Call for nominations: Le Grand Prix de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie 2014
GAND PRIX of the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie
This award is meant to honor an original work in chemistry, of benefit to mankind, society or nature. The 2014 prize will carry a monetary award of 35,000 EUR.
Nominations must be presented by a learned Society or a national or internation scientific organization. Deadline is February 28, 2014.
Entry forms, accompanied by a report in french or english detailing the argument sfor the nomination, must be returned - by electronic mail - before February 28, 2014 to the address shown below. Nominations will be evaluated by a jury composed of renowned members of the international scientific community. Unsuccessful entries may be renewed for subsequent awards of the prize.
The award ceremony will take place on November 12, 2014 at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. The laureate will be invited to deliver a lecture on his/her work on this occasion.
More information and entry form available on the website
Secretariat du Grand Prix de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie
28, rue Saint Dominique,
75007 Paris
David Spichiger, SCS
EuCheMS Brussels News Update, Jan 2014
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Call for nominations for the SCNAT Chemical Landmarks 2015 and 2016
The «Platform Chemistry» established the program «Chemical Landmarks» to identify and manifest the scientific and technological heritage by awarding sites which have played a significant role in the history of chemistry in Switzerland.
The goal of the program is to recognise historical sites where distinghuised chemists or important chemical breakthroughs were made and to emphasize and foster public interest in the chemical sciences.
The next round of nominations is now open until 31 March 2014:
Everyone – chemist or non-chemist, historian or non-historian – is encouraged to submit their nomination to the «Platform Chemistry» by 31 March 2014.
The proposals will be reviewed by a committee of chemists, chemical engineers, and science historians.
More information on the «Chemical Landmarks» website of the SCNAT.
David Spichiger, SCS
Interview Prof. Peter E. Kündig in ChemistryViews
Professor E. Peter Kündig, University of Geneva, Switzerland, talks with Dr. Vera Köster for ChemistryViews Magazine about his role as the President of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS), how the society embarks on a program of reform, and that the fascination of discovery has never left him.
The interview is available on ChemistryViews Online Magazine
Happy New Year 2014
In the name of the SCS Board I wish all our members and partners, their families and friends all the best for 2014. May you get succeed in the year 2014 and achieve all your goals you have set.
Thank you all for your support and loyalty that helps SCS to realize projects and implement activities to support science in general and chemistry in particular.
Happy New Year 2014!
David Spichiger
SCS Executive Director
David Spichiger, SCS
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