HG F 57
Rämistrasse 101
CH-8092 Zürich
More details on:
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for Nominations for the SCS Awards 2017
As one of our four strategic pillars, SCS awards excellence in science/chemistry and calls for nominations for the 2017 SCS Awards.
Nominations have to be submitted electronically to . The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is September 30, 2016.
For specific award information and required documents please visit our website
Werner Prize
CHF 10,000 and medal in bronze
The Werner Prize is awarded to a promising young Swiss scientist or scientist working in Switzerland for outstanding independent chemical research. At the time of the award the candidate may not be a tenured professor or someone in a higher position in industry, and should be younger than 40. The prize is awarded annually.
Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize
CHF 5,000
The Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize is awarded to a promising young scientist for outstanding independent research in photochemistry, photophysics or molecular photobiology. At the time of the award the candidate may not be a tenured professor or a person in a higher position in industry, and should be younger than 40. The prize is awarded bi-annually as of 2015.
Balmer Prize
CHF 2,000 for individuals and CHF 2,000 for the school’s chemistry department or CHF 3,000 for a group and CHF 1,000 for the school’s chemistry department and medal in bronze
The Balmer Prize is awarded to a teacher working in Switzerland at high school (gymnasium) level for innovation in chemistry teaching. The innovation must be easily applicable in current teaching and the costs for materials must be modest. The candidate may not make any claim to copyright in the innovation. The prize is awarded annually.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award
CHF 1,000 and medal in bronze
The Dr. Max Lüthi Award is presented for an outstanding diploma thesis in Chemistry conducted at a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. Nominations must be submitted by the head of the Chemistry Department of a Swiss University of Applied Sciences. The prize is awarded annually.
Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland
CHF 10,000 in total, CHF 5'000 for the winner
The Clariant CleanTech Award Switzerland is available to successful Master students, PhD students, and Postdocs who have distinguished themselves with outstanding scientific achievements in Switzerland in areas of Sustainable Chemistry such as resource efficiency, renewable energy, renewable raw materials or green technologies and environmental protection. The prize is awarded every 18 months.
Deadline for this award is July 31.2016. SCS Awards are sponsored and supported by
Sandmeyer Award
CHF 10,000 for individuals or CHF 20,000 for groups
The Sandmeyer Prize is awarded to a person - excluding tenured professors - or to a group for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry. The work must be completed in Switzerland or with the involvement of a Swiss national. The prize is awarded annually and supported by the Division of Industrial and Applied Chemistry of the SCS.
KGF/SCS Industrial Science Awards
The KGF/SCS Industrial Scientific Awards are given to scientists working in Switzerland that are still working in industrial R&D.
Industrial Investigator Award honors successful investigators with outstanding achievements.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 7’000
Senior Industrial Investigator Award honors very successful and established investigators with outstanding achievements over many years.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 10’000
Distinguished Industrial Investigator Award honors senior scientists on the top of their research career for their lifetime achievements.
Certificate and cash check of CHF 15’000
Rewarded only on decision by the board
SCS Awards are sponsored and supported by
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, May 2016
European Highlights
Science: How Close to Open? - Outcomes
The outcomes of the EuCheMS workshop Science: How Close to Open?, which took place in Amsterdam in April, are now available at EuCheMS´ website. This event looked into the current challenges and opportunities of open science and gathered policy-makers, researchers and publishers. As the conclusions of the event point out, the path to reach an…
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Thank You Chemistry!
EuCheMS would like to announce the launch of EuCheMS donation programme “Thank You Chemistry”. From now on, other than participating in EuCheMS activities, subscribing to our newsletters, and telling us your ideas and concerns, you will also have the opportunity to contribute financially to the work of EuCheMS. This important milestone in EuCheMS activities will…
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Winners of the EuCheMS Award for Service 2015
EuCheMS is proud to announce that Professor Helena Grennberg and Professor Anthony Smith are the winners of the 2015 EuCheMS Award for Service. This award acknowledges outstanding commitment to the promotion of chemistry and the goals of EuCheMS. Prof. Smith´s award was delivered by Prof. Franco De Angelis, on behalf of EuCheMS, at the ECTN…
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Finding Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance: STOA Workshop
During this STOA Working Breakfast co-organised by the European Parliament´s STOA, EuCheMS, and EFMC on the 28 April, researchers and several Members of the European Parliament analysed the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance and weighted the pros and cons of possible solutions. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is the ability of microorganisms to withstand attack by antimicrobial…
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EuCheMS at European Commission Delegation to Chile
Following an invitation from the European Commission (EC) delegation, EuCheMS took part of the EC delegation to Chile on the topic of circular economy, a delegation led by Mr Daniel Calleja, the European Commission’s Director-General for Environment. Dr. Nicola Armaroli, Chair of EuCheMS Working Party on Chemistry and Energy, was EuCheMS´ representative at this mission…
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EuCheMS Provides Input to Preparation of Horizon 2020 Working Programme
EuCheMS has recently submitted its response to the stakeholder consultation on the R&I Strategy under Horizon 2020 for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP). EuCheMS response to the consultation can be found in the link below. The aim of this consultation is to identify research priorities that will be taken in…
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European Environment Agency Scientific Committee Call for Experts
The Scientific Committee assists the European Environmental Agency (EEA) Management Board and the Executive Director in providing scientific advice and delivering professional opinion on any scientific matter in the areas of work undertaken by the Agency. The EEA Scientific Committee is composed of members of high scientific standing in one or more key areas of…
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European Parliament Approves New Rules to Attract Students and Researchers
The European Parliament approved new rules to attract new non-EU students and researchers to the EU, thus consolidating EU´s position as a global leader in research. After the publication of the directive, students and researchers will be able to stay at least nine months after finishing their studies or research in order to look for…
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European Cloud Initiative
Last month, the European Commission presented its blueprint for the new European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). By reinforcing and interconnecting existing research infrastructure, the Commission plans to create the EOSC, a tool which will make it easier for researchers and innovators to access and re-use data, and will reduce the cost of data storage and…
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Does the Dose Make the Poison?
A new European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) external scientific report contributes to the debate on non-monotonic dose response (NMDR) results from toxicity studies, according to Prof Anthony Hardy, Chair of EFSA’s Scientific Committee. The view “the dose makes the poison” used in conventional hazard assessment implies a consistent increase in effects along the dose range,…
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Report Provides Clues on How to Cut Emissions
A recent Joint Research Centre (JRC) report finds that fuels like liquefied natural gas (LNG) and methanol are the most promising alternatives to drive decarbonisation of the shipping sector and ultimately contribute to the fight against climate change. The report covers different alternative fuels, engine types and the introduction of alternative fuels. It reviews low…
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ERC Announces Advanced Grants to 277 Senior Researchers
The European Research Council (ERC) announced last month the awarding of its prestigious Advanced Grants to 277 senior researchers. The funding, worth in total €647 million, will enable them to pursue their most promising ideas and carry out frontier research with potentially ground - breaking impact on...
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Georgia Joins Horizon 2020
An agreement associating Georgia to Horizon 2020 was signed on the 29 of April. This agreement shows the commitment of the Union to develop the scientific and innovation capacity of its associated partners. It also represents another step towards reaching the EU goal of opening research and innovation to the world. Georgian research institutes, universities…
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Innovation & Entrepreneurship
SMEs as Major Drivers of Pharmaceuticals
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published earlier this month a report emphasizing the importance of SMEs in pharmaceutical innovation and draws attention to the trends observed in the past ten years. “The report shows that EMA’s tools to support pharmaceutical innovation by SMEs, and in particular scientific advice, are being increasingly used,” explains Melanie…
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eLearning Tool for SMEs on Standardisation
An eLearning tool has been launched to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) learn about standardisation in a quick and easy way. The benefits of standards can be gained both from using them and from participating in the process of revising or developing them. However, SMEs often lack the human and financial resources to be…
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COSME Kicks Off in Greece: More than €125 million Available for SMEs
The fund will target companies with a strong international angle. By mobilising other investors, including funds from the private sector, this is expected to result in an overall investment of more than €125 million in Greek SMEs. The European Investment Fund investment benefits from EU support under the COSME programme, funded by the European Commission,…
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Leading Entrepreneurs Recognised at INNOVEIT 2016
INNOVEIT 2016 is a two-day innovation forum organised by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which this year gathered more than 350 entrepreneurs and innovators from across Europe. The three EIT Awards were presented, highlighting the most successful start-ups, the most innovative projects and the best young entrepreneurial talent in Europe. The prize…
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Consultations and Roadmaps
Public Consultation on the Draft Scientific Opinion Addressing the State of the Science on Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products for In-Soil Organisms
The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has launched a public consultation on a Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues on addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for in-soil organisms. Taking into account new regulatory frameworks and scientific developments, the current risk…
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Consultation on Methylmercuric Chloride
Parties concerned are invited to comment on hazard classes open for public consultation. The indicated hazard classes were assessed and concluded by the dossier submitter in their proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) of the substance, and are indicated in the Substance Details table. The CLH public consultation lasts normally for 45 days (unless…
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Revised Roadmap - Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020
In line with the Better Regulation requirements, an online public stakeholder consultation on the Horizon 2020 interim evaluation will be launched in October 2016 and will run for three months. In addition, the European Commission will publish online stakeholder consultations on Article 185 and 187 evaluations. The interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 will cover all…
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Call for Funding and Awards
- Capacity Building in the Field of Youth - 2016 - Round 2
- EUREKA - Spain, Turkey and The Netherlands Call for R&D Projects
- Improvement and Adaptation of Industrial Crop Varieties and Novel Sources of Biomass to Diversify Biomass Feedstock for Biorefineries
- Valorisation of Lignin and other Side-Streams to Increase Efficiency of Biorefineries and Increase Sustainability of the Whole Value Chain
- Bio-Based Polymers/Plastic Materials with New Functionalities for Medical, Construction, Automotive and Textile Industries
EuCheMS Events
- IWSG - 8th International Workshop on Science Gateways
- ISOS 2016 - International Summer School on Organic Synthesis "A. Corbella"
- 16th Conference on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids
- ChemCH2016 - Chemistry for Cultural Heritage 2016
- IX International School on Organometallic Chemistry "Marcial Moreno Mañas"
- NRC9 - 9th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry
Other Events
- First European Citizen Science Association Conference 2016
- Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016
- JRC Open Day 2016
- NanoDiode Working Conference
- 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
- High Level Roundtable on Low-carbon Innovation
- EU Sustainable Energy Week Conference (EUSEW)
EuCheMS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuCheMS by Nineta Hrastelj Majcen. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuCheMS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuCheMS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2016 EuCheMS
David Spichiger, SCS
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