Brussels news Update: ECC6 Special Issue
Bringing Chemistry Closer to Society? ECC6 did it!
Throughout this past week a series of policy related events took place at the biggest chemistry event in Europe, the European 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress (ECC6) in Seville, Spain. Although ECC6 is at its core a scientific event, science should not be set apart from society, and chemists showed that they are particularly involved in…
The Seville Declaration on the Use of Chlorine in Warfare
“We, the Member Societies of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS), deplore the use of chlorine in the Syrian conflict or any other and call upon the international community to bring to justice those responsible for the misuse of chlorine.”
It was with these very concrete words that 36 Chemical Societies in…
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Chemistry & Society: Towards a Sustainable Future Through Chemistry
Chemistry and Society were the focal point of a debate that counted with the participation of Carlos Negro (Foro Química y Sociedad President and Co-Chairman of ECC6), Jean Marie Pierre Lehn (Nobel Laureate), Antón Valero (President of Spanish Chemical Industry Federation), Ehud Keinan (President of EuCheMS Member, the Israel Chemistry Society), Robert Parker (CEO of…
The Seville International Chemistry Declaration 2016
Following the debate on Chemistry and Society, the Seville International Chemistry Declaration 2016 (SICD2016), was presented and signed by its panellists.
“In spite of the fact that chemistry is invisible to most, it is the basis for practically all the scientific, technological and innovation advances that enable humankind to progress. Without chemistry’s important and continuous…
Solar-Driven Chemistry: White Paper Launched
The EuCheMS and DFG (German Research Foundation) launched at the congress “Solar-Driven Chemistry” white paper. It was presented on the 12 September by Ulrich Schubert, EuCheMS Vice-President and one of the authors of the paper. Solar-driven chemistry is a visionary concept, for which many scientific and technical problems still have to be solved. The objective…
Funding opportunities for Creative Minds by the European Research Council Session
The European Research Council (ERC), responsible for the Horizon 2020 funding grants for top researchers in frontier, excellent research had a session entitled “Funding Opportunities for Creative Minds”. During this session chaired by EuCheMS President Prof. David Cole-Hamilton, ERC starting, consolidator, advanced and proof of concept grants were presented in detail by Monica Favaro (ERC…
European Young Chemists: Funding, Science Café, and many other Activities
During the European Young Chemists´ Network (EYCN, EuCheMS´ young division) Career Days, a session co-organised with DFG (German Research Foundation) was dedicated to chemistry funding possibilities in Europe. With the personal funding experiences of Federico Bella (Politecnico di Torino), Bettina V. Lotsch (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Andreas Hirsch…
New at the ECC – Masterclass Lunches
With the objective of sharing knowledge with non-experts, the ECC6 created masterclasses which were presented while lunch was served. Prof. Ulrich Schubert, EuCheMS Vice-President, was one of the Prof. delivering one of these innovative masterclasses.
EuCheMS Annual meeting in Seville
This year EuCheMS´ General Assembly took place in Seville, just before the 6th EuCheMS European Chemistry Congress. The meeting's rich agenda brought to Andalusia 90% of the total votes: this clearly shows the commitment of European Chemists to work together for better future. In this respect, the General Assembly send a strong message to the…
Thank You Chemistry
It is time to say "Thank You Chemistry!"
EuCheMS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; Produced for EuCheMS by Nineta Hrastelj Majcen. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuCheMS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuCheMS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2016 EuCheMS
IAESTE – your international network
Since 1948, IAESTE has been the world`s leading exchange organisation for the arrangement of internships for students from scientific and technical fields including all study fields within the chemical sector. Currently, IAESTE is present in 91 countries worldwide, including Switzerland. Everywhere around the world, about 4000 companies, 4000 students and 1200 universities benefit each year from the attractive IAESTE service. Indeed, in Switzerland alone, an average of 250 interns was successfully placed in 2015 so far.
IAESTE Switzerland offers a free of charge recruitment service of international students according to the profile defined by the employer. Furthermore, the non-profit organisation is taking care of visa and work permits and offers an international, daily increasing network from which students and employers can profit.
As every offer proposed in Switzerland is exchanged within the international IAESTE-network for an offer abroad for a Swiss student, every internship offered by a Swiss employer creates the opportunity to gain essential work experience for totally two students. In this respect, IAESTE promotes the business location Switzerland as well as Swiss young talents and thus counteracts the existing shortage of skilled labour in our country.
Would you and your team like to benefit from the knowledge and enthusiasm of foreign students? Then register your internship online: It only takes a few clicks. We are happy to answer all your questions: 043 244 95 27/28,
David Spichiger, SCS
Meyer-Galow-Preises 2015 der GDCh wird an Dow in Horgen verliehen
Die Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) ist mit über 31.000 Mitgliedern eine der größten chemiewissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften weltweit. Professor Dr. Erhard Meyer-Galow, Altpräsident der GDCh, hat dort die Meyer-Galow-Stiftung für Wirtschaftschemie eingerichtet. Zweck der Stiftung ist die jährliche Verleihung des mit 10.000 Euro dotierten Meyer-Galow-Preises.
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Stiftung im Jahr 2015
Dr. Andreas Lutz, R&D Director, Dow Automotive Adhesives, und
Dr. Stefan Schmatloch, R&D Manager, Dow Automotive Adhesives,
mit diesem Preis ausgezeichnet hat.
Beide Herren werden für ihre innovative Entwicklung des Klebstoffes BETAFORCE™ ausgezeichnet. Dr. Lutz und Dr. Schmatloch werden die Auszeichnung während einer Feierstunde am 2. Dezember 2015 am Dow EMEAI Hauptsitz in Horgen, Schweiz, entgegennehmen.
Die SCG gratuliert den beiden Preisträgern ganz herzlich für diese Auszeichnung.
David Spichiger, SCS
Balmer Prize 2015 awarded to Francis Mingard
Dr. Francis Mingard, Gymnase de Nyon, got the 2015 Balmer Prize for the development of didactic chemistry experiments and for making them available on the web. David Spichiger, Executive Director of the SCS handed over the prize on the occation of the "Zentralkurs Chemie", organized by the "Verein Schweizerischer Naturwissenschaftslehrer (VSN)", in Schaffhausen on October 15, 2015.
Parcours professionnel de Francis Mingard
1987-1993 | Assistant à l’UNIL |
1993 | DoctoratèsSciencse de l’UNIL, avec les félicitations du Jury. Mention du Prix de la Société Université et Recherche, récompensant la qualité rédactionnelle de travaux universitaire. |
Dès 1993 | stagiaire puis enseignant au Gymnase de Nyon. |
2004-2010 | Chef de file de chimie |
2006-2007 | Transformation des locaux de chimie du Gymnase de Nyon |
Dès 2008 | Démonstrations pour les maîtres de chimie romands à l’EPFL. |
Site web:
2000 francs pour les individus et 2000 francs pour Le Prix Balmer récompense les enseignants du secondaire II (gymnase) actifs en Suisse pour les innovations réalisées dans le domaine de I’enseignement de la chimie. L'innovation doit pouvoir être appliquée sans aucun problème dans I’enseignement courant. Les besoins matériels doivent par ailleurs être limités. Le candidat ne peut exiger aucun droit d'auteur en ce qui concerne I’innovation. Gagnants |
David Spichiger, SCS
Majed Chergui elected APS Fellow
The APS has elected Majed Chergui, Professor of Physics and Chemistry at EPFL, as a Fellow. This is a distinct honor considering that Fellows make up a mere 0.5% of the Society’s membership. According to its criteria, fellowships is awarded for “exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise; e.g., outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education.”
At EPFL, Majed Chergui pursues a variety of ultrafast UV and X-ray spectroscopic studies on chemical and biological systems. Since 2013, he has been founding Editor-in-chief of the journal Structural Dynamics, a flagship journal of the American Institute of Physics and the American Crystallographic Association.
With the Fellowship, the APS recognizes Majed Chergui for “pioneering ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy, developing novel ultrafast optical spectroscopic methods that were used to answer scientific questions on molecular and biomolecular dynamics in solutions and on the charge carrier dynamics in nanoparticles.”
The American Physical Society (APS), is the world's largest organization of physicists. It was founded in 1899 with the aim to “to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics". Today, the APS numbers some 50,000 members world-wide, and publishes over a dozen scientific journals, including the prestigious Physical Review and Physical Review Letters. It also runs more than twenty science conferences each year. APS is also a member society of the American Institute of Physics.
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