Invitation to the General Assembly 2014
The Board of Directors invites all members of the Swiss Chemical Society and the delegates of its associated societies to the 24th General Assembly:
April 24, 2014, 13:00–13:30
Universtity of Fribourg, Department of Chemistry, 9 Ch. Du Musée, 1700 Fribourg
The Assembly takes place on the occasion of the SCS Spring Meeting. Registration is possible via the event website on /
Agenda (provisional)
- Welcome and approval of the agenda
- Election of the vote counters
- Minutes of the 23rd General Assembly from September 6, 2013 in Lausanne (published in CHIMIA 10/2013)
- Annual report 2013 (published in CHIMIA 1-2/2014)
- Financial statement 2013 incl. audit report
- Discharge the Board
- Elections
- Strategy, Membership Fees, News
- Outlook 2014/15
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Newsletter 05/2014
- Workshop on energy storage in Brussels
- Coming soon: ECC5 in Istanbul
- New presidents of chemical societies in Germany, Belgium and Italy
- General Assembly adopted a new EuCheMS Constitution
- The EuCheMS Executive Board
- Special issue on mining and the environment
- Events 2014 and 2015
- Calls for EuCheMS Lecture and Award for Service 2014
More information:
David Spichiger, SCS
Science of Synthesis 4.0 available
Science of Synthesis provides a critical review of synthetic methodology developed to-date in the fields of organic and organometallic chemistry. Features include:
- Selection of molecular transformations by world-renowned experts with elaboration on scope and limitations
- Full-text descriptions of synthetic methods with practical experimental procedures immediately applicable in the lab
- Community of over 1,000 experts involved in the review and updating of methods
- Logical organization of the synthetic methods for each functional group
- Intuitive search functions to allow rapid lead generation and route optimization
The new SoS 4.0 is now available:
- New interface and product design
- Enriched text search functionality
- Enhanced structure/reaction searching retrieval
- New content: special topics and updates
Have a look and request your trial on the Science of Synthesis website.
David Spichiger, SCS
ChemistryViews Hitlist - Feb 2014
- Win-Win Situation for Industry and Academia, 04 February 2014,
Author: Alexandra Carrick - Gautam Desiraju: Follow your Convictions, 07 January 2014, Author: Vera Köster
- Women in Chemistry – Interview with Yamuna Krishnan, 03 May 2011,
Author: Vera Köster
- 2012 ISI Journal Impact Factors, 06 July 2013, Author: ChemViews
- 2011 ISI Journal Impact Factors, 09 July 2012, Author: ChemViews
- What’s New in 3D Printing, 12 February 2014, Author: Helena Dodziuk
- Synthesis of Carolacton, 06 February 2014, Author: Vikki Cantrill
- TiO2 Nanoparticles: An Environmental Danger, 16 February 2014, Author: Melania Tesio
- Green Tea Enhances Weight Loss, 07 February 2014, Author: Lisa-Marie Rauschendorfer – Education
- Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Choices, 03 July 2012, Author: Sarah Millar
- Tips for Writing Better Science Papers, 05 September 2013, Author: Richard Threlfall
- Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Troubleshooting and Alternatives,07 August 2012, Author: Sarah Millar – Videos
EuCheMS Annual Report 2013
EuCheMS published its annual report 2013. In addition to reporting what EuCheMS did in the past year and what projects are ongoing, it is also supposed to be an up-to-date reference on contact persons both in the EuCheMS bodies and the member societies.
Further information:
Swiss Delegates in EuCheMS Divisions
David Spichiger, SCS
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