EcoChem 2014 in Basel cancelled
EcoChem, the global Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering Event, Basel, Nov 11-13 2014, is cacelled. The communication reached us on Monday as follows:
Dear Sir/Madam
Vego Ltd T/A Ecochem
We write to advise you that the directors of the above-named Company, having regard to its financial position, have decided to take steps to place the Company into creditors’ voluntary liquidation.
A meeting of the Company’s creditors, pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 has been convened for 21 October, 2014 at Holiday Inn Brent Cross, Tilling Road, Brent Cross, London, NW2 1LP at 11:00 am.
Regrettably, the forthcoming exhibition in Basel is cancelled.
If you have a claim against the company, please email your full postal address and the amount outstanding to me (). Full details of the meeting will then be sent to you.
Kind Regards
T. D. M.
Senior Insolvency Administrator
Corporate and Personal Recovery
David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT-Newsletter October 2014
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Helma Wennemers held the EurJOC Lecture at ORCHEM 2014
Professor Helma Wennemers, ETH Zürich, is the recipient of the 2014 EurJOC lecture award. The lecture titled "Bioinspired Chemistry with Peptides" was held at the ORCHEM meeting in Weimar on Monday, 15 September, 2014. The SCS congratulates Helma for this great honor.
The EurJOC lecture was first awarded in 2012 at the ORCHEM meeting of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and will continue to be awarded every two years. The recipient is selected by the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry (EurJOC) in conjunction with the Editor.
The previous winner of the award in its inaugural year in 2012 was Professor Véronique Gouverneur, University of Oxford, UK.
Text from the Article on ChemistryViews
Helma Wennemers received her PhD degree in 1996 from Columbia University, New York, USA, where she worked with Prof. W. Clark Still. She then carried out postdoctoral studies with Prof. Hisashi Yamamoto at Nagoya University, Japan. In 1999, she became assistant professor at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and was promoted to associate professor in 2003. Since 2011, she has been Professor of Organic Chemistry at the ETH Zürich.
Her research focuses on the development of small molecules for functions that are fulfilled by large macromolecules in nature. This includes bioinspired asymmetric catalysis, peptide-based materials, and the use of peptides as additives for the generation of silver nanoparticles.
Link to the Wennemers Research Group at ETH
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting Dinner and Award Ceremonies 2014
On the occasion of the SCS Fall Meeting Dinner Prof. E. Peter Kündig awarded the SCS Prize Winners 2014. More than 70 guests from academia and industry joined the dinner at the "Zunfthaus zum Rüden" in Zurich on September 10, 2014, and paid homage to the prize winners.
Award winners 2014, that were honored at the dinner:
Paracelsus Prize
Prof. Richard R. Schrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Grammaticakis-Neumann Award
Dr. Erwin Reisner, University of Cambridge
Sandmeyer Award
Dr. Harald Walter, Dr. Hans Tobler, Dr. Camilla Corsi, Dr. Denis V. Gribkov, from Syngenta Crop Protection Münchwilen AG
KGF-SCS Distinguished Industrial Investigator Award
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Blaser
KGF-SCS Senior Industrial Investigator Award
Dr. Werner Neidhart, F. Hoffmann La Roche
KGF-SCS Industrial Investigator Award
Dr. Andreas Natsch, Givaudan Schweiz AG,
Dr. Wolfgang Jahnke, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel
Photos by: Simeon Lüthi
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David Spichiger, SCS
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