ChemElectroChem: accepted by Thomson for coverage in the SCIE
ChemPubSoc and Wiley are pleased to inform you that ChemElectroChem has been accepted by Thomson for coverage in the SCIE.
Thomson have reached this decision after viewing only the minimum 3 issues required, which is quite unusual. The journal should receive its first IF in next year's JCR release.
Link to ChemElectroChem in the online library of Wiley.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCNAT-Newsletter July 2014
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Yannick Stöferle awarded the Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2014
On the occation of the Wädenswiler Chemietag 2014, David Spichiger, Executive Director of the SCS awarded the Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2014 to Yannick Stöferle for his excellent diploma thesis «Synthese chiraler Halomethane und Oxirane».
We like to congratulate Yannick Stöferle and his thesis supporter, Prof. Jürgen Stohner from the ZHAW, again for their outstanding research. The ceremony took place at the ZHAW Campus Reidbach in Wädenswil on June 26, 2014.
Yannick Stöferle continues his academic chemistry career with his Master studies at ETH Zurich.
Yannick Stöferle and Prof. Jürgen Stohner
David Spichiger, SCS
Swiss Scientific Olympiads - News
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EuCheMS Brussels News Update, Jun 2014
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