ILMAC Lounges: Meet the Community
Thematic Presentation Sessions - Product Shows - Social Events & Networking
Messe Basel, September 23-25, 2014
ILMAC Lounges, the Swiss Platform that is provided by the organizers of the very successful New-Lounges in Stuttgart. Register today and profit from the all-inclusive exhibitor/presenter pagackes.
The ILMAC Lounges presents a top-class programme assembled with representatives from public authorities, exhibitors and users.
The evening events spent together with trade visitors and exhibitors are an ideal opportunity for small talk and in-depth discussions regarding specific programme items.
The programme includes:
- Presentation sessions with specialised presentations for newcomers and experts
- Panel discussions for sharing experiences
- Demonstration areas for doing it yourself - "learning by doing"
The programme will be published on the ILMAC Lounges webpage as of June 2014.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCS Fall Meeting: Call for Contributions open until May 22, 2014
SCS Fall Meeting
University of Zurich, September 11, 2014
Dear Member of the Swiss Chemical Society
The Call for Contributions for the 2014 SCS Fall Meeting is now open, and researchers from all areas of chemistry are invited to submit a poster or an oral contribution to be presented at the largest annual scientific event in Switzerland. Over the past few years, the Fall Meeting has become a very popular event, and we again expect close to one thousand participants.
Apart from scientific papers presented as a poster or as an oral contribution in nine parallel sessions, there will also be lectures from distinguished scientists, including a Nobel Laureate. Prizes will be awarded for the best oral presentations and posters. There is also a Commercial Exhibition.
The Meeting will take place on Thursday, 11 September 2014 and will be hosted jointly by the ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich (Irchel Campus). For more information, please visit
The deadline for submission of scientific contributions is 22 May 2014.
We are looking forward to see you at this year’s Fall Meeting!
Hans Peter Lüthi and Ferdinand Wild
Co-chairmen of the Organizing Committee
David Spichiger, SCS
Call for Abstracts ScienceComm'14
Der Jahreskongress ScienceComm vernetzt die Akteure der Wissenschaftskommunikation der Schweiz und versteht sich als Plattform für den fachlichen Austausch. Der Kongress wendet sich an VertreterInnen von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftsfestivals, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeitsstellen, Kultur, Museen und Bildungseinrichtungen sowie an WissenschaftsjournalistInnen und BildungspolitikerInnen.^
Der vierte ScienceComm Kongress findet am 18. und 19. September 2014 in Sursee / Beromünster im ehemaligen Landessender Beromünster statt und widmet sich folgenden Schwerpunktthemen: „Das Verhältnis Wissenschaft - Medien - Politik", „Wissenschaft und Kunst" sowie „Science Visualization". Möchten Sie sich aktiv am Kongress einbringen (z.B. mit einem Workshop, Vortrag, einer Projektpräsentation)? Dann laden wir Sie herzlich ein, bis zum 24. März 2014 einen Abstract einzureichen. Bitte benutzen Sie dazu das Online-Tool.
Ihre Abstracts werden im April und Mai vom Programmkomitee ausgewertet, so dass Sie im Laufe des Monats Mai mit einer Zu- oder Absage rechnen dürfen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im angehängten pdf Dokument sowie auf unserer Website
David Spichiger, SCS
Members of the SCS are now entitled to a discount on personal RÖMPP licenses
Thieme and the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) have entered a cooperation for the chemical encyclopedia RÖMPP. Members of the SCS are now eligible for personal access to RÖMPP at special conditions: Regular members can purchase a RÖMPP license at an annual license fee of 175 CHF, students and PhDs pay 75 CHF.
Read more in the press release and on the SCS RÖMPP website (both in German language).
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Update, Feb 2014
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