Ruzicka-Prize 2015: call for nominations
The Ruzicka-Prize is awarded each year to a young scientist for her/his outstanding, published contribution in the field of chemistry, achieved either in Switzerland or by a Swiss citizen abroad.
Proposals for candidates (age limit 40 years) may be submitted until September 18, 2015 (date of receipt) to the
Vice-President Research and Corporate Relations
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther
ETH Zürich / HG F 57
Rämistrasse 101
CH-8092 Zürich
More details on:
David Spichiger, SCS
Paul H. Emmett Award for Christophe Copéret
Prof. Christophe Copéret, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has been awarded the Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis by the North American Catalysis Society (NACS). The prize recognizes substantial individual contributions in the field of catalysis with emphasis on discovery and understanding of catalytic phenomena, proposal of catalytic reaction mechanisms, and identification of and description of catalytic sites and species.
Copéret is honored for his contributions to the preparation of well-defined heterogeneous catalysts through a molecular approach based on the controlled functionalization of surfaces and for the atomic description of the surface species and active sites, in particular via solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The award was presented at the closing banquet ceremonies at the 24th North American Meeting (NAM) of the Catalysis Society on June 18, 2015, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Read the full article on
Author: ChemViews; Published Date: 18 Juni 2015
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The Swiss Chemical Society congratulates Christophe for this well deserved award and is proud to have him as one of it valuable Board members.
Website of the Copéret Group:
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, June 2015
General European HighlightsScientific Community Manages to Change Juncker Plan There is encouraging news regarding EuCheMS public position on the reallocation of Horizon 2020 Funds to a new European Investment Fund, the so-called Juncker Plan. Following pressure from the scientific community, amongst others from EuCheMS, and negative feedback from the European Parliament Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), the European Commission has now presented a new proposal safeguarding funding for ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, and for the programme Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation, even though cuts will be made to the overall Horizon 2020 budget. The new Commission proposal will still have to be approved by both European Parliament and the Council of European Union. Sources: ; Zero Carbon Energy Once again EuCheMS gathered some of the best minds from the scientific community to discuss which solutions chemistry can provide to our contemporary societal challenges. On the 27 May in Edinburgh, EuCheMS, together with the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Royal Society of Chemistry, brought together top chemists to discuss how ‘Zero Carbon Energy’ future can be achieved. The lectures engaged a participative audience with themes ranging from the energy-food-water trilemma, to dye-sensitised solar cells, systems allowing sunlight to decompose water directly into hydrogen and oxygen, and hydrogen storage by reaction with aromatic hydrocarbons. Source: (Re)searching for Jobs The First European Employment Survey for Chemists and Chemical Engineers |
Funding Updates and AwardsBioBased Industries Joint-Undertaking 2015 Calls for Proposals 26 June 2015 Brussels, Belgium Website: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking Call for Proposals 2015 Deadline: 27 August 2015 Website: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) Deadline: 10 September 2015 Website: Call for Developing Governance for the Advancement of Responsible Research and Innovation Deadline: 16 September 2015 Website: Call for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation Deadline: 16 September 2015 Website: |
Consultations and RoadmapsPublic Consultation on the Circular Economy The European Commission has opened a public consultation to collect views on the main policy options for developing an ambitious new approach on the Circular Economy. Stakeholders' input will help feed the preparation of the new action plan, to be presented by the end of 2015. The policy options for developing a competitive Circular Economy in Europe will look at waste policy and beyond and address the full product lifecycle, taking into account the situation in all Member States. It will include actions on intelligent product design, reuse and repair of products, recycling, sustainable consumption, waste policy, recycling levels, smart use of raw materials, stronger markets for secondary raw materials and specific sectorial measures. Deadline: 20 August 2015 Website: Public consultation on the active substance Linuron The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has published a public consultation on the active substance Linuron. Deadline: 19 July 2015 Website: |
Business Updates
Upcoming EuCheMS Recognised EventsXL Edition of the "Attilio Corbella" International Summer School on Organic Synthesis 14 – 18 June 2015 Gargnano, Italy Website: VIII International School on Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas 15 - 17 June 2015 Seville, Spain Website: CoCoTea 2015 22 - 24 June 2015 Aveiro, Portugal Website: EuCheMS-CNC talks @ Expo 2015: Valery Petrosyan, Remediation of Eco-Systems Contaminated with Priority Toxic Substances 23 June 2015 Milan, Italy Website: Third EuCheMS Inorganic Chemistry Conference "Chemistry Over the Horizon" 28 June - 01 July 2015 Wrocław, Poland Website: 31st conference of the International Society of Chemical Ecology 29 June – 3 July 2015 Stockholm, Sweden Website: SCF´15: Chemistry and Energy Transition 04 - 09 July 2015 Lille, France Website: 21st European Conference on Organometallic Chemistry 05 - 09 July 2015 Bratislava, Slovakia Website: EuCheMS-CNC Lectures @ Expo 2015: Clare Grey, Energy Storage 07 July 2015 Milan, Italy Website: 8th Summer School of the Euromaster Measurement Science in Chemistry 12 - 25 July 2015 Puławy, Poland Website: 19th European Symposium of Organic Chemistry 12 - 16 July 2015 Lisboa, Portugal Website: In Vino Analytica Scientia 2015 14 - 17 July 2015 Mezzocorona, Italy Website: 15th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry 23 - 26 August 2015 Vienna, Austria Source: WIFO 2015 - GDCh Chemistry Forum 30 August - 02 September 2015 Dresden, Germany Source: 10th European Conference on Computational Chemistry 31 August - 03 September 2015 Fula, Germany |
Forthcoming EventsEU Sustainable Energy Week 2015 15 - 19 June 2015 Brussels, Belgium Website: Driving Road Decarbonisation Forwards 18 June 2015 Brussels, Belgium Website: A New Start for Europe: Opening up to an ERA of Innovation 22 - 23 June 2015 Brussels, Belgium Website: European Technical School on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2015 22 - 26 June 2015 Heraklion, Greece Website: Closing the Loop - Circular Economy: Boosting Business, Reducing Waste 25 June 2015 Brussels, Belgium Website: STS Contro-Corrente Seminars: Prof. Daniel Sarewitz 25 June Ispra, Italy Website: The Helix Nebula Initiative: Towards a European Open Science Cloud 26 June 2015 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Website: 3rd Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology & Innovation 29 June - 3 July 2015 Athens, Greece Website: European Commission Dialogues Public Engagement about Science, Technology and Innovation - Mostar 6 - 7 July 2015, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Website: European Commission Dialogues: Public Engagement about Science, Technology and Innovation - Split 9 - 10 July 2015 Split, Croatia Website: |
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Workshop on Endangered Elements, Brussels, 22 September 2015 - Save the Date!Workshop organised by EuCheMS and chaired by MEP Ian Duncan. More info will soon be published at |
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The Chemist Towards Europe and the World @ Expo 201523 June & 7 July 2015, 11:00 @ EU PavilionValery S. Petrosyan - Moscow State University, Russia; Clare Grey - University of Cambridge, UK A series of EuCheMS-CNC lectures, The Chemist Towards Europe and the World, will take place during Expo 2015 in Milan. Website: |
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6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress11 - 15 September 2016Seville, Spain Website: |
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EuCheMS Newsletter May IssueDo not miss the May issue of EuCheMS Newsletter featuring articles on EuCheMS´ strategic planning, EuCheMS-ECTN closer cooperation, Chemistry for the Future of Europe, Solar-Driven Chemistry, Updates on EuCheMS Congress 2016, and much more! |
EuCheMS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium;
Produced for EuCheMS by Nineta H. Majcen.
The information given by EuCheMS in this EuCheMS Brussels News Update has been carefully formulated but is necessarily based on information available and consequently EuCheMS does not accept responsibility if it is in any way inaccurate or incomplete. In this respect EuCheMS does not accept any duty of care and will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from inaccurate or incomplete information. EuCheMS acknowledges that a disclaimer cannot restrict liability at law for personal injury or death arising through a finding of negligence.
Compilation Copyright © 2015 EuCheMS
Prof. Majed Chergui, EPFL, elected as EPS Fellow
Professor Majed Chergui has been elected as Fellow of the European Physical Society.
The EPS is a major non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote physics and physicists in Europe. Founded in 1968, it includes members from 42 National Physical Societies in Europe, individuals from all fields of physics, and European research institutions, such as the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, the world's largest organization of physicists. The EPS also publishes Europhysics Letters, Europhysics News, and the European Journal of Physics.
Majed Chergui is Professor of Physics and Chemistry at EPFL, where he pursues a variety of ultrafast UV and X-ray spectroscopic studies on chemical and biological systems. Since 2013, he has been Editor-in-chief of the open-access journal Structural Dynamics, created by the American Institute of Physics and the American Crystallographic Association.
With his election as Fellow, the EPS recognizes Professor Chergui “for his pioneering of novel ultrafast X-ray and ultraviolet spectroscopic tools, for the study of molecular and biomolecular dynamics in solutions, and for his engagement in promoting science in the developing world and in Europe.”
EPS Fellows
EPS Fellows' citations (PDF)
Prof. Chergui's lab
Past honors of Prof. Majed Chergui:
- Morino Lecturer, Morino Foundation for Molecular Sciences, Japan
- The Edward Stern Prize, International X-ray absorption Society-IXAS
Source: News channel on
David Spichiger, SCS
Outcomes of (Re)searching for Jobs
(Re)searching for Jobs, an event organized by EuCheMS in collaboration with some of its partners organizations (ECTN, Cefic and EC2E2N2) took place in Brussels on the 2nd of June 2015 and brought together academia, industry and the European to discuss the many barriers that young researchers face when entering the labour market, a discussion underpinned by the first European Employment Survey for Chemists and Chemical Engineers which was presented during this event.
Read the full article on
Helping Students into the Job Market - David Cole-Hamilton, EuCheMS President, University of St Andrews
The Professional Status of European Chemists and Chemical Engineers - Reiner Salzer, Dresden University of Technology
Employability for Graduates and the Role of the EU - Margaret Waters, European Commission, DG Education and Culture
A View of a Young Scientist - Cristina Todasca, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Industrial Employability: Soft Skills Enhancing Scientific Know-How - Viviana Fluxà, CSL Behring
Employment Trends among Chemists in the US - Elizabeth C. McGaha, American Chemical Society
David Spichiger, SCS
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