50th Anniversary of the Bürgenstock Conference
50 years ago, the first EuCheMS Conference on Stereochemistry was held in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. This conference, founded by André S. Dreiding, University of Zurich, Switzerland, and know universally known as the "Bürgenstock Conference", is internationally renowned for scientific excellence and its relaxed atmosphere. Till 2008, the venue of the conference was Bürgenstock at the lake of Lucerne in Switzerland. Since 2009, the meetings have moved to Brunnen.
Read the full article on chemistryviews.org
Author: Jonathan Faiz
Published Date: 24 April 2015
Source / Publisher: Angewandte Chemie International Edition/Wiley-VCH
Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting 2015
We are pleased to invite you to the Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society on September 04, 2015. This year’s SCS Fall Meeting is organized by EPFL in Lausanne in the same locations as in 2013 and 2011.
Visit the SCS Fall Meeting Website
We are looking forward to seeing you in Lausanne.
Prof. Sandrine Gerber David Spichiger
Fall Meeting Chair SCS Executive Director
The SCS Fall Meeting
The Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting is the largest annual scientific event in Switzerland with close to 600 contributions. It offers a unique opportunity for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and scientists of all levels, from both, academia and industry, to share the results of their research projects. It also stimulates the exchange of ideas between all generations of chemists, often creating the seeds for new projects and collaborations.
One of the highlights of this year’s Fall Meeting will be the KGF-SCS Distinguished Investigator Award Lecture, given by Dr. Jürg Zimmermann, Novartis Pharma AG and the Sandmeyer Award Lecture, given by Dr. Stefan Abele from Actelion. The Scientific Program will offer invited and contributed lectures as well as poster presentations in 8 parallel sessions.
SCS Conference Tool what's new?
- define author affiliations per abstract
- add a 2nd affiliation to an author if needed
- add a 2nd research head for joint projects
- search for authors, affiliations and content at the same time
- display schedules and abstracts interactively
David Spichiger, SCS
Invitation to the SCS General Assembly 2015
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to the
25th General Assembly of the Swiss Chemical Society
April 24, 2015, 13:30–14:00
University of Basel, Department of Chemistry, Grosser Hörsaal OC
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel
1. Welcome and approval of the agenda
2. Election of the vote counters
3. Minutes of the 24rd General Assembly from April 24, 2014
in Fribourg (published in CHIMIA 5/2014)
4. Annual report 2014 (published in CHIMIA 1-2/2015)
5. Financial statement 2014 incl. audit report
6. Discharge the Board
7. Elections. Amongst others Alain De Mesmaeker as new SCS president as of Jan 2016
8. News and strategic projects
9. Outlook 2015/16
10. Varia
Overwiev of the financial statement 2014
Additional details to the financials are available on request via .
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Prof. E. Peter Kündig David Spichiger,
President Executive Director
David Spichiger, SCS
New Location of the SCS Head Office
As of April 16, 2015, SCS’ head office relocated to the House of the Swiss Academies at Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern.
The new locaiton will bring together the academy of natural sciences, SCNAT, the academy of medicianl sciences, SAMW, the academy of humanities and social sciences, SAGW, and the foundation of Science et Cité.
As member of the SCNAT and the SATW, the Swiss Chemical Society takes the change to move to the new location and to establish the good collaboration between the SCS and the academies. The new location will offer possibilities for meetings, workshops and seminars right next door to the main station of Bern.
The website of the Swiss Academies (http://www.akademien-schweiz.ch) provides further intomation to the new location and the benefits.
New address of the SCS as of April 16, 2015
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG)
Societé Suisse de Chimie (SSC)
Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
3001 Bern
T +41 31 306 92 92
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Updates, April 2015
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