Galeries of the ILMAC-Forum events are online
Beautiful pictures of the SCG FH-Award ceremonies at ILMAC in Basel from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 25-27, 2013, as well as of the Dr. Max Lüthi Award ceremony are available on the ILMAC website.
David Spichiger, SCS
Embellish you office with the Calendar 2014
"A Year in the Lab: The Chemist´s View”
Embellish you office with the chemistry calendar 2014. 12 amazing pictures from the ChemistryViews' photo competition 2013 show the beautiful side of chemistry and its life in the laboratory.
The calendar is distributed by the GDCh and published in collaboration with Viley-VCH. It can be ordered via the GDCh web shop ( Prize: € 10.- (+ mailing costs).
The calendar is also an ideal gift. Reduce your pre-Christmas stress by ordering your friends' Christmas presents today.
David Spichiger, SCS
SCG-FH Awards winners: 'Analytics in the Life Sciences'
Sina Saxer, FHNW, Romina Dörig, who was representing the team of Prof. Christiane Zaborosch from ZHAW and Götz Schlotterbeck, FHNW were honored with the SCG-FH Award for their project in the field of 'Analytics in the Life Sciences'.
Picture: Prof. Götz Schlotterbeck, FHNW takes
the award and the congratulations from
David Spichiger, Executive Director of the SCS.
The SCG-FH Awards are given for innovative joint-projects between Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) and their industrial partners. The award ceremony and the following lectures were held at the ILMAC Forum in Basel as part of the fair's forum program.
On Wednesday, 25.09.13 the winners of the categories 'Molecules for Life Sciences' were honored and on Friday, 27.09.13 the winners of the category 'Chemistry & Environment' will be awarded. All project are also shown at the shared stand of the SCG and the FH as part of the project exhibition.
Winners of the SCS-FH Award in the category 'Analytics in theLife Sciences'
Dr. Sina Saxer, FHNW
Printing enzymes for colorimetric assays on paper -
Romina Dörig, ZHAW (Prof. Christiane Zaborosch)Development of a high sensitivity label-free waveguide interferometry instrument: A project between the Center for Biochemistry ZHAW and Creoptix GmbH
Prof. Götz Schlotterbeck, FHNWSynergy of metabolic profiling, pharmacological testing and process engineering enables in auguration of a bamboo pilot plant extraction unit in Fuijan, China
ILMAC-Forum: an interesting 4-days program
Program of the ILMAC-Forum
SCS/FH Stand: Hall 1.1, Stand C84
from left: Götz Schlotterbeck, Romina Dörig, Sina Saxer, David Spichiger
David Spichiger, SCS
SCG-FH Awards winners: 'Molecules for Life Sciences'
Rainer Riedl, ZHAW, Lucy Kind, FHNW and Markus Rimann who represented Ursula Graf-Hausner, ZHAW were honored with the SCG-FH Award for their project in the field of 'Molecules for Life Sciences'.
Picture: Prof. Rainer Riedl, ZHAW takes the award and the congratulations from David Spichiger, Executive Director of the SCS.
The SCG-FH Awards are given for innovative joint-projects between Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) and their industrial partners. The award ceremony and the following lectures were held at the ILMAC Forum in Basel as part of the fair's forum program.
The winners of the categories 'Analytic in the Life Sciences' and 'Chemistry & Environment' respectively will be honored on Thursday, 26.09.13 and Friday, 27.09.13 between 10 and 11 a.m. All project are also shown at the shared stand of the SCG and the FH as part of the project exhibition.
Winners of the SCS-FH Award in the category 'Molecules for Life Sciences'
- Prof. Rainer Riedl, ZHAW
Tackling antibiotic resistance: a joint project of the center for organic and medicinal chemistry ZHAW and the Bioversys GAG - Dr. Lucy Kind, FHNW
Remineralization of sub-surface carious lesions initiated by a selfassembling peptide - Development of a bioceramic tooth model - Prof Ursula Graf-Hausner, ZHAW
Skin bioprinting: an innovative approach to produce standardized skin models on demand
ILMAC-Forum: an interesting 4-days program
Program of the ILMAC-Forum
SCS/FH Stand: Hall 1.1, Stand C84
Reiner Riedl Lucy Kind Markus Rimann
David Spichiger, SCS
Opening of ILMAC in Basel
On Thuesday, September 24, 2013 ILMAC in Basel opened its doors and will welcome visitors until September 27. More than 440 companies present their products and services and the fair management expect 16'000 visitors in total.
The SCS togheter with the Universities of Applied Sciences (FH) present 13 joint projects between FH and industrial companies in daily mini-symposia or at its shared stand (C84, hall 1.1).
On Thuesday morning the official ILMAC media conference informed about the highlihgts of the 2013 ILMAC and gave an outlook to the 2014 activites that will focus on the ILMAC Lounges. This new project in collaboration with 'inspire' will provide a new platform for networking and business activities and will bring the successful concept of the Karlsruher Lounges to Switzerland.
ILMAC-Forum: an interesting 4-days program
Program of the ILMAC-Forum
SCS/FH Stand: Hall 1.1, Stand C84
Webpage of the Karlsruher Lounges 2013
SCS-FH Stand:
David Spichiger, SCS
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