ChemistryViews Hitlist - July 2014
ChemViews Magazine – Interviews
- Addressing the Pharmaceutical Innovations Crisis, 01 July 2014, Author: Jonathan Rose
- Woman in Chemistry - Interview with Yamuna Krishnan, 03 May 2011, Author: Vera Köster
- Career: As a chemist in Industry, 03 December 2013, Author: Anne Brennführer
ChemViews Magazine – Highlights (without Interviews)
- Carlos F. Barbas III (1964 – 2014), 27 June 2014; Author: ChemViews
- 2012 ISI Journal Impact Factors, 06 July 2013, Author: ChemViews
- The Chemistry of Breaking Bad, 03 December 2013, Authors: Falk Harnisch, Tunga Salthammer – News
- Chemistry of Brazuca, the World Cup Football, 19 June 2014, Author: ChemistryViews
- Attention to Supplement Drinks Containing Nanoparticles, 01 July 2014, Author: Melania Tesio
- Acrylamide in Food, 08 July 2014, Author: ChemistryViews – Education
- Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Choices, 03 July 2012, Author: Sarah Millar
- Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Troubleshooting and Alternatives, 07 August 2012, Author: Sarah Millar
- Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Packaging, 05 June 2012, Author: Sarah Millar – Videos
- Linda Nazar: Developing Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, 30 September 2013;
Author: ChemViews - Carbonate Looping, 06 May 2014, Author: Elmar Zimmermann and Vera Köster
- What is the InCl Code?, 09 April 2013, Author: IUPAC – Webinars
- How to Write High-impact Research Papers, 08 November 2013, Author: Richard Rhrefall
- Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry, 27 March 2014, Author: John La Mattina
SCS is a member of ChemPubSoc Europe:
David Spichiger, SCS
Comic Competition by ChemistryViews
Following our very successful photo competition last year, invites you to submit a cartoon showing the challenges, pitfalls, fun, and excitement related to chemistry in a creative way. It does not matter how good your drawing skills are, but how good your idea is.
Submit your cartoon telling a humorous story related to chemistry. All comics will be published at and the best three will receive an award.
Your cartoon might, for example,
- tell a mishap in the lab,
- vividly illustrate a chemical concept,
- portray the day-to-day life of a chemist in a humorous way,
- satirize academic policy,
- poke fun at lab culture.
Deadline for entries is Midnight of October 13, 2014
Voting will go on till Midnight of November 2nd, 2014.
The cartoons must be your own work and you must own the rights to each picture. Please do not use more than ten individual pictures or ten scenes in your comic.
Three winners will be chosen from all the submitted cartoons by a panel of judges. Winning cartoons will be announced on November 10, 2014.
All cartoons will be posted on for everyone to admire. The best three cartoons will receive an award.
- 1st Prize: iPad (MD510FD/A 16 GB black)
- 2nd Prize: books for up to 250 EUR from Wiley/Wiley-VCH
- 3rd Prize: books for up to 100 EUR from Wiley/Wiley-VCH
Additionally, the comic receiving most likes will receive a book prize: Molecules That Changed The World by K. C. Nicolaou and T. Montagnon
Competition Rules
By entering the competition you are agreeing to abide by the competition rules. Please read these before submitting images.
In particular, the rules relate to key copyright issues and the requirement for all images to be the original work of the person submitting them. Full Rules & Guidelines and Terms of Use.
>> More Details on the ChemistryViews website.
David Spichiger, SCS
NRP Resource Wood Summer School is looking for a key not speaker
The National Research Program NPR 66 "Resource Wood" is organizing it's summer school in Zäziwil from Sep 1-3, 2014 and is looking for a key note speaker for the workshop "Innovative wood-based materials for new applications".
The organizers are looking for a person from industry who could give some inputs from his/her daily business and formulate some assumptions to the workshop topic, that can be discussed afterwards in the working groups. The goal of the speech is not to give a scientific lecture but to stimulate the participants to think about the topic in an innovative way.
The lecture is planed on September 2, 08.30-09.00 in the Hotel Appenberg in Zäziwil. The workshop ends at 11.00 and it would be great if the key note speaker could also participate in the discussions.
If you are interested, please contact Thomas Bernhard, Jörn Kohlschmitt oder Enrico Bellini from IC Infraconsult AG.
Thomas Bernhard, Dipl. pol.
Leiter WTT NFP 66 Ressource Holz
IC Infraconsult AG
Kasernenstrasse 27
CH-3013 Bern
Tel. +41 31 359 24 34 (direkt)
Tel. +41 31 359 24 24 (Sekretariat)
Fax +41 31 359 24 25
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting 2014
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
11 September 2014, 09.00-18.30
More than 570 scientific contributions will be presented either as poster or as oral presentation in one of the nine sessions. The quantity and qualtiy of the contributions underlines again the importance of this event.
The deadline for pre-registration was 28 August 2014. For the on-site registration please come to the registratin desk on September 11.
Apart from scientific papers presented as a poster or as an oral contribution in eight parallel sessions, there will also be lectures from distinguished scientists, including a Nobel Laureate.
Prizes will be awarded for the best oral presentations and posters. There is also a Commercial Exhibition.
The Meeting will take place on Thursday, 11 September 2014 and will be hosted jointly by the ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich (Irchel Campus). For more information, please visit
We are looking forward to see you at this year’s Fall Meeting!
Hans Peter Lüthi and Ferdinand Wild
Co-chairmen of the Organizing Committee
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Update, Jul 2014
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