Review and Photos SCS Spring Meeting 2016
On Friday, April 22, 2016 the SCS Spring Meeting 2016 took place at University of Zurich. Five experts gave an insight view of "Green Chemistry" during their lecture and stimulated the discussion about possible and impossible developments of sustainability in our life in general and the chemistry around us in particular.
The SCS President, Alain De Mesmaeker, also awarded the Werner Prize 2016 to Maksym Kovalenko, ETHZ and EMPA Dübendorf, for his innovative studies in the chemistry, physics and applications of inorganic nanostructures.
Lectures of the SCS Spring Meeting 2016
More details about the program are available on the symposium website or in the SCS Conference Tool on
Photos of the dinner on the eve of the event and the Spring Meeting 2016
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David Spichiger, SCS
Invitation to the SCS General Assembly 2016
On the occastion of the SCS Spring Meeting the society will held its annual general assembly and all members are cordially invited to join the meeting and the assembly.
SCS General Assembly 2016
April 22, 2016 - 13.30-14.00
Theatersaal Y21, University of Zürich, Irchel Campus
- Welcome; Approval of the Agenda
- Election of the vote counters
- Minutes of the 25th General Assembly, April 24, 2015 (UniBas)
- Annual report 2015 (published in CHIMIA 1-2/2016 and on
- Financial report 2015 and audit report (published on
- Discharge the Board and the financial audit of their duties
- Elections
- Strategy, Membership Fees, News
- Outlook 2016/17
- Varia
Bioactive Natural Products Symposium. Oxford, July 11-13, 2016
Bioactive Natural Products Symposium: Translating Promise into Practice
- Event Website:
- Event Date: 11 July 2016 to 13 July 2016
- Venue: St Catherine's College, Oxford, UK
- Organiser: Royal Society of Chemistry Biotechnology Group
The conference will focus on contemporary scientific research which will facilitate the therapeutic use of small molecules derived from natural sources. Modern research methods have brought back into the spotlight the concept of developing novel biomedical and agrochemical products from so-called natural products.
- How natural products can inspire drug discovery
- Prof Herbert Waldmann, Max Planck Institute, Germany
- New catalytic strategies for natural product synthesis
- Prof Matthew Gaunt, University of Cambridge, UK
- The bio-origin of bioactive bacterial pyrrolizidine alkaloids
- Dr Hai Deng, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Mining the genomes of Burkholderia bacteria for novel antibiotics
- Dr Cerith Jones, University of Cardiff, UK
- Harnessing natural product biosynthesis
- Prof Sarah O’Connor, John Innes Institute, UK
- Using nature’s chemical diversity as a stepping stone for drug discovery
- Dr Phillipp Krastel, Novartis, Switzerland
- From artemisinin to a tetraoxane-based antimalarial drug candidate that circumvents K13-dependent clinical artemisinin resistance
- Prof Paul O’Neill, University of Liverpool, UK
- New paradigms and challenges of natural products drug discovery programs
- Prof Bruno David, Pierre Fabre Research Institute, France
- Marine natural product drug discovery: leads for treatment of inflammation, cancer, infections, and neurological disorders
- Dr Lena Gerwick, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
- Using natural products to invent new chemicals for crop protection
- Dr John Clough, Syngenta, UK
- Diversity and diversification: microbial chemistry for discovery and development
- Dr Stephen Wrigley, Hypha Discovery, UK
- The challenge of exploiting microbial sources to deliver novel bioactive natural products
- Prof Olga Genilloud, Fundación Medina, Spain
- Efficient ways to investigate plant and micro-organism metabolomes for the search of new lead compounds of natural origin
- Prof Jean-Luc Wolfender, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Lichen symbioses as a bioresource for natural products
- Dr Martin Grube, University of Graz, Austria
- Exploiting new biotechnologies for discovery and development of bioactive natural products
- Prof Gregory Challis, University of Warwick, UK
The event will highlight the current trends, challenges and successes in the industrial exploitation of natural products from a global perspective. it will bring together academic and industry interdisciplinary scientists, to disclose recent progress in this field, identify new perspectives and promote networking to facilitate the use of bioactive natural products in medical, agrochemical and related areas of societal need.
Newsletter SCNAT April 2016
Webversion des April 2016 Newsletters der SCNAT.
David Spichiger, SCS
ECM-30 – One week left to submit your abstract!
30th Meeting of theEuropean Crystallographic Association
Congress Center Basel, 28th - 1st August 2016
Submit your Abstract now!
Have you already submitted your abstract for the ECM-30 meeting in Basel, Switzerland, 28th August
– 1st September, 2016? Don’t miss the opportunity to present your work at the leading European
Congress on Crystallography.
Abstract deadline: Wednesday, 6 April 2016, 23:59h, CET
Submit your abstract for one of the 50 exciting microsymposia topics covering the diverse range of
interests and scientific fields in which crystallography plays an important role.
For more information and abstract submission guidelines please visit the website.
In order to support and encourage young investigators, there will be several poster prizes awarded to
ECM-30 abstract authors. Also, a science slam will be organized for young crystallographers wishing
to present their research in an entertaining and fun way.
Online Registration
To benefit from the reduced registration fee, please register online soon. For questions, please contact
the Congress Secretariat:
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Please note that our office will be closed during the Easter Holidays from Friday, 25 March until
Monday, 28 March 2016, should you require assistance with registration and abstract submission.
We are looking forward to your scientific contributions and participation.
Kind regards
Congress Secretariat
c/o Congrex Switzerland Ltd.
Peter Merian-Strasse 80
4002 Basel / Switzerland
T: +41 61 686 77 77
F: +41 61 686 77 88
David Spichiger SCS, Katharina Fromm UniFR
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