Call for Nominations: EuCheMS Award for Service 2015
The EuCheMS Award for Service acknowledges outstanding commitment with regard to fostering chemistry and molecular sciences in Europe and the goals of EuCheMS. In addition to recognized service to EuCheMS, this may include activities in governmental, non-governmental or funding organizations, publicity-related activities, etc. Nominations must demonstrate achievements for improved competitiveness, visibility, coherence or structure of chemistry in Europe.
All EuCheMS member organisations, Divisions/Working Parties and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the Award. Self-nominations are not accepted.
Decisions on making the Award are taken by the EuCheMS Executive Board, normally annually.
It is normal practice that members of the Executive Board and Division Chairs are not considered for the Award until after their term of office has ceased.
Service as EuCheMS President or Treasurer or as Chair or other office holder of a EuCheMS Division is not itself sufficient to merit the Award.
The nomination must demonstrate service to EuCheMS and/or to European chemistry over and above the basic voluntary contribution that would normally be expected.
Unsuccessful nominations for the Award may be re-submitted once in the next three years from the first submission.
Please submit the nomination not later than 31 December 2015
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Award Winners 2016
It’s our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2016 SCS awards. We would like to sincerely congratulate all prizewinners and are looking forward to the ceremonies that will take place at one of your events during the next year.
Paracelsus Prize 2016
CHF 20,000 and medal in gold
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The SCS awards Prof. Michael Graetzel, EPF Lausanne, for his invention and development of the dye-sensitized solar cell. The prize if given on the occasion of the SCS Fall Meeting in Zürich on September 15, 2016. |
Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Michael Graetzel directs there the Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces. He pioneered the use of mesoscopic materials in energy conversion systems, in particular photovoltaic cells, lithium ion batteries and photo-electrochemical devices for the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by sunlight. He discovered a new type of solar cell based on dye sensitized nanocrystalline oxide films (Text from
Werner Prize 2016
CHF 10,000 and medal in bronze
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The SCS awards Prof. Maksym Kovalenko, ETH Zurich and EMPA Dübendorf for his innovative studies in the chemistry, physics and applications of inorganic nanostructures. The prize if given on the occasion of the SCS Spring Meeting in Zürich on April 22, 2016. |
Maksym Kovalenko has been an assistant professor (tenure-track) of inorganic functional materials at ETH Zurich since July 2011. He is also affiliated with Empa - the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. The research activities of his group are carried out at both institutions (portrait text from
Sandmeyer Award 2016
CHF 20,000
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The SCS awards the team comprising researchers from Sika Technology AG, ETH Zürich and the University of Colorado Boulder, namely
for their experimental and modelling studies of new commercial organic additives for the grinding of inorganic solids.
The award ceremony takes place at the SCS Fall Meeting 2016 and the lecture is given on the occasion of the 13. Freiburger Symposium in Fribourg 2017.
Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2016
CHF 1,000 and medal in bronze
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The SCS awards Mr. Flavio Gall, ZHAW Wädenswil, for his master his Bachelor Diploma Studies on the design and synthesis of cyclic metalloprotease inhibitors. The ceremony and the lecture takes place at the ILMAC-Forum in Basel on Fri, 23. September 2016 |
Berne, December 8, 2015
David Spichiger, Executive Director
Swiss Chemical Society SCS
David Spichiger, SCS
Chemistry Advent Calendar
Prepare for the holidays with this calendar of chemistry highlights covering, for example, candles, champagne, cinnamon, cookies, chocolate, and Santa Claus. There will be another article every day until December 24. Click the gift pack to open the calendar
If you are still looking for presents for the science fan in your life, view our list of science-themed presents recommended by Editors at Wiley and Wiley-VCH.
David Spichiger, SCS
ILMAC 2016: September 21-23, 2016, Messe Basel
ILMAC, the Swiss fair for Process and Laboratory Technology
20 to 23 September 2016,
Messe Basel,
Matchmaking made easy: whether research and development, piloting, engineering, production or disposal – ILMAC 2016 is the interactive network platform where you can present your process and laboratory technology solutions in a highly efficient manner.
Laboratory technology and process technology are being presented together for the first time instead of in separate sections: at ILMAC 2016, you can showcase your competences and solutions as an overall package. This will ensure you attract greater attention from the growing number of professional visitors who plan and implement their company processes holistically rather than individually
Focal Topics
ILMAC 2016 is being staged under the motto “ILMAC 4.0” with two focal topics that you, as an exhibitor, can take up in a targeted manner. The ILMAC Forum will be looking at these topics from different perspectives during the fair. And, at the popular Lunch&Learn events, recognised experts from industry will be having their say. Our communication in the run-up to ILMAC will similarly be highlighting the following central themes.
ILMAC 4.0: Boosting efficiency – an economic necessity
If the chemical and life sciences industry is to meet up to the economic requirements in future too, it will need to boost the efficiency of its processes and continually step up productivity while observing the highest quality standards. This will increase demand for new approaches, including particularly flexible processes and systems, automation solutions for the laboratory and for plant operation, and comprehensive global advice. And comprehensive product and employee safety must be guaranteed at all times.
ILMAC 4.0: Trends in state-of-the-art medicine call for new approaches in R&D and production
The trend in the health sector is towards personalised medicine with the corresponding diagnostic agents and specially-targeted individual therapy with highly potent drugs. The pharmaceutical industry and its suppliers must pay due heed to this situation. The research and production of powerful active ingredients and biopharmaceuticals calls for the appropriate safety precautions and high-precision processes. Present-day laboratories must be configured and equipped with the latest generation of information technology in such a way as to permit interdisciplinary cooperation across all the different boundaries. Producing personalised, highly-active drugs in a suppliable form requires flexible, readily adaptable production lines for small batches and frequent format changes.
David Spichiger, SCS
Ausschreibung der SPG Preise für 2016
Auch im Jahr 2016 sollen wieder SPG Preise, die mit je CHF 5000.- dotiert sind, vergeben werden.
- SPG Preis gestiftet vom Forschungszentrum ABB Schweiz AG für eine hervorragende Forschungsarbeit auf allen Gebieten der Physik
- SPG Preis gestiftet von der Firma IBM für eine hervorragende Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Kondensierten Materie
- SPG Preis gestiftet von der Firma OC Oerlikon für eine hervorragende Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Angewandten Physik
- SPG Preis gestiftet vom METAS für eine hervorragende Forschungsarbeit mit Bezug zur Metrologie
- SPG Preis gestiftet von der Firma COMSOL für eine hervorragende Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet der computergestützten Physik
Die SPG möchte mit diesen Preisen junge PhysikerInnen für hervorragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auszeichnen. Die eingereichten Arbeiten müssen entweder in der Schweiz oder von SchweizerInnen im Ausland ausgeführt worden sein. Die Beurteilung der Arbeiten er folgt auf Grund ihrer Bedeutung, Qualität und Originalität.
Der Antrag für die Prämierung einer Arbeit muss schriftlich begründet werden. Die Arbeit muss in einer renommierten Zeitschrift publiziert oder zur Publikation angenommen sein. Wenn mehrere Publikationen eingereicht werden, um die Leistungen des Kandidaten umfassender darzustellen, muß genau gesagt werden, welche Publikation für die Preisvergabe im Betracht gezogen werden soll. Der Antrag muss die folgenden Unterlagen enthalten:
- Begleitbrief mit Begründung,
- Lebenslauf des Kandidaten mit Publikationsliste,
- die zu prämierende Arbeit,
- und ein Gutachten.
Diese Unterlagen werden elektronisch im "pdf"-Format direkt an das Preiskomitee eingereicht (große Dateien bitte komprimieren (zip)):
Einsendeschluss: 29. Februar 2016
Die Preise werden an der Jahrestagung 2016 in Lugano überreicht.
Das Preisreglement befindet sich hier.
David Spichiger, SCS
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