Novartis Chemistry Lecture Day, February 4th, 2016
Novartis Chemistry Lecture Day
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Horburg Auditorium, WKL-430.3.20
Müllheimerstrasse 195
4057 Basel
Novartis Celebrates Frontiers in Chemistry and is pleased to announce a day of excellent lectures on “Total Synthesis of Natural Products” and on “Late Stage Functionalization”.
Morning Session: Total Synthesis of Natural Products
Chair: Dr. Peter von Matt
08:30h Opening Remarks
08:45h Prof. Mohammad Movassaghi, MIT Cambridge, USA
09:45h Coffee Break
10:15h Prof. Tohru Fukuyama, Nagoya University, Japan
11:15h Prof. Brian M. Stoltz, CIT Pasadena, USA
Afternoon Session: Late Stage Functionalization
Chair: Dr. Fabrice Gallou
14:00h Prof. Varinder K. Aggarwal, University of Bristol, UK
15:00h Prof. Cristina Nevado, University of Zürich
16:00h Coffee Break
16:30h Prof. Eric N. Jacobsen, Harvard University, USA
17:30h Apéro
Please note that seating capacity in the Horburg Auditorium is limited. Therefore, if you plan to attend, please register by sending an email by Friday, January 15th, 2016 to .
Organizing committee:
Guido Koch, Fabrice Gallou, Florian Kleinbeck, Peter von Matt
David Spichiger, SCS
The promotion programme for cutting edge innovators
The SwissInnovation Challenge takes a holistic approach to realising innovative business ideas
The eight-month-long competition offers attractive awards and tailored education and mentoring programmes, as well as access to sponsors and potential business partners. The challenge is open to businesses and individuals who wish to introduce and implement an innovation or who have undertaken an innovation within the last two calendar years. It can take the form of a product innovation, a new business idea, an organisational innovation or an innovation in management. We will guide and support you along the way.
SwissInnovation an overview
The competition lasts eight months and is divided into three phases. There will be a selection process at the end of each round. Participants who reach the final round have the opportunity to win prize money amounting to 30,000 Swiss Francs. The winner will be awarded 20,000 Swiss Francs and two runners up will each be awarded 5,000 Swiss Francs.
Benefit from
- personal coaching
- a mentoring programme
- consultations with experts in the field
- workshops
- training und motivation events
Registering for the competition. Deadline is December 31, 2015!
Stefan Philippi, M.A. (lic. phil), Administrative Head
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke, Business and Academic Head
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Business
Institute of Management
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Spring Meeting 2016
«Green Chemistry»
April 22, 2016, 09.30 - 17.00
University of Zurich, Department of Chemistry
Irchel Champus, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich
The Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting is a one day symposium and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers. It is also the platform for the Werner Price Ceremony and the Werner Award Lecture.
As a general rule the Society holds its general assembly during the lunch break.
Free admission. The registration deadline and the event are over. Thanks.
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Conference Office: |
We cordially thank our partners for their generous support and the fruitful collaboration.
If you are interested in a collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact David Spichiger, SCS Executive Director ().
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The event is hosted by:
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, November 2015
General European Highlights
New European Scientific Advice Mechanism – More Science for Better Policy
The European Commission's new Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) was officially launched on the 10th November with the announcement of the seven leading scientists who will form the first High Level Group of scientific advisors. Together with a six million euro grant to European academies and learned societies, this marks a new approach to the use of independent science advice in Commission policy making. The mechanism is being launched six months after it was first announced by the European Commission, following protests from the scientific community, including also EuCheMS, due to the extinction of the Chief Scientific Advisor position. The seven leading scientists integrating the SAM are Janusz M. Bujnicki, Pearl Dykstra, Elvira Fortunato, Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Julia Slingo, Cédric Villani, and Henrik C. Wegener.
EuCheMS Publishes Outcomes of Workshop on Critical Raw Materials
The outcomes of the workshop on critical raw materials, co-chaired by MEP Ian Duncan and EuCheMS President David Cole-Hamilton, are now available online. Its main messages are summarised on a one-pager: recycle; substitute; create public-private partnerships; have long-term vision for research; evolve from a linear economy into circular economy approach; provide information to consumers; and collect data consistently.
New Seal of Excellence to Increase Quality of Regional Research Funding
The new "Seal of Excellence" scheme will allow regions to recognise the quality label awarded to promising project proposals submitted under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme and promote their access to different funding sources like the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and other national or regional investment programmes. More details can be found here.
Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 in Western Balkan Countries
The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, following a new Work Programme for 2016-17 adopted in October 2015.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Madedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia are associated to Horizon 2020, thus legal entities from Associated Countries can participate under the same conditions as legal entities from the Member States. Kosovo can also participate but as a third country.
Air Quality: MEPs Approve New National Caps on Pollutants
EU Commission plans for more ambitious national caps on emissions of six key pollutants were endorsed by Parliament on the 28th October. Air pollution causes about 400,000 premature deaths in the EU yearly, and the plans could save up to €40bn in air pollution costs by 2030. The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) approved the proposed caps for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), methane (CH4) ammonia (NH3), and fine particulates (PM, less than 2.5 micrometers), to be achieved by 2020 and 2030, as proposed by the Commission.
EU Introduces more Efficient Monitoring of Drinking Water
As a first step following the European Citizens' Initiative Right2Water, as well as the public consultation on the quality of drinking water to which EuCheMS contributed, new rules were adopted by the Commission to provide flexibility to Member States as to how drinking water quality is monitored in around 100 000 water supply zones in Europe.
Education and Training Monitor 2015
The recently published 2015 edition of the EU's Education and Training Monitor shows more Member States have now reached their goals in increasing the number of students completing higher levels of education and minimising those leaving education early. This means Europe is on track to reach the targets set in its growth and jobs strategy by 2020. However, this progress is uneven, with discrepancies between and within Member States. Some interesting facts: employment rate of recent university graduates is 80.5%, in terms of gender 33.6% of men attend to tertiary education whereas 42.3% of women participate in tertiary education.
Climate change: EU Shows Leadership Ahead of Paris with 23% Emissions Cut
The European Union is on track towards meeting and overachieving its 2020 target for reducing greenhouse emissions by 20%, according to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The "Trends and projections in Europe 2015" report reveals that greenhouse gas emissions in Europe decreased by 23% between 1990 and 2014 and reached the lowest levels on record.
Latest projections by Member States show that the EU is heading for a 24% reduction by 2020 with current measures in place, and a 25% reduction with additional measures already being planned in Member States. The EU is already working towards its 2030 goal of an emissions reduction target of at least 40% —the EU's contribution towards the new global climate change agreement in Paris in December. Even though chemistry has already contributed to the current emissions cut EuCheMS believes that the contribution of chemistry will be even bigger in the future.
ERC Awards 44 Proof of Concept Grants
The ERC has recently announced the names of 44 of its grant holders who will receive top-up funding to explore commercial or innovation potential of the results of their ERC-funded research. These Proof of Concept grants, worth €150,000 each, can be used, for example, to establish intellectual property rights, investigate business opportunities or conduct technical validation.
Funding Updates and Awards
Interview with 2015 EuCheMS EUCYS Awardee
Michaela Kajšová is a young and enthusiastic student who won the 2015 European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) EuCheMS Award with her project entitled "The Effect of Cholesterol on Biological Membranes". You can read the interview by clicking on the link below.
Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize
The Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize rewards a major scientific discovery that could shape tomorrow’s chemistry and help human progress.
The prize perpetuates the strong support for scientific research given by the founder of the Solvay Group, Ernest Solvay. It is intended to endorse basic research and underline the essential role of chemistry, both as a science and an industry, in helping solve some of the most pressing issues the world is facing.
The €300,000 prize is awarded every two years, and the 2015 Prize will be awarded on the 18th November at the Palais des Académies in Brussels, Belgium.
Innovative Training Networks
Deadline: 12 January 2016
ERC Consolidator Grant 2016
Deadline: 2 February 2016
Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education EAC/A04/2015
Deadline: 10 February 2016
ERC Proof of Concept 2016
Deadline: 16 February 2016
Knowledge Alliances-Sector Skills Alliances 2016
Deadline: 26 February 2016
Consultations and Roadmaps
Roadmap - Modernising the EU copyright framework
This roadmap focusses on the second set of measures that the Commission intends to adopt to modernize the existing copyright rules. Subject to further decisions, at the moment the Commission is focussing in particular on the following objectives: (i) allowing for wider online access to works by users across the EU, (ii) modernising the EU framework of exceptions and limitations, focussing in particular on those exceptions and limitations which are particularly key for the functioning of the digital single market and the pursuit of public policy objectives and (iii) achieving a well -functioning copyright market place, for example as regards the role of online intermediaries in relation to the distribution of copyright-protected content.
Roadmap - Revision of the Fertilisers Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003
The main policy objective of the initiative is to incentivise large scale fertiliser production in the EU from domestic organic or secondary raw materials in line with the circular economy model by transforming waste into nutrients for crops. It is an outcome of public consultations in 2012.
The initiative would provide a regulatory framework radically easing access to the internal market for such fertilisers. Furthermore, it will address the current, well-recognised environmental concern stemming from cadmium contamination of fertilisers from phosphate rock, and remove the current market fragmentation to which it currently gives rise in the form of national cadmium limits. The setting of limit values, aiming at minimising the negative impact of fertiliser use on the environment and on human health, will contribute to a reduction of cadmium accumulation in soil and of cadmium contamination of food and water.
Public Consultation on the Action Plan against the Rising Threats from Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (COM (2011) 748)
This consultation seeks views on the EU’s Action Plan against risks arising from antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The Action Plan sets out 12 specific actions for achieving progress on six objectives: the appropriate use of antimicrobials, infection prevention, research and innovation on new antimicrobials and treatment alternatives, international collaboration, monitoring and surveillance, and awareness.
Deadline: 22 January 2016
Consultation on a Possible Restriction of Hazardous Substances In Textile Articles and Clothing For Consumer Use
The Commission believes this public consultation is needed to target relevant chemicals and articles and to consider the proportionality and enforceability of a possible restriction in this area. The main objectives of the public consultation is to collect information on 1) the presence or likelihood of presence of the identified carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) substances in relevant consumer articles and in so far as is possible also gather information on their concentration, function and on the availability of alternatives; 2) and on the potential socio-economic impacts and the enforceability of the possible restriction.
Deadline: 22 January 2015
Public consultation on Zinc Oxide in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products
The European Commission is inviting any interested parties, including authorities of Member States, manufacturers of cosmetic products, producers of the substances concerned and relevant industry and consumers associations, to submit their comments on the proposed measures and on their possible economic impact.
Deadline: 24 December 2015
Business Updates
SMEs´ Research and Development within the EU
Among other data, the latest Flash Eurobarometer survey shows that only 6% of SMEs in the EU have worked with a partner based abroad (within the EU) for research and development, showing that there are still many collaboration opportunities to be explored.
This Flash Eurobarometer survey explores the international business activities carried out by SMEs inside and outside the Internal Market.
Serbia is Joining COSME
Earlier this month, Serbia and the European Commission have signed an agreement formalising the entry of Serbia to the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Programme (COSME). Serbia's decision to join COSME was welcomed and the opportunity was taken to highlight another tool of the programme - the Enterprise Europe Network, which helps SMEs to develop and facilitate their internationalisation, and access innovative technology. COSME will support projects on a wide range of topics that include clustering, female entrepreneurship, reducing the administrative burden for companies and intellectual property rights protection for companies operating in non-EU countries.
Serbia is the sixth country outside the EU to join and contribute to the programme, after Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Turkey and Albania.
Upcoming EuCheMS Recognised Events
10th European Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry - e-WISPOC 2016
31 January - 5 February 2016
Bressanone, Italy
I Convegno del Grupo Interdivisionale di Chimica per le Energie Rinnovabili - ENERCHEM-1
Florence, Italy
18 - 20 February 2016
13th Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists - ChemCYS 2016
Blankenberge, Belgium
16 – 18 March 2016
1st European Young Chemists Meeting
Guimarães, Portugal, 26 – 29 April, 2016
Forthcoming Events
Dawn or Dusk for Innovation Demand: Which Policies Stimulate Demand for Innovation?
Brussels, Belgium
17 November 2015
Standardization in Horizon2020 – Webinar
17 November 2015
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Programme Review Days & Stakeholder Forum
Brussels, Belgium
17 – 19 November 2015
COP 21 - 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Paris, France
30 November – 11 December 2015
7th European Innovation Summit
Brussels, Belgium
7 – 10 December 2015
Conference of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) On Raw Materials and Horizon 2020 Brokerage Event on Raw Materials
Brussels, Belgium
9 – 10 December 2015
6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
11 - 15 September 2016
Seville, Spain
EuCheMS Newsletter
November issue of EuCheMS Newsletter is available here, with articles on:
• Countdown to #6ECC
• EuCheMS meets ACS in Boston
• EuCheMS Executive Board: Meet the Members
David Spichiger, SCS
Newsletter SCNAT November 2015
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Seit bald einem Jahr ist die Plattform Naturwissenschaften Schweiz online. Die Anzahl Partner wächst stetig. Die Mehrheit der SCNAT-Organisationen haben ihre Webauftritte migriert. Erleben Sie die Wissenschaft!
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12. Juni - 14. November 2015
Einstein & Co: Zürich und der Nobelpreis
Der Lichthof des Satdthauses wird zur «Hall of Fame»: Zwölf ausgewählte Preisträger älterer und neuerer Zeit sind hier mit einem Foto ihres Lieblingsortes in Zürich vorgestellt und in illustrierten Portraits, die auf ihre Leistungen Bezug nehmen.
12. November 2015, Bern, 13:15-17:30
KFPE Annual Conference
Doing research in conflict areas: being sensitive to conflict and managing risks
Both aspects – security and sensitivity – will be discussed by representatives from different disciplines and illustrated with cases from various geographical contexts. The examples will guide reflection on how to conduct research in situations of conflict. Please register until 6 November 2015.
12. November 2015, Bern
Interdisziplinäres Forum der Balzan Preisträger 2015
Anlässlich der Verleihung der internationalen Balzan Preise 2015 organisieren die Internationale Stiftung Preis Balzan und die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz das «Interdisziplinäre Forum der Balzan Preisträger 2015».
12.-14. November 2015, Zürich
100 years of the general theory of relativity
from simple physical concepts to a new notion of space, time and gravitation
Vor hundert Jahren, im November 1915, publizierte Albert Einstein seine bahnbrechenden Arbeiten zur Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Aus diesem Anlass findet vom 12.-14. November 2015 an der ETH Zürich ein Symposium statt, das die Bedeutung dieser Arbeiten bis hin zur heutigen Forschung auf vielfältige Weise beleuchtet. Die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie hat unsere Sicht auf die Entstehung des Universums wie auch die Entwicklung von Alltagstechnologien bis heute nachhaltig geprägt. Als Referenten konnten zahlreiche namhafte Wissenschaftler aus dem In- und Ausland gewonnen werden. Die Teilnahme am Kongress ist unentgeltlich.
20. November 2015, Bern
Symposium Anpassung an den Klimawandel 2015
Klimaszenarien: von der Forschung zur Anwendung
Das Klima wird sich in der Schweiz in Zukunft weiter verändern. Mit zunehmendem Klimawandel nehmen die erwarteten Auswirkungen stark zu. Der Klimawandel und die Anpassung an dessen Auswirkungen stellen die Gesellschaft vor zahlreiche Herausforderungen.
20. November 2015, Bern
Anpassung an Klimaextreme in einer föderalistisch strukturierten Gesellschaft
Forschende aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen setzen sich am Oeschger-Zentrum mit Anpassungsstrategien für die Schweiz an den Klimawandel auseinander. In einem grossen Sinergia-Projekt suchen sie nach Konzepten, die einerseits Schutz vor den Klimafolgen versprechen und andererseits wirtschaftlich tragbar und politisch umzusetzen sind.
20.-21. November 2015, Basel
13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting The Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Basel and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) cordially invite you to participate in the 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting to be held on 20th and 21st November 2015 in Basel.
Mehr Informationen 7.-13. Dezember 2015, online
Swiss Computer Science Education Week
Warum Spiele nur spielen, wenn man sie selbst programmieren kann?! Und sie mit Freunden teilen kann, um sie auf Computern und sogar Smartphones zu spielen! Das bringt Spass und man kann dabei zudem viel lernen.
15. Januar 2016, 8:30-17:00, UniS, Bern
«Macht Biodiversität gesund?»
Die Biodiversität beeinflusst die Gesundheit von Tier und Mensch in vielfältiger Weise. Sie beeinflusst etwa das psychische Wohlergehen, das Immunsystem oder die Übertragung von Krankheiten. Könnten das Gesundheitswesen und der Naturschutz stärker voneinander profitieren? Die Tagung SWIFCOB 16 «Macht Biodiversität gesund?» informiert über neuste Forschungserkenntnisse und Initiativen und diskutiert mögliche Synergien zwischen der Erhaltung der Biodiversität und der Förderung der Gesundheit.
24.-26. Januar 2016, Rigi-Kulm
Rigi-Workshop, where disciplines meet
«Big answers from small packages: systems and synthetic biology of microbes»
Der Rigi-Workshop 2016 wird sich im Grenzgebiet von Mikrobiologie, Systembiologie und Synthetischer Biologie bewegen. Mikroorganismen gehören zu den einfachsten bekannten biologischen Systemen und bieten eine vielfältige Plattform für verschiedenste Anwendungen; von der Entwicklung von Nanomaschinen über die Veränderung von Stoffwechselwegen bis zur Herstellung komplett synthetischer Genome. Doktorierende und Post-Docs, die an solchen Fragestellungen interessiert sind, haben hier die Möglichkeit, sich mit erfahrenen Wissenschaftlern und untereinander auszutauschen und zu vernetzten. Die Sprache des Workshops ist Englisch.
15.-16. Februar 2016, Universität Lausanne
LS2 Annual Meeting 2016 Interdisciplinary sciences
Die Konferenz bietet eine breite Palette der Spitzenforschung der interdisziplinären Wissenschaft in den Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften (Molekular- und Zellbiologie, Physiologie, Proteomik, experimentelle Pharmakologie, Neurowissenschaften, Mikrobiologie, Pflanzenbiologie, chemische Biologie und vieles mehr).
16 February 2016, Lausanne
Research breakthroughs and social impact: young scientists debate synthetic biology
Emerging technologies have the potential to offer new solutions for society's challenges but also raise concerns about safety and ethical implications. At this round-table, young scientists from different fields will discuss the possible impact of synthetic biology, a maturing scientific discipline aiming to modify, rebuild and design biological systems. This event is organized by the Forum for Genetic Research and LS2 and is part of the LS2 Annual Meeting.
More information
17. April 2015 bis März 2016, Kulturama, Stiftung Museum des Menschen, Englischviertelstrasse 9, Zürich
Körperbilder von Vesal bis zur virtuellen Realität
Die interaktive Sonderausstellung bietet eine Reise ins Innere des menschlichen Körpers und zeigt die Entwicklung der Anatomie von der Renaissance bis heute. Objekte, anatomische Präparate, historische Werke sowie Abbildungen, die durch modernste bildgebende Verfahren erzeugt wurden, Videos und interaktive Stationen führen die Besucherinnen und Besucher durch verschiedene Epochen und wissenschaftliche Disziplinen.
27. Mai 2016, Basel
eco.naturkongress 2016: Welternährung und die Schweiz
Der eco.naturkongress (ehemals NATUR Kongress) ist die schweizweit führende Netzwerkplattform für Nachhaltigkeit. Der Event wird jährlich von rund 700 EntscheidungsträgerInnen und Fachleuten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien besucht.
11.-15. Oktober 2016, Grassau, Deutschland
AlpenWoche 2016: Alpen & Menschen. Gelebte Kultur!
Die AlpenWoche ist eine internationale Veranstaltung zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Alpenraum. Sie findet alle vier Jahre statt und wird von führenden, alpenweit tätigen Organisationen gemeinsam ausgerichtet. Auf der AlpenWoche kommen die wichtigsten Stakeholder der Region zum Informations- und Meinungsaustausch in Vorträgen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Workshops zusammen.
Wenn Sie den SCNAT-Newsletter in Zukunft nicht mehr erhalten möchten, können Sie sich hier abmelden: Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT) | Haus der Akademien | Laupenstrasse 7 | 3008 Bern
Pascal Blanc | Tel. 031 306 93 23 |
Bild: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv.
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